Instructor: Caroline Harbitz
This workshop requires the following software:
- Neo4j Community edition version 2.3.1
Head to Neo4j's website to download the latest version:
Use the Neo4j GUI that comes with the Mac or Windows installaion.
- Go to the directory where you'd like to install Neo4j. Then
tar -xf neo4j-community-2.3.1-unix.tar.gz
- Then go into your Neo4j directory:
cd neo4j-community-2.3.1/
- Start your Neo4j server:
./bin/neo4j start
- In your browser, head to: http://localhost:7474/
- When you're finished with your session, stop the server:
./bin/neo4j stop
If you have git installed, you can clone this tutorial by running this command in your terminal:
$ git clone
I wrote a web scraper using BeautifulSoup to parse hike information from the Washington Trails Association (WTA) website. Check them out to find your next hike: