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84 lines (74 loc) · 2.53 KB

File metadata and controls

84 lines (74 loc) · 2.53 KB


Language Description:

Object-oriented Java-like programming language now with operator overloading, classes and subclasses. The reasoning behind Javascript being our target language was due to it being a high-level language, making the project not impossible considering our group’s familiarity with both languages, while still ensuring the project would be non-trivial due to the differences between Object-oriented and scripting languages.


Name Email
Jesus Banuelos
Justin Kingston
Jim Inong


  • Class-Based Inheritance Without Using JavaScript's Classes
  • Subtyping
  • Access Modifiers

Abstract Syntax:

var is a variable
classname is the name of a class
methodname is the name of a method
object is a var, classname, String, this
strg is a string
intg is an integer
bool is a boolean
type ::= Int | Boolean | classname | String
primary_exp ::= var | strg | intg | `(` exp `)` | bool | exp`.`methodname(exp*)  |
new classname(exp*) | this
period_op ::= `.`
period_exp ::= primary_exp(period_op primary_exp)*
multiplicative_op ::= `*` | `/`
multiplicative_exp ::= period_exp( multiplicative_op period_exp)*
additive_op ::=  `+` | `-`
additive_exp ::= multiplicative_exp( additive_op multiplicative_exp)*
rel_op ::= `<` | `>`
rel_exp ::= additive_exp (rel_op additive_exp) //has to be 0 or 1 call
boolean_op ::=  `==` | `!=`
boolean_exp ::= rel_exp (boolean_op rel_exp) // has to be 0 or 1 call
exp ::= boolean_exp
varDec ::= type var
stmnt ::= varDec `;` |
while  (exp) stmnt |
break`;` |
{ stmnt* } |
if (exp) stmnt else stmnt |
return exp `;` |
print(exp) `;` | varDec `=`exp`;`

accessMod :: = public | private | protected
methodDef ::= accessMod type methodname(varDec*) stmnt
instanceDec ::= accessMod varDec`;`
classDef ::= class classname extends classname {
constructor(varDec*) stmnt
programName ::= classDef* stmt //stmt is entry point
A  method named main is the entry point

Compile Compiler

  • Compile in Intellij with Java JDK 8 using Maven with the following commands:
mvn compile

Run Compiler

  • To compile example code from .j^2s to .js:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="tests/inheritance.j^2s output_files/inheritance_output.js"
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="tests/recursion.j^2s output_files/recursion_output.js"
  • You can make your own files just make sure to follow the syntax and also to end your files with .j^2s