This is a work in progress npm module for interacting with the booyah API and chat.
Install using npm:
npm install booyah.js
You first need to get your session_key:
Go to booyah and open the DevTool (press F12
Then go to Application > Cookies >
and search for session_key
. If you press it, it will show you the full token
Just copy that and replace "YOUR_SESSION_KEY"
with that token.
is the id that shows when you got to your studio under your name.
const { Client } = require("booyah.js");
// start the bot with your credentials
const client = new Client("YOUR_SESSION_KEY", "YOUR_USER_ID");
client.on("chat", async (message, context, connection, self) => {
//ignore messages sended by the bot
if (self) return;
const msg =;
const name =;
if (msg.toLowerCase() == "hi"){
connection.sendMessage(`Hello ${name}!`);
// you can also do:
// client.sendMessage(context.channel_id, `Hello ${name}!`);
an other way to get a chat message is this:
const { Client, Constants } = require("booyah.js");
client.on("message", async (message, context, connection, self) => {
if (self) return;
if(Constants.msgTypes[message.event] != "chat") return;
You can also connect to a chat without those credentials, you can get the messages but you can't send them. Also, some API endpoints requires you to have a session, just like GET CHATROOMS/${user_id}/AUDIENCES*
Instead of
const { Client } = require("booyah.js");
const client = new Client();
const { Client } = require("booyah.js");
const client = new Client();
If you use the other function it would still work but you'll have this alert when you connect Missing autentication parameters, starting anonoymous connection
client.on("chat", async (message, context, connection, self) => {
if (self) return;
const msg =;
const args = msg.split(" ");
const commandName = args.shift();
if (commandName == "!say"){
connection.sendMessage(`${} you said: ${args.join(" ")}`);
More commands
const isModerator = message.isModerator;
// ban user by id
if (commandName == "!ban" && isModerator) {
const target = args.shift();
const reason = args.join(" ");
connection.banUser(context.channel_id, target, reason).then((ban) => {
// the banUser function bans an user and it returns a promise with the banned user and the channel where he got banned
// same for muteUser and pardonUser
connection.sendMessage(`${} was banned, reason: ${reason}`);
// unban an user by id
if (commandName == "!pardon" && isModerator) {
connection.pardonUser(context.channel_id, args[0]);
// ban for 10 minutes by id
if (commandName == "!mute" && isModerator) {
connection.muteUser(context.channel_id, args[0]);