yarn build
yarn start
npx @redocly/cli preview-docs build/swagger.json
Open sample on:
npx widdershins build/swagger.json -o widdershins-output/openapi.md
Preview markdown file generated in widdershins-output/openapi.md
as you would, e.g. AsciiDoc VS Code extension
npx @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli generate -i ./build/swagger.json -g asciidoc -o ./openapi-generator-cli-output
This will use the configuration in openapitools.json
to generate generators for javascript and python. Folders will be created in the temp folder for each SDK
yarn sdk
The results will be in ./temp/<output-key-value-in-openapitools.json>
Navigate to the sdk folder and follow the steps in README.md
to install the SDK
Start the main application with yarn start
Execute the file in ./running_sdks
, these files contain examples of how to hit endpoints with the SDK. This should be done with the relevant execution command. For example node javascript.js
or python python.js
This should hit the correct api and validate returning the SUCCESS 201