Zone.js patched most standard APIs so they can be in zone. such as DOM events listener, XMLHttpRequest in Browser and EventEmitter, fs API in nodejs.
But there are still a lot of non standard APIs are not patched by default, such as MediaQuery, Notification, WebAudio and so on. We are adding the support to those APIs, and the progress will be updated here.
- MediaQuery
- Notification
- webcomponents
<script src="webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/zone.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/zone.js/dist/webapis-shadydom.js"></script>
- bluebird promise
Browser Usage:
<script src="zone.js"></script>
<script src="bluebird.js"></script>
<script src="zone-bluebird.js"></script>
After those steps, window.Promise will become a ZoneAware Bluebird Promise.
Node Sample Usage:
const Bluebird = require('bluebird');
name: 'bluebird'
}).run(() => {
Bluebird.resolve(1).then(r => {
console.log('result ', r, 'Zone',;
In NodeJS environment, you can choose to use Bluebird Promise as global.Promise or use ZoneAwarePromise as global.Promise.
To run the jasmine test cases of bluebird
npm install bluebird
then modify test/node_tests.ts remove the comment of the following line
//import './extra/bluebird.spec';
- Cordova
patch cordova.exec
cordova.exec(success, error, service, action, args);
and error
will be patched with Zone.wrap
to load the patch, you should load in the following order.
<script src="zone.js"></script>
<script src="cordova.js"></script>
<script src="zone-patch-cordova.js"></script>
By default, those APIs' support will not be loaded in zone.js or zone-node.js, so if you want to load those API's support, you should load those files by yourself
for example, if you want to add MediaQuery patch, you should do like this.
<script src="path/zone.js"></script>
<script src="path/webapis-media-query.js"></script>