MySQL command line client using PHP (like a terminal, but in the browser)
Author: Cosmin Popescu [cosminadrianpopescu at]
This is a free program. You can use it, distribute it, modify it, do what ever you want with it. Any suggestions, reclamations, bug reports or any other ideas that you may have, please send them at cosminadrianpopescu at
This is a terminal like alternative to phpmyadmin.
How many times I had only a phpmyadmin tool to connect to a mySQL server? Every time I hated it and it transformed my job into a lot of pain. I hate phpmyadmin. Too many clicks for me and only a simple textarea to input sql queries.
I am much more accustomed to the terminal.
So this is why I developed this little alternative. All you have to do is put it on your server and you can get rid of phpmyadmin.
If you are used to the command line client of mySQL, and you prefer it over phpmyadmin, then this is a solution to connect to the servers opened only for localhost.
PHP 5.3 Apache 2.0 mysql 5
To install it, simply copy the content of the archive to any apache root. Once deployed, just access the page (for example http://localhost/php-mysql-client).
You might be required to create a virtual host in your apache configuration file, depending on where you deploy it.
If you can in stall a phpmyadmin on the server, then you can put this terminal next to the phpmyadmin.
The mysql client does not require any configuration. Once deployed, simply access it and in the login type the credentials (user@host:port). You can only specify the user. In this case the default server will be localhost and the default port will be 3306 (this is the usual configuration for phpmyadmin).
You can also edit the config.php file and define the array allowed_ips and allowed_hosts. If you do this, then you will only be able to connect from the specified IP's or the specified hosts. Please note that if both are defined, only the IP is checked.
Many thanks to jcubic ( for developing the jquery terminal plugin.
* autocomplete (once you selected a database, you will have autocomplete for table names and
columns in queries)
There are two types of plugins that can be developed:
* plugins that modify the command (the pre_run_plugins)
* plugins that modify the output (the post_run_plugins)
To develop a new plugin, you need to create a javascript file with a function, which will receive as a parameter either the sql command, or the result from the server. Then include this file in the index.html.
Then, in the settings file, add the plugin in the pre_run_plugins or post_run_plugins array. Please do not remove the check_command plugin.
For an example, see the drupal-plugin.js. This is a little plugin that I use it for Drupal development. It replaces all the tables between accolades either with the value found between the accolades, or if the pref variable is set in get, with the prefix followed by what is found betweeen accolades.
There are several settings for the application:
* scrollbar (boolean) - If set, then the results will be displayed with a horizontal scrollbar
* results_format (string) - This indicates the format in which the results are displayed. For
the moment only txt (do not modify).
* max_field_length (integer) - The maximum number of characters to be displayed for each column
in a result set. You can enable extra info option to see all the text in a column
* page_size (integer) - The number of rows after which the table header of a result set will be
displayed again (especially usefull if you have many rows in results sets). 0 means that the
header will be displayed only once in at the beggining of the result set.
* pagination (boolean) - If set, then only the first [page_size] results will be displayed wit a
link for the next page. Of course, if this is set and the page_size is 0, then all the results
are displayed all the time.
* extra_info (boolean) - If set, before each row there will be a link to display all the data from
the row
* clear_on_logout (boolean) - If set, the command history is cleared on logout.
* max_matches (integer) - This is the maximum number of matches that are displayed in a completion
with tab. If there are more matches, then a link to see all matches is displayed.
Check the config.php
file for how to limit the access to the application.
There is no need to set up the preferences in the settings.js file. After you connect to the server from the browser, you can set up the variables by typing in the prompt settings.[setting_name] = value.
For example, if you want to change the page_size, you type: settings.page_size = 50;
Please note that all the commands must be ended with a semi column.
To view all the current settings, just type: show settings;
To export the current database, you can use the command export. Please note that this requires system access to the mysqldump binary file (this will execute mysqldump on the system). So, if you cannot execute mysqldump from your php environment, then you will not have any export facilities for the moment.
export pattern_expr [no routines | no data | with mysqldump in location_pattern] into location_pattern;
pattern_expr: ['|"]string['|"]
string is a regular expression pattern (all the tables matching this pattern will be exported)
location_pattern: ['|"]string['|"]
string is a location on the server hard drive
For example, to export all the tables from the current database, if the mysqldump binary is located in
/opt/mysql/bin and you don't want to export the stored routines:
export '.*' no routines with mysqldump in '/opt/mysql/bin' into '/tmp/backup.sql'; <cr>
To import an sql file, first you have to upload the file on the server. Once the file it's uploaded, then you have to use the import command.
import location_pattern;
location_pattern: ['|"]string['|"]
string is a location on the server hard drive
So, for example, if you uploaded the restore.sql file in the /srv/http/uploads folder, you execute:
import '/srv/http/uploads/restore.sql';<cr>
You can use the connection.js file to jave predefined connection strings. Example:
var connections = {
mysqlLocalhost = 'mysql://root@localhost:3306'
If you copy / paste this in the connections.js
file, then you can use at
login :mysqlLocalhost
. This will be replaces with the string that you have
in mysqlLocalhost
You can also connect to other databases. The format is as follows:
There is another oracle predefined client. If you want to implement your own database type, then create another class which will extend the DbClient class and implement the abstract methods.
- No transactions support.