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CrowdSec Logo

CrowdSec Bouncer extension for Magento 2

Developer guide

Table of Contents

Local development

There are many ways to install this extension on a local Magento 2 environment.

We are using DDEV because it is quite simple to use and customize.

You may use your own local stack, but we provide here some useful tools that depends on DDEV.

DDEV setup

For a quick start, follow the below steps.

The final structure of the project will look like below.

m2-sources (choose the name you want for this folder)
│ (Magento 2 sources installed with composer)
│   │
│   │ (DDEV files)
└───my-own-modules (do not change this folder name)
    └───crowdsec-bouncer (do not change this folder name)
       │ (Cloned sources of this repo)

N.B.: you can use whatever name you like for the folder m2-sources but, in order to use our pre-configured ddev commands, you must respect the sub folders naming: my-own-modules and crowdsec-bouncer.

DDEV installation

This project is fully compatible with DDEV 1.21.6, and it is recommended to use this specific version. For the DDEV installation, please follow the official instructions.

Create a Magento 2 DDEV project with some DDEV add-ons

mkdir m2-sources && cd m2-sources
ddev config --project-type=magento2 --project-name=your-project-name --php-version=8.1 --docroot=pub --create-docroot --disable-settings-management
ddev get ddev/ddev-redis
ddev get ddev/ddev-memcached
ddev get ddev/ddev-elasticsearch
ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-tools
ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-playwright
ddev start

Magento 2 installation

You will need your Magento 2 credentials to install the source code.

 ddev composer create --repository= magento/project-community-edition -y
Set up Magento 2
 ddev magento setup:install \
                       --base-url= \
                       --db-host=db \
                       --db-name=db \
                       --db-user=db \
                       --db-password=db \
                       --backend-frontname=admin \
                       --admin-firstname=admin \
                       --admin-lastname=admin \
                       --admin-user=admin \
                       --admin-password=admin123 \
                       --language=en_US \
                       --currency=USD \
                       --timezone=America/Chicago \
                       --use-rewrites=1 \
                       --elasticsearch-host=elasticsearch --search-engine=elasticsearch7

Configure Magento 2 for local development

ddev magento config:set admin/security/password_is_forced 0
ddev magento config:set admin/security/password_lifetime 0
ddev magento module:disable Magento_AdminAdobeImsTwoFactorAuth (Magento >= 2.4.6 only)
ddev magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth
ddev magento setup:performance:generate-fixtures setup/performance-toolkit/profiles/ce/small.xml
ddev magento c:c

Crowdsec Bouncer extension installation

 cd m2-sources
 mkdir -p my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer
 cd my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer
 git clone ./
 ddev composer config repositories.crowdsec-bouncer-module path my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer/
 ddev composer require crowdsec/magento2-module-bouncer:@dev
 ddev magento module:enable CrowdSec_Bouncer
 ddev magento setup:upgrade
 ddev magento cache:flush
 ddev get julienloizelet/ddev-crowdsec-php
 ddev restart

Extension quality

During development, you can run some static php tools to ensure quality code:

  • PHP Code Sniffer: ddev phpcs my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer --ignore="*/node_modules/*"
  • PHP Mess Detector: ddev phpmd --exclude "node_modules" my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer
  • PHP Stan: ddev phpstan my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer

You can also check unit tests: ddev phpunit my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer/Test/Unit

End-to-end tests

We are using a Jest/Playwright Node.js stack to launch a suite of end-to-end tests.

Please note that those tests modify local configurations and log content on the fly.

Tests code is in the Test/EndToEnd folder. You should have to chmod +x the scripts you will find in Test/EndToEnd/__scripts__.

As we use a TLS ready CrowdSec container, you have first to copy some certificates and key:

cd m2-sources
mkdir -p var/crowdsec/tls
cp -r .ddev/okaeli-add-on/custom_files/crowdsec/cfssl/* var/crowdsec/tls

To run a specific tasks from browser, we created a launchCron.php and cacheActions.php scripts that you have to copy before testing some features (stream mode for example):

cp .ddev/okaeli-add-on/magento2/custom_scripts/cronLaunch.php m2-sources/pub/cronLaunch.php
cp .ddev/okaeli-add-on/magento2/custom_scripts/crowdsec/cacheActions.php m2-sources/pub/cacheActions.php
chmod +x m2-sources/pub/cronLaunch.php m2-sources/pub/cacheActions.php

Then you can use the script to run the tests:

  • the first parameter specifies if you want to run the test on your machine (host) or in the docker containers (docker). You can also use ci if you want to have the same behavior as in GitHub action.
  • the second parameter list the test files you want to execute. If empty, all the test suite will be launched.

For example:

./ host "./__tests__/1-config.js"
./ docker "./__tests__/1-config.js"
./ host
./ host "./__tests__/1-config.js  ./__tests__/3-stream-mode.js"

Before testing with the docker or ci parameter, you have to install all the required dependencies in the playwright container with this command :


If you want to test with the host parameter, you will have to install manually all the required dependencies:

yarn --cwd ./Test/EndToEnd --force
yarn global add cross-env


If you want to test the CrowdSec Bouncer stream mode, you can simulate Magento 2 cron with the following command in a new terminal:

 ddev cron

You should find a var/log/magento.cron.log for debug.

CrowdSec CSCLI command

You can run every CSCLI command by prefixing it with ddev exec -s crowdsec. For example:

ddev exec -s crowdsec cscli decisions add --ip --duration 4h --type ban

ddev exec -s crowdsec cscli bouncers add magento2-bouncer


If you want to test with Varnish, please follow these instructions:

First, you should configure your Magento 2 instance to use Varnish as full page cache:

ddev magento config:set system/full_page_cache/caching_application 2

You can also add the varnish IP as trusted proxy IP:

ddev magento config:set crowdsec_bouncer/advanced/remediation/trust_ip_forward_list $(ddev find-ip varnish)

Then, you can add specific files for Varnish and restart:

ddev get ddev/ddev-varnish
cp .ddev/okaeli-add-on/magento2/custom_files/default.vcl .ddev/varnish/default.vcl
ddev restart

Finally, we need to change the ACL part for purge process:

ddev replace-acl $(ddev find-ip ddev-router)
ddev reload-vcl

For information, here are the differences between the back office generated default.vcl and the default.vcl we use:

  • We changed the probe url from "/pub/health_check.php" to "/health_check.php" as explained in the official documentation:
 .probe = {
    .url = "/health_check.php";
    .timeout = 2s;
    .interval = 5s;
    .window = 10;
    .threshold = 5;
if (resp.http.x-varnish ~ " ") {
           set resp.http.X-EQP-Cache = "HIT";
       } else {
           set resp.http.X-EQP-Cache = "MISS";

Varnish debug

To see if purge works, you can do :

ddev exec -s varnish varnishlog -g request -q \'ReqMethod eq "PURGE"\'

And then, from another terminal, flush the cache :

ddev magento cache:flush

You should see in the log the following content:

VCL_call       RECV
VCL_acl        MATCH purge "your-ddev-router-ip"
VCL_return     synth
VCL_call       HASH
VCL_return     lookup
RespProtocol   HTTP/1.1
RespStatus     200
RespReason     Purged

Auto Prepend File mode

First, you have to copy the crowdsec-prepend.php file to your app/etc folder:

cp m2-sources/my-own-modules/crowdsec-bouncer/crowdsec-prepend.php m2-sources/app/etc/crowdsec-prepend.php

Then, to enable the auto prepend file mode, you can run the following command that will modify and reload nginx configuration:

ddev crowdsec-prepend-nginx

To disable the auto prepend file mode, please restart:

ddev restart

Commit message

In order to have an explicit commit history, we are using some commits message convention with the following format:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Allowed type are defined below. scope value intends to clarify which part of the code has been modified. It can be empty or * if the change is a global or difficult to assign to a specific part. subject describes what has been done using the imperative, present tense.


feat(admin): Add css for admin actions

You can use the commit-msg git hook that you will find in the .githooks folder :

cp .githooks/commit-msg .git/hooks/commit-msg
chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg

Allowed message type values

  • chore (automatic tasks; no production code change)
  • ci (updating continuous integration process; no production code change)
  • comment (commenting;no production code change)
  • docs (changes to the documentation)
  • feat (new feature for the user)
  • fix (bug fix for the user)
  • refactor (refactoring production code)
  • style (formatting; no production code change)
  • test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)

Update documentation table of contents

To update the table of contents in the documentation, you can use the doctoc tool.

First, install it:

npm install -g doctoc

Then, run it in the root folder:

doctoc doc/* --maxlevel 4

Release process

We are using semantic versioning to determine a version number.

Before publishing a new release, there are some manual steps to take:

  • Change the version number in the composer.json file
  • Change the version number in the Constants.php file
  • Update the file

Then, using the GitHub CLI, you can:

  • create a draft release: gh workflow run release.yml -f tag_name=vx.y.z -f draft=true
  • publish a prerelease: gh workflow run release.yml -f tag_name=vx.y.z -f prerelease=true
  • publish a release: gh workflow run release.yml -f tag_name=vx.y.z

Note that the GitHub action will fail if the tag tag_name already exits.

At the end of the GitHub action process, you will find a file in the GitHub release assets.