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Managing Arbitrary Kubernetes Resources Using Crossplane Provider

This document is aimed to explain how to manage arbitrary Kubernetes resources using Crossplane provider and how to enhance the provider by adding new features such as resource management policy and resource reference to manage Kubernetes resources more effectively.

About Provider Kubernetes

The Crossplane Provider provider-kubernetes is designed to enable deployment and management of arbitrary Kubernetes resources in clusters. It defines an Object resource type which represents arbitrary Kubernetes resources, then uses a Kubernetes controller to reconcile Object typed resources to manage the corresponding Kubernetes resources.

As an example, below YAML manifest defines an Object which represents a Kubernetes namesapce.

kind: Object
  name: sample-namespace
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Namespace
        # name in manifest is optional and defaults to Object name
        # name: some-other-name
          example: "true"
    name: kubernetes-provider

The detailed manifest for the namespace is defined in spec.forProvider.manifest. So, essentially, Object resource simply wraps the manifest of target Kubernetes resource, in this case the namespace. After Object resource is created, the provider will also watch the target Kubernetes resource and attach the runtime copy for the manifest including runtime status to the Object resource at status.atProvider.manifest so that we can monitor the target Kubernetes resource by checking the Object status field.

By convention in Crossplane, we usually call Object as managed resource, and the target Kubernetes resource as external resource. The managed resource Object is always co-located with the provider so that it can be watched by the provider. The external resource can be either co-located with the provider on the same cluster, or on a remote cluster, depending on the kubeconfig information defined in spec.providerConfigRef as above. Typically, the provider will check if the external resource exists on the target cluster, and if does not, it will create for us.

Why Provider Kubernetes

The major usage scenario of Provider Kubernetes is to provision and manage Kubernetes objects on Kubernetes clusters, especially on remote clusters. It wraps Kubernetes resource manifest in Object resource, then does transformation from the Object resource to the actual Kubernetes resource on target clusters. With that, you can apply arbitrary Kubernetes resources on target clusters.

Of course you can manage Kubernetes resource directly without leveraging the provider and its Object, e.g.: using command line tool such as kubectl manually or normal Kubernetes controller programmatically. However, if you are using Crossplane and want to rely on Crossplane to deliver such a capability, Provider Kubernetes is the best choice.

On the other hand, when composing arbitrary Kubernetes resources with other resources managed by other providers in a Crossplane Composition resource, you can use Object to wrap those Kubernetes resources so that you don't need to worry about the restriction that the Kubernetes resources appeared in Composition has to be cluster scoped. See this issue for more detailed discussion on this topic.

Moreover, start from next section, I will explain how an enhanced version of Provider Kubernetes can bring more values to the provisioning and management of arbitrary Kubernetes resources, by leveraging some new features such as resource management policy and resource reference.

Enhanced Provider Kubernetes

The enhanced Provider Kubernetes provides a couple of new features to help you manage arbitrary Kubernetes resources more effectively:

  • It allows you to define fine-grained resource management policy to instruct the provider how to manage Kubernetes resources.
  • It allows you to define resource references for current Object as dependencies to retrieve values from dependant resources at runtime and guarantee the resource rendering in a specified order.

Note: These new features are implemented in this git repository at the moment which is forked from the upstream repository in Crossplane community. It has not been merged into the community version yet.

In order to better understand how these features can help to manage Kubernetes resources, I will use a demo project called capabilities-shim to describe the problems that I experienced and how the enhanced provider can help to address these problems.

About The Demo Project

The project capabilities-shim is aimed to demonstrate the composing of software capabilities from different applications to build user-oriented solution. It leverages the powerful Crossplane composition engine, the Provider Kubernetes, along with other cloud native install methods run at back end such as Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to provision the actual workloads in a declarative way.

The project defined a couple of sample capabilities that can be installed:

  • Networking capability to privion a Kong proxy as an API Gateway.
  • Logging capability to provision an Elasticsearch and Kibana instance for logging storage and visualization.
  • All capability to compose all the above capabilities as an all-in-one delivery.

Please note, although the above diagram shows the capabilities are provisioned on the same cluster that runs Crossplane and Provider Kubernetes, it does not mean it can only be applied to the local cluster. The same idea should be applicable to both local and remote cluster, depending on what kubeconfig that you use to access the target cluster. Also, to let Provider Kubernetes talk to the target cluster, it is always your responsibility to feed the proper kubeconfig to Provider Kubernetes. For example, it should include the service account with properly configured RBAC.

In this document, I will use capabilities-shim with the help of Provider Kubernetes and OLM to provision Networking capability.

Firstly, let's run below command to launch the demo environment:


Then, run below command to install Networking capability:

kubectl apply -f demo/examples/networking/olm.yaml

Before we use the enhanced provider, this will launch both the Kong operator pod and the Kong pod, also all managed resources handled by Provider Kubernetes and external resources handled by OLM:

  • For managed resources, there are two Object resources where one represents the Subscription resource and the other one represents the Kong resource. The creation of managed resources will trigger the creation of external resources which is handled by Provider Kubernetes.
  • For external resources, as the Subscription resource is created, it triggers the creation of the ClusterServiceVersion resource, then the InstallPlan resource, which triggers the launch of Kong operator pod. Then, the creation of Kong resource will be detected by Kong operator pod and ultimately triggers the launch of Kong pod.

Everything works perfect, isn't? Now let's go through the uninstall process and see where the problems are.

Unmanaged External Ressource

To uninstall the capability can be done by simply deleting the corresponding Composite Resource Claim(XRC) for the capability:

kubectl delete networkingclaim my-networking-stack

This triggers the deletion of managed resources, i.e. the Object resources, then the deletion of external resources, in this case, the Subscription and Kong resource. This triggers the deletion of the Kong pod since Kong resource is deleted.

However, as the ClusterServiceVersion resource still exists, so does the InstallPlan resource, the Kong operator pod still remains. This is not considered as a clean uninstall since some garbage resources remain in the cluster. For more details on why it is designed in such a way, you can refer to this issue from OLM community.

We call the external resource such as ClusterServiceVersion and InstallPlan in this case are unmanaged external resources which means these resources should have been managed by the provider, so that when the managed resource is deleted, the corresponding external resource will be deleted accordingly.

Apparently, the solution to this problem is turning unmanaged external resource into managed one. In our case, this can be done by defining an Object resource to represent the ClusterServiceVersion resource. Then, the deletion of Object resource will trigger the deletion of ClusterServiceVersion resource. There is no need to define Object for InstallPlan because when ClusterServiceVersion is deleted, it will trigger the deletion of InstallPlan automatically which is handled by OLM.

One interesting thing for the Object resource to be defined is that, the provider only needs to take care of the deletion and observation for the ClusterServiceVersion resource. It should not be responsible for the creation and update because these operations are handled by OLM. This scenario leads to the introduction of the feature Resource Management Policy in Provider Kubernetes.

Resource Management Policy

The resource management policy is used to instruct the provider to manage Kubernetes resources in a fine-grained way. Given that:

  • To manage an external resource that can not be observed is usually meaningless.
  • Create and update are usually coupled together.

We only need 4 types of management policies:

Observe Create & Update Delete Management Policy Memo
Y Y Y Default The provider can fully manage the resource. This is the default policy.
Y Y N ObserveCreateUpdate The provider can observe, create, or update the resource, but can not delete it.
Y N Y ObserveDelete The provider can observe or delete the resource, but can not create and update it.
Y N N Observe The provider can only observe the resource. This maps to the read-only scenario where the resource is fully controlled by third party application. The provider reads the resource manifest and stores in Object at status.atProvider.

The idea of Resource Management Policy is actually expanded from the concept of DeletionPolicy in Crossplane which can be found in Crossplane code:

const (
    // DeletionOrphan means the external resource will orphaned when its managed
    // resource is deleted.
    DeletionOrphan DeletionPolicy = "Orphan"

    // DeletionDelete means both the external resource will be deleted when its
    // managed resource is deleted.
    DeletionDelete DeletionPolicy = "Delete"

The DeletionOrphan policy is actually equivalent to the ObserveCreateUpdate resource management policy.

Please note that currently the resource management policy and DeletionPolicy are two separate mechanisms to declare the resource policy at different level: Crossplane runtime level vs. provider level. To avoid the potential conflict or confusion, it is highly recommended to use the policy at provider level over Crossplane runtime level when you use Provider Kubernetes as the provider level policy is a super set of Crossplane runtime level policy and has more options.

In case both are defined, to determine if the resource can be deleted or not, both policies need to be considered, and the one at Crossplane runtime level will be taken into account at first. That means:

  • If DeletionOrphan is defined, then the resource will not be deleted by provider, no matter what policy is defined at provider level.
  • If DeletionDelete is defined, then relying on the policy defined at provider level, if ObserveCreateUpdate or Observe is specified, then the resource will not be deleted, otherwise, it will be deleted by the provider.

Now, let's define policy for our Object resource that represents the ClusterServiceVersion resource. In our case, we should use ObserveDelete policy, which can be done by setting the policy value in Object resource at spec.managementPolicy. For example:

kind: Object
  name: csv-kong
  managementPolicy: ObserveDelete
      kind: ClusterServiceVersion
        namespace: operators

This will tell the provider not to create and update the ClusterServiceVersion resource, but can delete the resource during uninstall, so that it can trigger the deletion of InstallPlan and the Kong Operator pod.

ClusterServiceVersion Name

In the above Object resource definition, you may notice when we define the manifest for ClusterServiceVersion resource in spec.forProvider.manifest, it has no name specified. This is because the name can only be determined at runtime. After the Subscription resource is created, the name can be retrieved from status.currentCSV in the Subscription resource. This means you cannot simply specify a fixed name for the ClusterServiceVersion resource when you define the Object resource. We need a mechanism that can tell the provider to resolve the name dynamically at runtime.

Generic References

To address such a problem, we can leverage the idea of Generic References which is currently a design proposal under discussion in Crossplane community.

As it states in the design document, it is aimed to address the scenario where managed resource requires information that is not available when user creates the resource. For example, to create a Subnet, you need to supply a VPC ID. If you create the VPC at the same time, then the ID will be available only after the creation.

According to the proposal, all managed resources will have a top-level spec field that lists the generic references. They will be resolved in order and failure of any one will cause reconciliation to fail.

Below is a sample snippet for a managed resource which has a reference to another managed resource:

  - fromObject:
      kind: VPC
      name: main-vpc # optional, matchLabels can be used instead.
      fieldPath: spec.forProvider.cidrBlock
    toFieldPath: spec.cidrBlock

And, this one is a reference to a namespaced Kubernetes resource.

  - fromObject:
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: common-settings
      namespace: crossplane-system
      fieldPath: data.region
    toFieldPath: spec.forProvider.region

Although this design has not been closed yet, a similar idea has been implemented in the enhanced Provider Kubernetes. When defining an Object resource, it allows you to specify one or more references in spec.references using exactly the same syntax as it is defined in the above design.

In our case, when define Object for ClusterServiceVersion resource, you need to define a reference to Subscription so that the ClusterServiceVersion name can be retrieved from Subscription at the field path status.atProvider.manifest.status.currentCSV when it is created, then apply the value to Object as the ClusterServiceVersion name at

kind: Object
  name: csv-kong
  - fromObject:
      kind: Object
      name: sub-kong
      fieldPath: status.atProvider.manifest.status.currentCSV
  managementPolicy: ObserveDelete
      kind: ClusterServiceVersion
        namespace: operators

Install Order

When one managed resource has references to other resources, the provider will block any operation against the current resource until all referenced resources are resolved. This is a very important feature in a typical install scenario where the provider is instructed to create multiple Object resources and some Object resources require to be created before or after others. So, the references that we define for the resources to be created can help to guarantee the overall install order.

In our case, the Subscription resource needs to be created before the ClusterServiceVersion resource and the Kong resource needs to be created after the ClusterServiceVersion resource. As a result, Kong depends on ClusterServiceVersion, then ClusterServiceVersion depends on Subscription. This dependency chain can be defined by specifying the reference on each Object being involved.

Uninstall Order

To define the dependency chain using references can guarantee the install order. But, it does not guarantee the uninstall order. Let's take the deletion of Networking capability as an example, and see what happens when we delete the resource claim for the capability.

By default, the provider will delete all Object resources in paralell after the resource claim is deleted. This triggers the deletion of the corresponding external resources and they will be deleted in paralell too. In some cases, the Subscription resource can be deleted earlier than the ClusterServiceVersion resource. This will cause the ClusterServiceVersion resource failed to delete as it requires the Subscription resource which has already been deleted. So, the resource deletion should also follow a specific order, i.e. the uninstall order. It is usually the reverse order as opposed to the install order.

Using Finalizers

In order to guarentee the uninstall order, the enhanced provider adds finalizer to each dependent external resource when it resolves the reference to that external resource.

In our case, when the provider resolves the resource references, the Object resource for the Kong resource has a reference to the Object resource for the ClusterServiceVersion resource, so the provider adds a finalizer to ClusterServiceVersion, which is the dependent resource of Kong. Similarly, it adds a finalizer to Subscription since ClusterServiceVersion depends on Subscription.

When a managed resource and its external resource are deleted, the provider will remove the finalizers from its dependent external resources.

In our case, after all Object resources are deleted, the Kong resource will be deleted at first, so that the Kong pod will be deleted.

During the time when the Object resource for Kong is deleted, it also removes the finalizer from its dependent external resource, the ClusterServiceVersion resource. This triggers the actual deletion of the ClusterServiceVersion resource, then the deletion of InstallPlan. As a result, the Kong operator will be deleted.

Now that the Object resource for ClusterServiceVersion is deleted, it also removes the finalizer from its dependent external resource, the Subscription resource. Ultimately, all resources involved in Networking capability will be deleted. This leaves the cluster in a clean state after the uninstall process is completed.


The enhanced Provider Kubernetes introduced some interesting features that can help to manage arbitrary Kubernetes resources more effectively. It also brings more values to the provider and broarden the scope where the provider can be applied.

With the help of Provider Kubernetes, different backends such as OLM, Helm, and so on that provision the actual workloads in Kubernetes cluster can be integrated into the Crossplane world easily as long as these backends work in a Kubernetes native way, i.e. driven by Kubernetes Customer Resource.

Thus, we can drive the backends by creating Object resources that represent the corresponding customer resources watched by these backends, manage them using fine-grained policy, define references to resolve metadata at runtime, and ensure the install/uninstall order centrally and consistently.

One more additional value by using enhanced Provider Kubernetes is that some features such as resource references that have not been implemeted in Crossplane core yet can be added at provider level. It tells us that if you want to try a feature but cannot wait until it can be accepted and added in Crossplane core in its official release, or even worse that may never get chance to go into Crossplane core, it would be much better to implement it in provider rather than fork the Crossplane core and modify the core directly. This is because it may be hard to track and upgrade to the following Crossplane releases based on a forked version if you want some features that are only available in the coming releases.