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Bloomreach Vue 3 SDK

Bloomreach Vue 3 SDK provides simplified headless integration with Bloomreach Content for Vue-based applications. This library interacts with the Page Model API and Bloomreach SPA SDK and exposes a simplified declarative Vue.js interface over the Page Model.


  • Bloomreach Page Vue component;
  • Bloomreach Components Vue component;
  • Manage Content Button;
  • Manage Menu Button;

Get Started


To get the SDK into your project with NPM:

npm install @bloomreach/vue3-sdk

And with Yarn:

yarn add @bloomreach/vue3-sdk


The following code snippets render a simple page with a Banner component.


In the app's entry file, it needs to import and install the BrSdk plugin to make the SDK components available globally.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { BrSdk } from '@bloomreach/vue3-sdk';

const app = createApp(/*... */);

/*... */


In the App component, it needs to pass the configuration and Bloomreach Content components mapping into the br-page component inputs.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping">
    <template v-slot="props">
        <a :href="'/')">Home</a>
        <br-component component="menu" />
        <br-component component="main" />
        <br-component component="footer" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import Banner from './components/Banner.vue';
  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = { Banner };


Finally, in the Banner component, it can consume the component data via the component prop.

  <div>Banner: {{ component.getName() }}</div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { toRefs } from 'vue';
  const props = defineProps<{ component: Component }>();
  const { component } = toRefs(props);

Non-blocking render mode (NBRMode)

Non-blocking rendering mode can be used to decrease the time for your application to load fully on the client side. By default the NBRMode configuration is false to avoid breaking existing setups. Setting it to true will enable non-blocking render mode. When the mode is active the children of the BrPage component will start mounting while the Page Model is being fetched. These children might contain logic themselves that queries some external API and using non-blocking render mode would allow this to be executed in parallel to requesting the Page Model.

<!-- MyComponent.vue -->

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { onMounted } from 'vue';
  onMounted(async () => {
    // This will run in parallel to fetching the Page Model from the Delivery API
    await fetch('');
  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping">
    <template v-slot:default="props">

<script lang="ts" setup>
  const configuration = {
    NBRMode: true,
    /* ... */
  const mapping = {/* ... */};


The br-page component supports several options you may use to customize page initialization. These options will be passed to the initialize function from @bloomreach/spa-sdk. See here for the full configuration documentation in the SPA SDK Typedocs.


The br-page component provides a way to link Vue components with the Bloomreach Content ones. It requires to pass the mapping property that maps the component type with its representation.

The Container Items can be mapped by their labels.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import NewsList from './components/NewsList.vue';
  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = { 'News List': NewsList };

The Containers can be only mapped by their type, so you need to use constants from @bloomreach/spa-sdk. By default, the Vue 3 SDK provides an implementation for all the container types as it is defined in the documentation.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { TYPE_CONTAINER_INLINE } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';
  import InlineContainer from './components/InlineContainer.vue';
  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = { [TYPE_CONTAINER_INLINE]: InlineContainer };

From within the Container component, the Container Items can be accessed via the getChildren method. This can be used to reorder or wrap child elements.

    <span v-for="(child, key) in component.getChildren()" :key="key">
      <br-component :component="child" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { toRefs } from 'vue';
  const props = defineProps<{ component: Component }>();
  const { component } = toRefs(props);

The Components can be mapped by their names. It is useful for a menu component mapping.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import Menu from './components/Menu.vue';

  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = { menu: Menu };

By default, container items that are not mapped will be rendered as a warning text. There is an option to override the fallback.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { TYPE_CONTAINER_ITEM_UNDEFINED } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';
  import Fallback from './components/Fallback.vue';

  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = { [TYPE_CONTAINER_ITEM_UNDEFINED]: Fallback };

Inline Mapping

There is also another way to render a component. In case you need to show a static component or a component from the abstract page, you can use inline component mapping.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping">
      <br-component component="menu">
        <template v-slot:default="{ component, page }">
          <Menu :component="component" :page="page" />

  import Menu from './components/Menu.vue';
  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = {
    /* ... */

In a component it is also possible to point where the component's children are going to be placed.

    @copy; Bloomreach

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { Component } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';
  import { toRefs } from 'vue';
  const props = defineProps < { component: Component } > ();
  const { component } = toRefs(props);

The component data in case of inline mapping can be accessed via the template context.

  <br-page :configuration="configuration" :mapping="mapping">
      <br-component component="menu">
        <template v-slot:default="{ component, page }">
            <li><a :href="page.getUrl('/')">Home</a></li>
            <li v-for="(item, key) in component.getModels()" :key="key">...</li>

<script lang="ts" setup>
  const configuration = {
    /* ... */
  const mapping = {
    /* ... */


It is recommended to add the css style position: relative to the Buttons so they will position correctly within their parent container component.

Manage menu button can be placed inside a menu component using br-manage-menu-button component.

  <ul v-if="menu" :class="{ 'has-edit-button': page.isPreview() }">
    <!-- ... -->

    <br-manage-menu-button :menu="menu" />

<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { toRefs, computed } from 'vue';
  import { Menu, Reference, Component, Page } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';

  interface MenuModels {
    menu: Reference;
  const props = defineProps<{ component: Component; page: Page }>();
  const { component, page } = toRefs(props);
  const menu = computed(() => {
    const { menu: menuRef } = component.value.getModels<MenuModels>();
    return menuRef && page.value.getContent<Menu>(menuRef);

Manage content button can be placed inside a component using br-manage-content-button component with non-empty content property.

  <div v-if="document" :class="{ 'has-edit-button': page.isPreview() }">
    <!-- ... -->


  import { toRefs, computed } from 'vue';
  import { Document, Reference, Page, Component } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';

  interface BannerModels {
    document: Reference;
  const props = defineProps<{ component: Component; page: Page }>();
  const { component, page } = toRefs(props);
  const document = computed(() => {
    const { document: documentRef } = component.value.getModels<BannerModels>();
    return documentRef && page.value.getContent<Document>(documentRef);

Add new content button can be placed inside a component using br-manage-content-button directive but without passing a content entity.

  <div :class="{ 'has-edit-button': page.isPreview() }">
    <!-- ... -->


<script lang="ts" setup>
  import { Component, Page } from '@bloomreach/spa-sdk';
  const props = defineProps<{ component: Component, page: Page }>();
  const { component, page } = toRefs(props);


Published under Apache 2.0 license.


The Vue 3 SDK is using Bloomreach SPA SDK to interact with Bloomreach Content.


This is the entry point to the page model. This component requests and initializes the page model, and then renders the page root component recursively.

Property Required Description
configuration yes The configuration of the SPA SDK.
mapping yes The brXM and Vue.js components mapping.
page no Preinitialized page instance or prefetched page model. Mostly that should be used to transfer state from the server-side to the client-side.

This component also supports a default slot transclusion. <template> from the component contents will be rendered in the root component context.

Variable Description
component The root component.
page The current page instance.


This component points to where children or some component should be placed. br-component can be used inside br-page or mapped components only. If it contains <template> in the contents, then the template will be rendered in the context of every matched component. Otherwise, it will try to render all children components recursively.

Property Required Description
component no The component instance or a path to a component. The path is defined as a slash-separated components name chain relative to the current component (e.g. main/container). If it is omitted, all the children will be rendered.

The template context holds references to the current component and the current page instance.

Variable Description
component The current component.
page The current page instance.


This component places a button on the page that opens the linked content in the document editor or opens a document editor to create a new one. The button will only be shown in preview mode.

Property Required Description
content no The content entity to open for editing.
document-template-query no Template query to use for creating new documents. For Content SaaS, the key is like new-banner-document for banner document type. In case the document type is in a namespace other than brxsaas, the key also includes namespace prefix, such as new-vuestorefront-accordion-document for accordion document type in vuestorefront namespace.
folder-template-query no Template query to use in case folders specified by path do not yet exist and must be created. For Content SaaS, the key is like new-banner-folder for banner document type. In case the document type is in a namespace other than brxsaas, the key also includes namespace prefix, such as new-vuestorefront-accordion-folder for accordion document type in vuestorefront namespace.
path no Initial location of a new document, relative to the root.
parameter no Name of the component parameter in which the document path is stored.
pickerConfiguration no The root path of the CMS configuration to use for the picker, relative to /hippo:configuration/hippo:frontend/cms.
pickerEnableUpload no When this picker is used for images, this flag determines if uploads are enabled.
pickerInitialPath no The initial path to use in the picker if nothing has been selected yet, relative to the pickerRootPath.
pickerRemembersLastVisited no Whether the picker remembers the last visited path.
pickerRootPath no The absolute root path to use in the picker, or an empty string if the channel content path is used.
pickerSelectableNodeTypes no Types of nodes to be able to select in the picker, separated by a comma.
relative no Flag indicating that the picked value should be stored as a relative path.
root no Path to the root folder of selectable document locations.


This directive places a button on the page that opens the linked menu in the menu editor. The button will only be shown in preview mode.

Property Required Description
menu yes The related menu model.