- Fixed http server access
- Fixed crash when there are no local album exist
- Fixed sync process hang when creating more than one album at one time
- Fixed accidental deletion of newly created album/photo
- Fixed bug of uploading chunked large file (bugs introduced in version 2.3.7)
- Added album list sorting feature
- Added setting option to show media list when entering camera roll
- Fixed bug of failing to remove photos in camera roll after moving them to album when runs on Android 11 or above
- Show a waiting sign during long process of striping EXIF info
- Update German translation, thanks to github user @raphaelporsche
- Update Taiwanese translation
- Fixed bugs renaming album, uploading photo which name containing non ASCII characters
- Updated screenshot
- Revamped camera roll management screen, swipe up to reveal camera roll media list
- Android 12 compatible
- Fixed integration with Snapseed, now Les Pas will correctly load the Snapseed output file
- Fixed newly downloaded friend's photo not being scan by Media Store in Android 9 and below
- Fixed media creation date detection in camera roll when launched from file manager
- Add function to strip EXIF and scramble file name before sharing media items
- Add dedicate function to launch Snapseed for editing
- Add dedicate function to copy or move media items to another album
- Auto replay video and animation GIF/WebP (feature suggested by Github user @MetalNeo)
- Can swipe through friend's publication's items
- When viewing friend's publication, can download media item, add media item to other albums and view media item's meta data
- Re-login function, useful when you accidentally revoke Les Pas app's access token on server
- Can set video or animated GIF as album cover now
- quick fix for crash on startup
- Revamp code for video processing
- Add feature to show Camera Roll as a special album
- Minor UI changes
- Support insecure HTTP connection to server
- Upgrade to AGP 7.0
- Code cleanup
- Three ways to select photos as Muzei wallpaper: Recent, Then and now, Random
- Update notification of shares with me
- Support Muzei wallpaper app
- Fixed sync got stuck after finished editing photo with Snapseed
- Fixed sync crash when there is an new empty album on server
- Fixed can't delete media file in public storage area on Android 10
- Support sharing media to Joint Album
- Support large file upload
- Fixed bug of the whole sync process got blocked when contributing to Joint Album under some rare circumstances
- New feature, Joint album, edit it with other Nextcloud users
- Support user avatar from Nextcloud server
- Refresh publication content automatically
- Replaced Sardine library with homebrew, app should be more snappy
- Fixed cover display for video only album
- Fixed bug when renaming a shared album
- Fixed bug when new folder in Camera Roll not being backup, might due to Nextcloud changed the http response code
- Improved publication query speed by reducing numbers of http calls to server
- Improved publication viewing experience when using large screen
- Restore video player mute state after rotating phone screen
- Can view animated gif/webp in Camera Roll now
- Fixed various publishing (sharing on Nextcloud server) related bugs
- Fixed crash when opening albums, cause by updating some kotlin libraries
- Publish (e.g. sharing on Nextcloud server) your albums to other Nextcloud users
- Browse other Nextcloud users' publications
- Sync album meta data among your devices, restore album meta data during reinstall. Never lost your album cover again.
- add Traditional Chinese translation
- fix Japanese translation which prevent gradle from building
- other improvements and bugs fixed
- new Japanese translation
- other improvements and bugs fixed
- support storing media files in external SD card
- allow IPv6 server address
- Other improvements and bugs fixed
- Revamp adding media file dialog, now you can choose move instead of copy when sharing files from Camera Roll or another Les Pas album
- Fully comply to Android's scoped storage guideline
- More robust synchronization
- Updated German translation thanks to Github user @BettaGeorge
- Other improvements and bugs fixed
- Fixed wrong date displayed when viewing single image file
- Fixed media thumbnail loading in Android 10 and above
- Other improvements and bugs fixed
- Overhaul camera roll management, fixed various bugs
- Use ExoPlayer for video playing
- Request storage access permission before enabling camera roll auto backup
- Other improvements and bugs fixed
- Last but not least, preview of photo search function, you can search in your albums or your phone's camera roll for object of animal, plant, food and vehicle
- fixed bug when processing photo creation date information from EXIF
- fixed bug when viewing super high resolution photo
- other improvements and bugs fixed
- support server using self-signed certificate
- bugs fixed
- fixed a serious bug that cause syncing on mobile network even though "Sync only on WiFi network" is on (a nice user just lost money because of this bug, it's really terrible)
- fixed various syncing bugs introduced along with Snapseed integration feature
- Bugs fixed and other enhancements
- fixed crashes when sharing photo, setting photo as wallpaper and setting photo as album cover, when the photo is not yet synced to server
- Can auto backup camera roll to Nextcloud server
- Browse camera roll function, both in Les Pas app or launched in launcher
- Can be set as system default viewer for supported image and video file
- Added mute and replay function to video files
- Auto mute video playing during 22:00 to 7:00
- Resume video playback after interrupted
- Fixed crash when viewing detail information of media file which is not yet uploaded
- Other bugs fixed;
- Browse camera roll function, both in Les Pas app or launched in launcher
- Can be set as system default viewer for supported image and video file
- Added mute and replay function to video files
- Auto mute video playing during 22:00 to 7:00
- Fixed crash when viewing detail information of media file which is not yet uploaded
- Other bugs fixed
- upgrade okhttp to latest version to fix a upstream bug that crashes login
- more accurate media creation date
- bugs fixed
- First release