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base repository: constantinpape/elf
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base: 0.4.4
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head repository: constantinpape/elf
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compare: 0.4.5
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  • 4 commits
  • 5 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on May 28, 2022

  1. Copy the full SHA
    93499dd View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    397b433 View commit details
  3. Merge pull request #59 from constantinpape/ngff-trafos

    Add support for ngff transformations
    constantinpape authored May 28, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    885fd0f View commit details
  4. Bump version

    constantinpape committed May 28, 2022
    Copy the full SHA
    035a167 View commit details
Showing with 250 additions and 2 deletions.
  1. +1 −1 elf/
  2. +1 −0 elf/transformation/
  3. +1 −1 elf/transformation/
  4. +154 −0 elf/transformation/
  5. +93 −0 test/transformation/
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion elf/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
__version__ = '0.4.4'
__version__ = '0.4.5'
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions elf/transformation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@
from .ngff import native_to_ngff, ngff_to_native
from .resize import transform_subvolume_resize
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion elf/transformation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ def scale_from_matrix(matrix):
""" Return the scales from the affine matrix """
ndim = matrix.shape[0] - 1
scale = [np.linalg.norm(matrix[:ndim, d]) for d in range(ndim)]
return scale
return np.array(scale)

# TODO need to figure out how to go from affine elements to euler angles
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions elf/transformation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
import json
import os
import warnings

from .affine import (affine_matrix_2d, affine_matrix_3d,
scale_from_matrix, translation_from_matrix)


def _parse_04_transformation(ngff_trafo, indices):
assert len(ngff_trafo) <= 2

scale, translation = None, None
for trafo in ngff_trafo:
trafo_type = trafo["type"]
assert trafo_type in ("scale", "translation"), f"Expected scale or translation transform, got {trafo_type}"
if trafo_type == "scale":
scale = trafo["scale"]
if trafo_type == "translation":
translation = trafo["translation"]

assert sum((scale is not None, translation is not None)) > 0
if scale is not None and translation is not None:
assert len(scale) == len(translation)

if indices and scale:
scale = [scale[index] for index in indices]
if indices and translation:
translation = [translation[index] for index in indices]

ndim = len(translation) if scale is None else len(scale)
if ndim == 2:
transform = affine_matrix_2d(scale=scale, translation=translation)
elif ndim == 3:
transform = affine_matrix_3d(scale=scale, translation=translation)
raise RuntimeError(f"Only support 2d or 3d affines, got {ndim}")
return transform

def _parse_transformation(ngff_trafo, version, indices):
if version == "0.4":
return _parse_04_transformation(ngff_trafo, indices)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported version {version}")

def _get_04_axis_indices(multiscales, axes):
indices = []
for i, ax in enumerate(multiscales["axes"]):
if ax["name"] in axes:
assert len(indices) == len(axes)
return indices

def _get_axis_indices(multiscales, axes, version):
if version == "0.4":
return _get_04_axis_indices(multiscales, axes)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported version {version}")

def ngff_to_native(multiscales, scale_level=0, axes=None):
"""Convert NGFF transformation to affine transformation matrix.
multiscales [str, lis[dict] or dict] - the ngff multiscales metadata.
Can be either a filepath to the corresponding zarr array or a dict
containing the deserialzed ngff metadata.
scale_level [int] - the scale level for which to compute the transformation (default: 0)
axes [str] - subset of axes for which to compute the transformation.
E.g. "zyx" to compute only for spatial axes (default: None)
np.ndarray - the 3x3 (2d data) or 4x4 (3d data) transformation matrix
if isinstance(multiscales, str):
assert os.path.exists(multiscales)
if os.path.isdir(multiscales):
multiscales = os.path.join(multiscales, ".zattrs")
with open(multiscales) as f:
multiscales = json.load(f)

if isinstance(multiscales, dict) and len(multiscales) == 1:
assert "multiscales" in multiscales
multiscales = multiscales["multiscales"]
if isinstance(multiscales, list):
multiscales = multiscales[0]
assert isinstance(multiscales, dict)

if "version" in multiscales:
version = multiscales["version"]
warnings.warn(f"Could not find version field in multiscales metadata, assuming latest version: {version}")
if version not in SUPPORTED_NGFF_VERSIONS:
raise RuntimeError(
f"NGFF version {version} is not in supported versions: {SUPPORTED_NGFF_VERSIONS}"

indices = None if axes is None else _get_axis_indices(multiscales, axes, version)
transformation = multiscales["datasets"][scale_level].get("coordinateTransformations", None)
if transformation is not None:
transformation = _parse_transformation(transformation, version, indices)

if "coordinateTransformations" in multiscales:
global_transformation = multiscales["coordinateTransformations"]
global_transformation = _parse_transformation(global_transformation, version, indices)
if transformation is None:
transformation = global_transformation
assert transformation.shape == global_transformation.shape
transformation = transformation @ global_transformation

return transformation

def _to_04_trafo(transformation):
trafos = []
scale = scale_from_matrix(transformation)
if any(sc != 1.0 for sc in scale):
trafos.append({"type": "scale", "scale": scale.tolist()})
translation = translation_from_matrix(transformation)
if any(trans != 0.0 for trans in translation):
trafos.append({"type": "translation", "translation": translation.tolist()})
return {"coordinateTransformations": trafos}

# TODO implement expanding to axes, e.g. expanding zyx to tczyx trafo
def native_to_ngff(transformation, version=None):
"""Convert affine transformation matrix to NGFF transformation.
transformation [np.ndarray] - the transformation matrix
version [str] - the ngff version to use.
By default will use the latest supported version (default: None)
dict - the ngff transformation
if transformation.shape not in [(3, 3), (4, 4)]:
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid shape of the transformation matrix: {transformation.shape}, expect 3x3 or 4x4 matrix"

if version is None:
if version == "0.4":
trafo = _to_04_trafo(transformation)
raise RuntimeError(
f"NGFF version {version} is not in supported versions: {SUPPORTED_NGFF_VERSIONS}"
return trafo
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions test/transformation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import os
import json
import unittest
from shutil import rmtree
from sys import platform

import numpy as np
import requests
from elf.transformation import affine as affine_utils

"0.4": {
"yx": "",
"zyx": "",
"tczyx": "",

@unittest.skipIf(platform == "win32", "Download fails on windows")
class TestNgff(unittest.TestCase):
versions = list(NGFF_EXAMPLES.keys())
tmp_folder = "./tmp"

def setUpClass(cls):
os.makedirs(cls.tmp_folder, exist_ok=True)
for version in cls.versions:
version_folder = os.path.join(cls.tmp_folder, version)
os.makedirs(version_folder, exist_ok=True)
examples = NGFF_EXAMPLES[version]
for name, example_url in examples.items():
url = os.path.join(example_url, ".zattrs")
out_path = os.path.join(version_folder, f"{name}.json")
with requests.get(url) as r, open(out_path, "w") as f:

def tearDownClass(cls):
except OSError:

def test_ngff_to_native_simple(self):
from elf.transformation import ngff_to_native
for version in self.versions:
for name in ("yx", "zyx"):
for scale_level in (0, 2):
example = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, version, f"{name}.json")
with open(example) as f:
multiscales = json.load(f)
trafo = ngff_to_native(multiscales, scale_level=scale_level)
self.assertIsInstance(trafo, np.ndarray)
exp_shape = (3, 3) if name == "yx" else (4, 4)
self.assertEqual(trafo.shape, exp_shape)
scale = affine_utils.scale_from_matrix(trafo)
ds_trafos = multiscales["multiscales"][0]["datasets"][scale_level]["coordinateTransformations"]
exp_scale = ds_trafos[0]["scale"]
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(scale, exp_scale))

def test_ngff_to_native_axes(self):
from elf.transformation import ngff_to_native
axes = "zyx"
for version in self.versions:
name = "tczyx"
example = os.path.join(self.tmp_folder, version, f"{name}.json")
with open(example) as f:
multiscales = json.load(f)
trafo = ngff_to_native(multiscales, axes=axes)
self.assertIsInstance(trafo, np.ndarray)
exp_shape = (4, 4)
self.assertEqual(trafo.shape, exp_shape)
scale = affine_utils.scale_from_matrix(trafo)
exp_scale = multiscales["multiscales"][0]["datasets"][0]["coordinateTransformations"][0]["scale"][2:]
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(scale, exp_scale))

def test_native_to_ngff_2d(self):
from elf.transformation import native_to_ngff
scale, translation = np.random.rand(2), np.random.rand(2)
matrix = affine_utils.affine_matrix_2d(scale=scale, translation=translation)
trafo = native_to_ngff(matrix)

trafo_parts = trafo["coordinateTransformations"]
self.assertEqual(trafo_parts[0]["type"], "scale")
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(scale, trafo_parts[0]["scale"]))
self.assertEqual(trafo_parts[1]["type"], "translation")
self.assertTrue(np.allclose(translation, trafo_parts[1]["translation"]))

if __name__ == "__main__":