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Terminal.Gui - Cross Platform Terminal UI toolkit for .NET

A toolkit for building rich console apps for .NET, .NET Core, and Mono that works on Windows, the Mac, and Linux/Unix.

Sample app

Quick Start

Paste these commands into your favorite terminal on Windows, Mac, or Linux. This will install the Terminal.Gui.Templates, create a new "Hello World" TUI app, and run it.

(Press CTRL-Q to exit the app)

dotnet new --install Terminal.Gui.templates
dotnet new tui -n myproj
cd myproj
dotnet run


The Documentation matches the most recent Nuget release from the main branch (Version)


  • Cross Platform - Windows, Mac, and Linux. Terminal drivers for Curses, Windows Console, and the .NET Console mean apps will work well on both color and monochrome terminals.
  • Keyboard and Mouse Input - Both keyboard and mouse input are supported, including support for drag & drop.
  • Flexible Layout - Supports both Absolute layout and an innovative Computed Layout system. Computed Layout makes it easy to layout controls relative to each other and enables dynamic terminal UIs.
  • Clipboard support - Cut, Copy, and Paste of text provided through the Clipboard class.
  • Arbitrary Views - All visible UI elements are subclasses of the View class, and these in turn can contain an arbitrary number of sub-views.
  • Advanced App Features - The Mainloop supports processing events, idle handlers, timers, and monitoring file descriptors. Most classes are safe for threading.
  • Reactive Extensions - Use reactive extensions and benefit from increased code readability, and the ability to apply the MVVM pattern and ReactiveUI data bindings. See the source code of a sample app in order to learn how to achieve this.

Showcase & Examples

  • UI Catalog - The UI Catalog project provides an easy to use and extend sample illustrating the capabilities of Terminal.Gui. Run dotnet run --project UICatalog to run the UI Catalog.
  • C# Example - Run dotnet run in the Example directory to run the C# Example.
  • F# Example - An example showing how to build a Terminal.Gui app using F#.
  • Reactive Example - A sample app that shows how to use System.Reactive and ReactiveUI with Terminal.Gui. The app uses the MVVM architecture that may seem familiar to folks coming from WPF, Xamarin Forms, UWP, Avalonia, or Windows Forms. In this app, we implement the data bindings using ReactiveUI WhenAnyValue syntax and Pharmacist — a tool that converts all events in a NuGet package into observable wrappers.
  • PowerShell's Out-ConsoleGridView - OCGV sends the output from a command to an interactive table.
  • PoshRedisViewer - A compact Redis viewer module for PowerShell written in F# and Gui.cs
  • TerminalGuiDesigner - Cross platform view designer for building Terminal.Gui applications.

See the Terminal.Gui/ README for an overview of how the library is structured. The Conceptual Documentation provides insight into core concepts.

Sample Usage in C#

The following example shows a basic Terminal.Gui application written in C#:

// A simple Terminal.Gui example in C# - using C# 9.0 Top-level statements

using Terminal.Gui;

// Initialize the console

// Creates the top-level window with border and title
var win = new Window("Example App (Ctrl+Q to quit)");

// Create input components and labels

var usernameLabel = new Label("Username:");
var usernameText = new TextField("")
    // Position text field adjacent to label
    X = Pos.Right(usernameLabel) + 1,

    // Fill remaining horizontal space with a margin of 1
    Width = Dim.Fill(1),

var passwordLabel = new Label(0,2,"Password:");
var passwordText = new TextField("")
    Secret = true,
    // align with the text box above
    X = Pos.Left(usernameText),
    Y = 2,
    Width = Dim.Fill(1),

// Create login button
var btnLogin = new Button("Login")
    Y = 4,
    // center the login button horizontally
    X = Pos.Center(),
    IsDefault = true,

// When login button is clicked display a message popup
btnLogin.Clicked += () => MessageBox.Query("Logging In", "Login Successful", "Ok");

// Add all the views to the window
    usernameLabel, usernameText, passwordLabel, passwordText,btnLogin

// Show the application

// After the application exits, release and reset console for clean shutdown

When run the application looks as follows:

Simple Usage app

Sample application running


Use NuGet to install the Terminal.Gui NuGet package:

Installation in .NET Core Projects

To install Terminal.Gui into a .NET Core project, use the dotnet CLI tool with following command.

dotnet add package Terminal.Gui

Or, you can use the Terminal.Gui.Templates.

Building the Library and Running the Examples

  • Windows, Mac, and Linux - Build and run using the .NET SDK command line tools (dotnet build in the root directory). Run UICatalog with dotnet run --project UICatalog.
  • Windows - Open Terminal.sln with Visual Studio 2022.

See for instructions for downloading and forking the source.



Debates on architecture and design can be found in Issues tagged with design.


See gui-cs for how this project came to be.