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Interfaces Tutorial

Approved for: Spring 2024

This tutorial introduces the reader to Java interfaces and polymorphism.


This tutorial assumes that the reader has a knowledge of basic Unix commands and experience working with a command-line text editor (e.g. emacs, vi, etc.). The reader should be familiar with compiling and running Java code contained in packages and working with the Javadoc tool.

To get the most out of this tutorial, you should follow along and take notes.

Course-Specific Learning Outcomes

  • LO2.e: (Partial) Utilize existing generic methods, interfaces, and classes in a software solution.
  • LO3.c: Generate user-facing API documentation for a software solution.
  • LO4.b: Utilize interface-based polymorphism in a software solution.

Getting Started

The steps in this tutorial assume that you are logged into the Odin server.

  1. Use the following command to download and execute a shell script that retrieves the starter code for this tutorial and places it into a subdirectory called cs1302-interfaces:

    $ curl -s -L | bash
  2. Change into the cs1302-interfaces directory that was just created and look around. There should be multiple Java files contained in the src directory. To see a listing of all of the files in src, use the find command as follows:

    $ find src

    Execute the cat command on each .java file that was listed to view the contents. You will notice that some of them contain interfaces instead of classes. They can be identified by looking for the interface keyword instead of the class keyword in the overall type declaration specified near the top of the file. We say "type" declaration because a .java file can be used to declare any kind of reference type in Java, including classes, interfaces, and class-based enumerations. A reference type in Java is any type that can serve as the type for a variable that refers to an object. Such a variable is known as a reference variable. We will elaborate on this terminology in the context of interfaces a little more later in this tutorial. If you are unfamiliar with these terms in general, please review the Reference Variable Refresher from last week. You are encouraged to ask questions about any parts that you find confusing.

What is an Interface?

In its simplest form, a Java interface is a reference type composed of abstract methods and constants. An abstract method is a non-static method without an implementation (body). Think of creating a class, adding the method signatures, but not putting any code in the methods. This will seem strange at first but the benefit should become clear as you work through the example. Constants are variables (static or not) that are declared using the final keyword. As of Java 8, the technical definition for an interface allows it to contain only the following: abstract methods, constants, private methods, static methods, nested types, and default implementation methods [2]. In 1302, our interfaces will mostly contain only abstract methods and constants. Nested types and default methods will not be covered in this tutorial.

Interfaces are used to specify that a type can do a set of things specified by its abstract methods and constants. An interface serves as a contract for the classes that claim to implement the interface. Multiple classes can implement the same interface, each providing its own implementation of the contracted functionality. For this reason, the documentation for an interface must describe what a method does and not necessarily how it should do it. Such documentation is usually written using Javadoc comments in the interface.

Real World Example

Remember, we said an interface is a contract for the classes that claim to implement it. Take a moment to think about how contracts are used in the real world (forget Java for a minute).

Hopefully, you came up with a definition of the word contract and maybe a few situations where contracts are used.

In the real world, we think of a contract as a formal and binding agreement between two or more parties. Let's use the professional athlete as an example. Athletes sign a contract which is a binding agreement between the athlete and the team/organization that ensures the athlete will compete in his/her sport. The contract states that the athlete must "compete" but it doesn't say specifically how they will compete. The details of exactly how an athlete should compete are usually not mentioned in the contract. The contract simply binds the athlete to compete. The specific details and decisions that occur while the competition is ongoing is up to the athlete. Once the contract is written, it could be signed by athletes in a wide variety of sports. The signer could be a track athlete, a baseball player, a football player, a racecar driver, etc. Again, the signer determines the details of how they will compete. The contract only binds them to the action of competing.

Now, let's tie this back to programming. In the example above, compete is the abstract method that would be placed in the Athlete interface (contract) since all athletes must be able to compete. The abstract method represents the action that is required of the signer of the contract. In other words, the method is what the signer is obligated to do when they agree to implement the interface (a.k.a. sign the contract). The implementation details of the compete method are not given in the interface itself but instead, they are written in the implementing class (signer). Again, the implementing class (contract signer) can be any type of athlete as they are all required to compete.

This may all still seem a bit strange and why we do this in programming may not yet be clear. Hang in there! Let's work through an example in Java. Try to keep this terminology in mind as you work through this tutorial.

Declaring an Interface

  1. Interfaces, just like classes, have a fully qualified name. Their source code should be positioned and named within your project the same as with classes. That is, an interface called cs1302.interfaces.contract.Styleable has an implied position within the package directories of your source code (cs1302/interfaces/contract) and should be placed in a file within the implied directory. The first big syntax difference between a class and an interface is illustrated in

    public interface Styleable {

    Note the use of the interface keyword instead of class in the type header. In this example, Styleable is the contract that can be signed by other classes.

  2. The second big syntax difference involves the inclusion of abstract methods, illustrated by the style() method in

    public void style();

    Notice that the style() method does not contain an implementation. The signature of the method ends with a semicolon. An abstract method must not have an implementation. The following is NOT an abstract method:

    public void style() { }

    While the { } may not do anything, it is, in fact, an implementation that does nothing. Compare that to the actual abstract method signature presented above that ends with a semicolon, thus lacking an implementation.

    If you open the file, you will see that it also contains an abstract unstyle method. Remember, that the abstract method(s) represent what the signer of the contract must be able to do. If a class implements the Styleable interface, it is obligated to have a concrete (non-abstract) style and a concrete unstyle method. If an implementing class does not have implementations for one or both of these methods, it will not compile.

    NOTE: In Java, the declaration of an abstract method in the source code for an interface may omit the public visibility modifier. If public is omitted in this context, the abstract method is still assumed to have public visibility. This behavior is different for classes, a topic that will be covered more in-depth at a later time when the nuances of visibility are presented.

  3. Generate, host, and view the API documentation website for the starter code provided with this tutorial. Find the Styleable interface on the website and compare the documentation provided there with what you see in the Javadoc comments included in If you don't remember how to do this, then please refer back to your notes for the Javadoc and API Documentation tutorial.

Implementing an Interface

Remember, the Styleable interface is just the contract. We also need to have at least one class that implements (signs) the contract. We will use two different implementing classes to demonstrate that the implementation specifics are up to the implementing class (not the interface) just as the specific details regarding how an athlete will compete are up to the athlete (not the contract).

  1. In Java, a class can implement an interface using the implements keyword, e.g., as seen in

    public class Fancy implements Styleable {

    In this example, Fancy is the implementing class that has signed the Styleable contract. It signs the contract as soon as you add implements Styleable to the class declaration as seen above. Again, Fancy will not compile unless it has a concrete (non-abstract) implementation of both the style and unstyle methods.

    Note: If the interface is not in the same package as the implementing class, then you will need to add an import statement or use the fully qualified name of the interface. If more than one interface is being implemented, then they can be written in a comma-separated list following the implements keyword.

  2. As we mentioned before, when a class properly implements an interface in Java, it is required to provide implementations for each of the abstract methods defined in the interface. If you inspect the source code for the cs1302.interfaces.impl.Fancy class, you will see the abstract methods from Styleable implemented. Notice that the implementations contain method bodies (instead of their signatures ending with a semicolon). A specific example can be seen with the unstyle() method in

    public void unstyle() {

    Again, this differs from the abstract method defined in the interface only in so far as it has an implementation. The other aspects of the method signature (return type, visibility, name) are the same.

    NOTE: As mentioned earlier, it is syntactically correct for an abstract method in an interface to omit the public keyword. Remember, in this context, the method is still assumed to have public visibility. Therefore, the implementation of such a method in an implementing class will need to include the public visibility modifier.

  3. Compare the Javadoc comments in the source code for the Styleable interface with the comments written in the source code for the implementing Fancy class. In some cases, new comments are provided. In others, it appears as though Javadoc comments are omitted. In the latter case, this is actually not true. View the API documentation website for both the Styleable interface and the Fancy class — bring them up side-by-side, if possible. All of the methods in Fancy are documented, even style() and unstyle() which have no Javadoc comments in the source code!

    This happens because the Javadoc tool has the ability to inherit comments from an interface when omitted or when explicitly requested in the implementing class's Javadoc comment using the {@inheritDoc} tag. Pay close attention to the difference between these two scenarios, both in the source code and in the generated API documentation website.

    Note: The Fancy class will not pass checkstyle unless you add a Javadoc comment to the method containing {@inheritDoc}. You may need to do this if you need a method to pass checkstyle when it inherits its comments from an interface or parent class (covered later in the course).

Using an Interface

In this section, we will motivate why we set up the interface/implementing class relationship. The main benefit is type compatibility between the interface type and the implementing class type(s). Leveraging this compatibility will lead to more elegant code that works with objects of any class that implements the interface. Connecting this to our real-world example, we could write code that works with all athletes instead of having to write separate (but similar) code for each type of athlete. Would you rather write one method that works for all athletes or write individual methods for basketball players, football players, track athletes, golfers, etc.? With that in mind, let's go back to our code example:

  1. Interfaces are reference types in Java. This means that they can serve as the type for a reference variable. You should be familiar with the use of class names for reference variable types. The code snippet below illustrates both scenarios:

    Fancy f;
    Styleable s;
  2. Reference variables are called as such because they refer to objects. However, you can only create objects from classes (not interfaces)! Therefore, what can a Styleable variable refer to? The answer is that a variable with an interface as its type can refer to an object of any class that implements that interface. The code snippet below illustrates this:

    Styleable s = new Fancy("some message");
  3. When an object is referred to via a reference variable with an interface type, the only methods then can be called using that variable are the ones declared in the interface, regardless of whether the object's class declared other methods. For example, even though the getAbout() method is declared in the class and therefore is part of a SuperFancy object, it would not be available via an Styleable variable. The following two code snippets illustrate this difference:

    SuperFancy sf = new SuperFancy("some fancier message?");;                    // OK
    sf.unstyle();                  // OK
    String about = sf.getAbout();  // OK -- variable type is SuperFancy
    Styleable s = new SuperFancy("some fancier message?");;                    // OK
    s.unstyle();                  // OK
    String about = s.getAbout();  // NOT OK! -- variable type is Styleable

    NOTE: The only other methods available via a reference variable with an interface type are the methods listed in the java.lang.Object class, which are common to all objects in Java. We will come back to the Object class in a future tutorial or reading, but it includes methods like equals and toString.

  4. You might be wondering why the previous example is useful. If so, that's okay. In general, you should try to be specific with the types you use for variables. However, the ability to assign object references to variables with interface types leads to a powerful programming technique known as polymorphism. Polymorphism is a fancy word (might be fun to style it in a super fancy way!), derived from the Greek words poly and morphus, which roughly translates to many bodies. Polymorphism leverages our ability to have a variable appear to take on many forms (or bodies) depending on the object it refers to.

    Consider the following code snippet:

    Styleable s;
    s = new Fancy("some fancy message");;
    System.out.println(s); // invoke toString() method
    s = new SuperFancy("some fancier message?");
    System.out.println(s); // invoke toString() method

    Notice how we were able to refer to two different objects using the same variable! When is called the first time, it invokes the Fancy class version of the method, because that's the type of object being referred to. When is called the second time, it invokes the SuperFancy version of the method for a similar reason. The exact same thing happens with the implicit call to toString() when printing the objects.

  5. You may have noticed some repetition in the previous example. Without loss of generality, the two parts of the code snippet that seem to repeat can be refactored into a method. Something similar to this is done in the main and test methods of the cs1302.interfaces.StyleDriver class. You should inspect both methods in the source code closely. What should they do? What do they do?

    Write what you expect the output to be from the execution of StyleDriver. Then, compile and run the starter code provided in this tutorial. Since there are multiple dependencies, the order of compilation matters:

    1. src/cs1302/interfaces/contract/
    2. src/cs1302/interfaces/impl/
    3. src/cs1302/interfaces/impl/
    4. src/cs1302/interfaces/

    Remember, you may need to specify the classpath in addition to the destination when using javac to compile Java code that depends on other Java code. If you need a refresher on this subject, then refer to the Java Packages Tutorial Part 1 and Java Packages Tutorial Part 2.

Common Functionality among Disparate Classes

Below is a video that demonstrates how to use interfaces to write code involving disparate classes with common functionality that is clean, easier to read, and easier to modify. Here, we use the term disparate to describe classes that are dissimilar in what they describe but still, perhaps, share some common functionality.

The source code for the video can be accessed here.



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License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Copyright © Michael E. Cotterell, Brad Barnes, and the University of Georgia. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License to students and the public. The content and opinions expressed on this Web page do not necessarily reflect the views of nor are they endorsed by the University of Georgia or the University System of Georgia. Some of the code examples in this tutorial are inspired by code included with Lewis, DePasquale, and Chase. Java Foundations. Fourth Edition.