- [X] R PAPER Closer look at references
- [X] Z Add stuff to related work section
- [X] Z Find a good continuous multi-dimensional dataset
- [X] Z Comparison to other datasets from the COORDS paper (Census DB, TPCH)
- [X] Z Test outlier analysis on subset of intel dataset without obvious outliers
- [X] C Add csail examples to invocation.md
- [X] R Make the plots more reproducible (integrate in the Makefile)
- [X] R Add a clean target to the Makefile
- [X] Optimize the statistical analyzer
- [X] C Look at performance
- [X] C Fix TPCH
- [X] Z Test TPCH
- [X] C Pass the output of the analyzer to models
- [X] R Make CORDS a model
- [X] C Check PyPy compatibility
- [X] R Prepare Intel dataset
- [X] Z Adjust mixture models to include all fields
- [X] Z Fill in
in mixture.py - [ ] R Timing implementation
- [X] C Fix title
- [ ] Use autoref
- [ ] C Balance columns on last page
- [X] Z Fix undefined references
- [X] Check source of definition of outliers in abstract (ref needed?)
- [X] Should we add more discussion of the rules? NO
- [X] Rephrase the outline so that it is more compact
- [X] Mention soft functional dependencies in the intro
- [X] Add discussion of more advanced correlation detection strategies (CORDS) before data modeling section
- [X] Find more convincing examples for the CSAIL dataset
- [-] Plots
- [X] Fix fonts, 1 Gaussians, and colors
- [X] Get plots with the simple Gaussian model
- [X] Say “mixture model” instead of “Gaussian”
- [X] Rasterize the mixture models plot
- [X] C Reorganize plots
- [X] R 3D Plots
- [ ] R Scaling plots
- [X] R Find a good theta value
- [X] Z/C Numerical benchmarks in the evaluation section
- [X] Z/C Editing
- [X] Z Mixture stuff
- [X] C Add example to meta-modeling section
- [X] Add missing stuff
- [X] Z Outlier detection description for mixture models
- [X] R Update Intel graphs
- [X] C Peaky histograms
- [X] C Partitioning functor
- [X] C Discrete analyzer
- [X] C Synthetic datasets
- [X] C Review the history to find new stuff
- [X] New rules: id for ints, email validation
- [X] C Partitioned histograms results on logins dataset
- [X] R Add the section on LOF
- [X] C Add the plots explaining the models
- [X] C Add plots showing peakiness measures
- [X] Proof-reading
- [X] C Mixture models
- [X] Z Fix undefined
$j$ in formula - [X] C Finish proofreading
- [X] Z Fix undefined
- [X] Proofread future work
- [X] R Proofread C’s newly written sections
- [X] C Mixture models
- [X] C At the beginning of evaluation, add a high-level overview of all the datasets
- [X] R Change the names in CSAIL
- [X] C The word “preprocessor” designates a statistical analyzer in the code and the tuple expander in the paper
- [ ] C/R Mixed discrete/continuous models, e.g. different distributions based on value of one field (i.e. report all (low cardinality, high cardinality) columns as correlated)
- [ ] Think about asymmetric features (like email addresses: we don’t want to detect things that do not have ‘@’ signs)
- [ ] ? Properly support multiple models
- [ ] C Train all models in one pass (instead of one per model)
- [ ] ? Combine outlier reports from multiple models
- [X] C Adjust Gaussian model to use data from statistical analysis
- [ ] Z Add unit tests
- [X] C Look at correlations inside the expansion of a given field (trivial: change combination to product in tupleops)
- [X] C Ensure that there is only one type per column
- [ ] ? Change the outlier reporting strategy to make it easier to report
- [ ] C Use =namedtuple=s
- [X] Plots: specify size in inches
- [ ] ? Test using Coords instead of Pearson
- [ ] 3D plots
- [ ] Add light units
- [X] C Create synthetic data set; suggest as new benchmarks in case of non numerical data
- [X] Z Mixture model thresholds
- [X] A Identifying other outlier detection strategies / correlation detection strategies
- [X] C New features: floats to dates & times, …
- [X] R Add cardinality to analyzer
- [X] C Create a list of examples
- [X] C New features: email validation
- [X] C Histogram-based correlations
- [X] C Check correlation detection on the Intel dataset
- [X] C Artificial datasets for testing
- [X] C Git email and usernames