0.7.1 (2023-05-23)
- Upgraded to Vite4, adjusted the packaging method, increased the packaging speed by 2.2 times, and increased the loading speed by 3.1 times
- Migrate from yarn to pnpm for better dependency handling
- Fix upload prompt error (dca617c)
- Fix bug, useMessage supports closeAll method (d0cc3b8)
- Remove useMessage content field content, keep message as content display (6c31085)
- BasicTable: Add column default sorting configuration (67289b3)
- BasicUpload: Fix the return value failed to return according to the global configuration (ae48396)
- BasicUpload: Tips for Optimizing No Data and Uploaded Quantities (4ea5488)
- BasicForm: Support ElTreeSelect component, fix validation rule error (c31564d)
0.6.1 (2023-04-03)
- Upgrade Element Plus version to the latest version 2.3.2 (3a4c91a)
- BasicTable: Added defaultValue attribute, the default value is displayed when the list item does not exist (b8ff761)
0.6.0 (2023-03-15)
- Icon: Adjust size to support string input (1e28f50)
- SvgIcon: Adjust size to support string input (44d95e9)
- Upgrade Element Plus version to the latest version 2.3.0, upgrade Vite version to 3.2.5, and other dependencies to upgrade the latest version (9ccd2e1)
0.5.7 (2022-12-01)
- Function optimization, remove some hooks (2e2ce42)
- Head component content optimization (721c268)
- Fix scroll bar fluctuation caused by page animation (79c07e8)
- Fix page transition animation failure (c029661)
- remove effect proptype (bb7afed)
- Optimize icon unified vision, adjust system icon to svg, adjust iconify icon example to ep icon library (9f112e4)
- The theme color change rule update, support CSS or JS dynamic update (362e8e9)
- BasicTable: Adjust the setting's fullScreen field to fullscreen (9246a6d)
- demo update (52ba203)
- IconPicker: Optimize the display effect (c51f4ed)
- SvgIcon: Adjust size and rotate to be limited to numerical values (d92d655)
- Icon: Support importing local svg icons (7fcaefa)
0.5.6 (2022-10-21)
- Repair the menu, the drag bar disappears after dragging, and the top menu cannot be dynamically aligned (8fb569f)
- Repair lock screen input blank (4217c2d)
- Fix undefined errors (e8fb534)
- Remove is judgment (4fb1f24)
- Optimize more friendly project configuration area (87219cc)
- Changing the isObject to @ vueuse/core calls can achieve better judgment results (cb9a325)
0.5.5 (2022-08-21)
- Adjust how colors and dark mode are handled (d41fafe)
- fix compatibility issues (258f1ae)
- Fix tabs jumping problem (40122af)
- Remove unnecessary fields from menu (4444383)
- Rename component to avoid same name as HTML element (8656842)
- BasicTable: Fixed some attribute inactivation issues (0749968)
- Switch the project to default Chinese language output (13faa98)
- Added header menu module (bc3e3be)
- Added refactored dark mode (87307b6)
- BasicButton: Rename Button to BasicButton (c0640ad)
- RelativeTime: Rename Time to RelativeTime (221a1eb)
0.5.4 (2022-07-21)
- Fix icon dependency package name change (beeb355)
- Fix the color problem of log (c013748)
- Remove the content that vue has defined globally (767d4b2)
- BasicDescription: Remove editor coloring caused by style (9804128)
- BasicForm: Fixed inability to control the action button group (d6180dd)
- BasicTable: Added whether to show the box shadow property (5bdb817)
- BasicUpload: Added upload configuration to fix the security warning caused by the upload file field (f2111af)
- PageWrapper: Added whether to inherit the routing title, optimize the page title display, and inherit the routing title by default (811fe55)
0.5.3 (2022-07-11)
- fix undefined issue (71e3f29)
- useMessage: Added message option, which has the same effect as content (bf698d2)
0.5.2 (2022-07-08)
- Fixed interface issues caused by Element Plus version upgrades (7dc6abc)
- BasicModal: Hide the x-axis scrollbar (3aa83eb)
- BasicTable: Adjust the default width of the action column to 150, fix the icon cannot be displayed (9497c0c)
- BasicTable: Optimize undefined code (7e1865e)
- Upgrade Element Plus version to latest version 2.2.9 (30fd87c)
- BasicForm: Add automatic judgment whether to display the expand button (f12ad88)
- Optimize login exceptions and withdraw some adjustments (ccc0e07)
0.5.1 (2022-07-04)
- remove some unnecessary processing files (0878b99)
0.5.0 (2022-07-01)
- add PageWrapper as a global component, abolish the Button global component (6bbeb43)
- ApiSelect: add components and documentation (3c4d0f6)
- CountdownInput: add components and documentation (6cb9ca4)
- PageWrapper: reoptimize components and documentation (6bbeb43)
- Icon: reoptimize components and documentation (06f1027)
- SvgIcon: reoptimize components and documentation (06f1027)
- ClickOutside: reoptimize components and documentation (5008d97)
- useDesign: reoptimize function and documentation (0cba00b)
- IconPicker: reoptimize function and documentation (a6c6e8d)
- CollapseContainer: reoptimize components and documentation(eb30b4e)
- LazyContainer: reoptimize components and documentation (eb30b4e)
- ScrollContainer: reoptimize components and documentation(eb30b4e)
- Authority: reoptimize components and documentation (ea6b6b3)
- BasicForm: reoptimize components and documentation (fda4e37)
- BasicModal: reoptimize components and documentation (104cb42)
- BasicTable: reoptimize components and documentation (b272c19)
- BasicUpload: reoptimize components and documentation (1a023a1)
- CardGrid: reoptimize components and documentation (17f257f)
- ContextMenu: reoptimize components and documentation (b3d4439)
- CountTo: reoptimize components and documentation (02bedba)
- BasicDescription: reoptimize components and documentation (e56621b)
- BasicDrawer: reoptimize components and documentation (4a1e364)
- StrengthMeter: reoptimize components and documentation (653d6f9)
- Transition: reoptimize components and documentation (6c64c2c)
- VirtualScroll: reoptimize components and documentation (78615cc)
- Time: reoptimize components and documentation (4abc43c)
- DragVerify: reoptimize components and documentation (aa18be4)
- compatible with better import methods (9c0065a)
- rename and retrieve example (e2e7a4e)
- rename Form to BasicForm (3bb3b19)
- rename Modal to BasicModal (af3d3e2)
- rename Table to BasicTable (990d478)
- rename Upload to BasicUpload (f8bd2ca)
- Basic: optimize the confirmation button of the operation column (79fdb6f)
- BasicModal: fix can't close popup (75214ed)
- BasicModal: remove draggable, officially supports draggable (302b2b5)
- change the name to avoid conflicts (465c172)
- Cropper: remove components (73b7ad8)
- fix scrollbar caused by dynamic height (db80397)
- fix warnings caused by empty props (5931df2)
- Form: clicking submit does not return content (787358a)
- global components cannot be declared (702b79e)
- import name is wrong (dd067f0)
- optimization content (f924aae)
- optimize the introduction of Element Plus (85ee565)
- optimized directives (9dd3158)
- partial dark mode matching (b97a52e)
- Progress: remove components, replace official components (affe8db)
- remove BasicArrow, reoptimize BasicHelp and BasicTitle components and documentation (aae1e95)
- remove extra tabs (dd80377)
- remove imgPreview component (2e74276)
- remove some meaningless compatible code (284f69f)
- remove tree redundant code (b820e2f)
- remove unnecessary whitespace handling (59d5fc7)
- stripping form components and other detail optimizations (6f24310)
- useMessage optimization (c3a2cbf)
0.3.1 (2022-04-22)
0.3.0 (2022-04-20)
- adjust default pageSize (b9035fc)
- adjust the default image style (8aefe27)
- adjust the layouts class name (845daf2)
- adjust the page class name (b65c3cb)
- Drawer: adjust to insert body by default (283fe8a)
- fix bug with lineheight inheritance (9e964e1)
- fix the shift when the side is unfolded (6cd61e5)
- login menu tab width (6f80143)
- mock data adjustment (085792a)
- optimize dayjs import error (3824d47)
- page footer cannot be displayed (4f08a61)
- Qrcode: component optimization (d60d02f)
- QrCode: split extension components to QrCode branch (23de7c5)
- remove crypto-js and cipher (4c6f9ab)
- remove redundant code (b4e60c8)
- remove the sortable function of table (6497357)
- rename QrCode (333a110)
- resize non-root svg (b4cc506)
- table example update (e81577e)
- Table: problems caused by optimizing resize (fb60cea)
- Table: remove index and checkbox in header settings (6b35c19)
- Table: scrolling issue caused by canresize (73db237)
- theme configuration optimization, fix the problem that the theme cannot be changed (9890883)
- undo non-root svg (43af59c)
- update example (f30b87a)
- update page desc example (4a53a20)
- update page form example (ffb291d)
- update table example (8963cf4)
- change moment to dayjs (647098e)
- remove the problem of updating dependencies (73f86a1)
0.2.2 (2022-04-10)
- remove default button size, fix form submit area width (b353a45)
- system management example optimization (eba5359)
0.2.1 (2022-04-05)
- account management demo adjustment (42935a3)
- add table paging background (064a94e)
- adjust svg size (c48e844)
- charts demo update (054a654)
- Markdown: adjust component name (34d71d7)
- Markdown: component has been migrated to the Markdown branch (87749af)
- Markdown: final optimization (2631e3e)
- Modal: optimize button default style (98d11bb)
- optimize resource size (04bba08)
- remove Excel components and migrate to Excel branch (9dd8be3)
- Tinymce: add menubar prop (3da910b)
- Tinymce: adjust the invocation of the plugin to fix upload errors (e5005ca)
- Tinymce: split extension components to Tinymce branch (aca0333)
- upgrade Element Plus version to 2.1.7 (c10e758)
- add new vscode workspace ".vscode/tony.code-workspace" for better development experience (1ffec11)
- Page: add toolbar header slot (a50c758)
- login form optimization (edb39b2)
- optimize build exception errors, subcontract content, and improve loading speed (e8825f5)
0.1.1-beta.4 (2022-03-25)
- adjust i18n related content (5e53697)
- adjust startup items to fit vue devtool (7ac5b4b)
- fix head click exception (c459381)
- fix header badge position (de8da21)
- login function adjustment (3c4705f)
- remove redundant attributes (11d5a52)
- Table: fix action column (2e55af2)
- Table: fix the infinite loop caused by customRender (d1eaf4a)
- withdraw demo data (f56031f)
0.1.1-beta.3 (2022-03-10)
- fix table index prop error problem (9ec5c73)
- Form: adjust component props (7aecb5a)
- Table: adjust custom event (42cd20c)
- Table: component optimization (a50d73e)
- Table: readjust and optimize table related functions (9250d4f)
- Table: support element plus method (61fb8ad)
- Table: support element plus event (98e8c8b)
0.1.1-beta.2 (2022-03-02)
- adjust basic props (7606993)
- adjust some paths and details (52c6559)
- CircleProgress: component optimization (48238a8)
- Excel: component optimization (64e0805)
- Form: component optimization (a5e2c01)
- Icon: component optimization (485145b)
- List: component optimization (cf6ed3f)
- Markdown: component optimization (ce7053f)
- Modal: component optimization (eb8eda1)
- PageWrapper: component optimization (f5f6359)
- Qrcode: component optimization (c38b529)
- Tinymce: component optimization (fa793dd)
- Transition: component optimization (a6f9b8c)
- tree demo optimization (9bb1a45)
- Upload: component optimization (231e663)
- Verify: component optimization (d0040ee)
0.1.1-beta.1 (2022-02-13)
- add border property to ElAlert (8492f93)
- adjust Basic components (b7ee7f6)
- adjust ele button size (0304bdc)
- adjust element plus default color: (50883cd)
- adjust header search location (9d87ca1)
- Button: component optimization (a0cb821)
- CardGrid: component optimization (2f434c7)
- ClickOutSide: component optimization (fb7e8e6)
- CollapseContainer: component optimization (6edd70a)
- CountDown: adjust related parameters (84a9172)
- CountTo: component optimization (5426553)
- Cropper: component optimization (0359717)
- Description: component optimization (f49bd77)
- Drawer: component optimization (9804d87)
- fix bugs in the previous version (c383963)
- fix memory overflow caused by v-loading (0133fa2)
- fix possible null bug (4123c91)
- fix the basic form demo (50be741)
- fixed empty props causing editor error (ef8b990)
- LazyContainer: component optimization (32cf073)
- logo title (8dc4f2c)
- menu text prohibits being selected (f261dab)
- remove CodeEditor components (f636e01)
- remove img border (ecd52e4)
- remove old element props (4470abf)
- remove page loading (4e0971d)
- rename sass namespace to tonyname (322dd99)
- ScrollContainer: component optimization (2bb98ea)
- StrengthMeter: adjust the password strength check component (b1b053a)
- Time: component optimization (db52118)
- VirtualScroll: component optimization (44997e2)
- element plus component change to import on demand (4393484)
0.0.1-alpha.3 (2022-01-19)
- add input border (6db5465)
- adjust header lockscreen entry (7b29c2f)
- adjust header tabs doesn't follow header color changes (39d9135)
- adjust lock page (9b4ddc5)
- adjust tabs style (8226d65)
- date/page header bg (ff7457f)
- fixed sider/sider menu trigger (9adfc99)
- header change (046f86d)
- IconPicker: fix the problem that the popover cannot be displayed (8537061)
- modal: fix warning message (132ecc4)
- modal: header, bottom slot not work (06f71e6)
- optimize sider/menu/logo (754ae92)
- the env title spaces will be remove after build (cdc749a)
- adjust login page (ea89b69)
0.0.1-alpha.2 (2022-01-13)
- adjust the global size small to default (52a8775)
- build error (c19c3ea)
- button: success type color (d53fa7e)
- CardGrid: initialization error (7cdda70)
- CardGrid: item css (19e50a0)
- adjust SCSS variable to custom attribute (198f820)