Download csv files archive from libraries.io. (https://zenodo.org/record/3626071)
Import 'dependencies' & 'projects_with_repository_fields' csv files into a sql database, SQLite database command :
.import PATHTOLIBRARIESIOCSV dependencies
mainDBCoverage.py --datainit --librariesiodb [LIBRARIESIODB] --dpackage junit:junit [RESULTDB] [CLONE_FOLDER] [FILEOUTPUT_FOLDER]
- Initializes the results database table 'project_analysed' with projects from librariesio database depending on given DEPENDENCY_PACKAGE
- Clones Github projects into the CLONE_FOLDER
- Scans the source code of the cloned projects looking for java SQL import statements.
Install SQLInspect (https://bitbucket.org/csnagy/sqlinspect/src/master/)
- [OPTIONAL] For multiple query hotspots search (JPA + Spring + Hibernate + JDBC) SQLInspect :
[CLONE_FOLDER]> sqlinspectinit.sh
This script will create a file classpathall2.txt containing jar path dependencies required by SQLInspect for multiple hotspots search process.
- [OPTIONAL] For multiple query hotspots search (JPA + Spring + Hibernate + JDBC) SQLInspect :
mainDbCoverage.py --sqlinspect --sqlinspectpath (--multihotspot)[PATHTOEXECUTABLE_SQLINSPECT] [RESULTDB] [CLONE_FOLDER] [FILEOUTPUT_FOLDER]
- Modifies 'project_analysed' table with corresponding flags if queries are found.
- Produces PROJECTNAME-queries.xml files containing queries found in the project.
mainDbCoverage.py --jacoco --mvnpath [MVNCMDPATH] [RESULTDB] [CLONE_FOLDER] [FILEOUTPUT_FOLDER]
- Modifies the root project pom.xml file in order to add Jacoco dependency (see below for the dependency added).
- Runs 'mvn clean' command, and produce PROJECTNAME-mvncleanconsole.log
- Runs 'mvn -DskipTests=false -f POMPATH test' command and produce PROJECTNAME-mvntestconsole.log
- Updates 'projects_analysed' table with corresponding flags.
- Produces PROJECTNAME-testcoverageX.xml files if mvn test command is successfully completed
- Reads *-queries.xml files and fill queries & query_construction tables
- Reads *-testcoverage.xml files and fill coverage table
- Computes some measures and creates project_statistics table
Summary.sql contains a few queries helping with the producing of summary results.
mainDbCoverage.py [-h] [--librariesiodb LIBRARIESIODB]
[--dpackage DPACKAGE] [--datainit] [--sqlinspect]
[--sqlinspectpath SQLINSPECTPATH] [--singlehotspot]
[--jacoco] [--executionline] [--mvnpath MVNPATH]
resultsdb clonedirectory outputdirectory
Java Program Usage :
Usage: com.coverage.QueryCoverageAnalyzer <sqlinspect xmls dir> <coverage xmls dir> <test reports dir> <maxNameConvention:true|false> <results db> <truncate>