A single-file ShareJS server which uses an ElasticSearch backend.
- A running instance of ElasticSearch on localhost:9200.
- A NodeJS installation.
Once those are available, we can fetch our other dependencies as follows:
npm install
After getting dependencies, run the following to host a browser-channel socket on the given port:
node server.js 80; # 8080 Is the default port.
This provides a systemd deamon called share-server and sets it to run on startup.
# CLone share server
git clone git@github.com:cse-bristol/share-server.git /opt/shareserver;
# install dependencies
cd /opt/shareserver;
npm install;
# Hard link the service file.
# (If you prefer you can use cp here. Symlinks don't work with systemd.)
ln /opt/shareserver/shareserver.service /etc/systemd/system/shareserver.service
systemctl enable shareserver.service
systemctl start shareserver.service