> rugby use --help
> Use already built binaries instead of sources.
│ -t, --targets [] * Targets for building. Empty means all targets. │
│ -g, --targets-as-regex [] * Targets for building as a RegEx pattern. │
│ -e, --except [] * Exclude targets from building. │
│ -x, --except-as-regex [] * Exclude targets from building as a RegEx pattern. │
│ --result-bundle-path * Path for xcresult bundle. │
│ -o, --output * Output mode: fold, multiline, silent, raw. │
│ --delete-sources * Delete target groups from project. │
│ --strip * Build without debug symbols. │
│ -v, --verbose [] * Increase verbosity level. │
│ -q, --quiet [] * Decrease verbosity level. │
│ -h, --help * Show help information. │
The command replaces selected targets with binaries.
Be sure that you pass the same flags and options that you passed to the build command.
Be careful because it doesn't check if binaries exist in ~/.rugby/bin
Read about the build command for a better understanding of basic Rugby usage.
If you don't want to keep the source code of binaries in your Pods project, you can use this flag:
> rugby use --delete-sources
It can significantly reduce the size of a huge project.