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199 lines (158 loc) · 6.11 KB
  • Feature Name: autoref_copy
  • Start Date: (fill me in with today's date, YYYY-MM-DD)
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Rust Issue: (leave this empty)


This RFC allows autoreferencing of T where T: Copy.


[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct S(u8);

fn by_val(_: S) {}
fn by_ref(_: &S) {}
fn by_mut_ref(_: &mut S) {}

fn main() {
    let s = S(5);
    by_ref(s); // This works after this RFC.
    // by_mut_ref(s); // ERROR -- expected `&mut S`, found `S`


When working with Copy data, the distinction between borrowed and owned data is often unimportant. However, generic code often results in code which will only accept a particular variant of a Copy type (T, &T, &&T, ...). This is a frustration in many places:

// Comparisons:
let v = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
v.iter().filter(|x| x > 1); // ERROR: expected &&_, found integral variable
// These work:
0 > 1;
&0 > &1;
// But these don't:
&0 > 1;
0 > &1;

// Trait instantiations:
let mut map: HashMap::new();
map.insert(0, "Hello");
map.insert(1, "world!");
map[0]; // ERROR: expected &{integer}, found integral variable
// or
map.get(1); // ERROR: expected `&{integer}`, found integral variable

// Numeric operators:
// These work:
&0 + &1;
0 + &1;
&0 + 1;
// But these don't:
&&0 + 1;
&&0 + &1;
&&0 + &&1;

These interactions confuse both new and experienced users without providing any significant value. It's clear what's intended by map.get(1) or vec.iter().filter(|x| x > 1). When users encounter these errors in practice, the only reasonable thing they can do is add & and * as necessary to make their code compile.

This RFC seeks to address one particular variant of this problem: passing owned Copy data where a reference was expected.


use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    map.insert(1, "hello!");

    println!("{:?}", map.get(1)); // ERROR: expected `&{integer}`

    // Instead, users have to write this:
    println!("{:?}", map.get(&1));

This is an unnecessary frustration. This RFC proposes to prevent this issue by auto-referencing Copy types.

Guide-level explanation

When calling a function which expects a reference to a Copy type, you can pass an owned Copy type and a reference will be created automatically:

fn print_num(x: &usize) { println!("{:?}", x); }

fn main() {
  let x = 5;

This is particularly convenient when working with some generic types whose methods take references as arguments:

use std::collections::HashMap;
fn main() {
    let mut map = HashMap::new();
    map.insert(1, "hello!");

    // We can write this:
    println!("{:?}", map.get(1));

    // Instead of having to write this:
    println!("{:?}", map.get(&1));

Reference-level explanation

Copy types autoreference: at coercion sites, when a reference is expected, but an owned Copy type is found, an & will be automatically inserted.

Some types have interior mutability through UnsafeCell, so passing them via a hidden reference could allow surprising mutations to occur. To prevent this, the autoreferencing coercion is limited to types which do not directly contain an internal UnsafeCell. Types which reference an UnsafeCell through an indirection can still be coerced (e.g. &MyCopyCell<u8> to &&MyCopyCell<u8>).

This coercion will not occur if the lifetime of the resulting reference would last longer than the call site. For example:

// `foo`'s argument can be coerced to from `u8` because it only lasts for the
// lifetime of the function call:
fn foo(x: &u8) { ... }

// `bar`'s argument cannot be coerced to from `u8` because the lifetime of the
// required reference outlives the scope of `bar`.
fn bar<'a>(x: &'a u8) -> &'a u8 { ... }

fn main() {
    foo(1); // OK

    let x = bar(5); // ERROR: expected `&u8`, found `u8`.


  • This increases the special behavior of Copy types, making it potentially confusing to new users. Some simple, non-generic code becomes more confusing because fn foo(x: &i32) { ... } can now be called like foo(5);
  • The existing coercion mechanism doesn't allow for coercion of generic arguments, nor does it use coercions in trait lookup. Because of this, users will still need to manually add & when trying to, for example, index into a HashMap<usize, T> (users will still need to write x[&5] instead of x[5]).

Rationale and Alternatives

One alternative would be to do nothing. However, this issue is frequently annoying for new users, and the solution is relatively simple.

We could also allow borrows which outlive function call sites, but these could produce surprising errors (for example, if the user attempted to mutate a variable while it was implicitly borrowed).

We could make the autoreferencing coercion more general and allow T -> &T for all types which don't contain an UnsafeCell. However, this could harm users' ability to reason about when variables are moved.

Another alternative would be to also add the following conversions for T: Copy:

  • T to &mut T: This conversion has the potential to introduce hidden mutations. With this change, passing a variable to a function could allow the function to change the value of the variable, even if no &mut is present.
  • &mut T and &T to T: This conversion would cause extra copies to occur which could be difficult to identify when attempting to optimize code.

Unresolved questions

  • Can we make it easier to use copy values where references are expected when working with traits and generic code? In particular, it would be nice to make operators such as Index or Add auto-reference and auto-dereference. It would also be great if we could find some way to trigger existing deref coercions in generic cases such as passing &Rc<MyT> to fn foo<T: SomeTrait>(t: &T).