Now upgraded for .NET 5 RTM - Please ensure you have the .NET 5 SDK loaded and VS 2019 v16.8 or later. One change since the release candidates is that the scoped CSS is now
in place of the_framework/scoped.styles.css
This application demonstrates the use of SignalR to create a Blazor chat application.
The app now uses the Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Client
library which is now compatible with the Mono WASM runtime. This really simplifies the
Previously this sample used JavaScript SignalR client. If you want to see how the JavaScript client version worked, I've retained it in this branch
Upgraded the demo to .NET 6.
A demo application is available at
If you have any improvements or suggestions please submit as issues/pull requests on the Github repo.
Thanks to Code-Boxx for the article that helped me create simple CSS speech bubbles that improve the layout.