is the entry point. Loads JS filesnginx-edit.conf
is the nginx fragment that configures this sub-project in the the docker-mapnik container.- it maps
URIs totilestache
to serve a vectorial layer with road segments, so they become sensitive on click, can be highlighted, etc tilestache/edit.cfg
is the tilestache configuration for theroads
layer. It is a vectorial layer served directly by tilestache/route
calculates a route between two given points usinggraphopper
and queries in thepostgis
database. Points can be given as place names (using nominatim at the client), road intersections, or GPS coordinates/mapedit
edits OSM usingosmapi
- JS files are served from
- it maps
- the
vector tiles do not seem to work correctly with Postgis 3+, latitude is about one unit higher. They only work with Postgis 2.5, which limits Postgresql version to 11. Postgis 3 printsproj_create: crs not found
on each query - when the user enters From or To, the map could be zoomed there if the respective point is found. Show an error otherwise.