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130 lines (88 loc) · 3.15 KB

File metadata and controls

130 lines (88 loc) · 3.15 KB

To sort branches by commit date

git branch --sort=-committerdate

Checkout previous branch

git checkout -

Checkout branch N number of checkouts ago

git checkout @{-N}

List branches along with commit ID, commit message and remote

git branch -vv

git checkout feature/my-other-branch -- thefile.txt

Usually we would use git status to check what files have changed

git status


On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory)


Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed)


Using the flags -sb we can shorten the output

git status -sb



M ?? another-file ?? my-new-file

See the reference log of your activity

git reflog --all

Look at the HEAD at given point from reflog

git show HEAD@{2}

Checkout the HEAD, to get back to that point

git checkout HEAD@{2}

This will find any change that was staged but is not attached to the git tree

git fsck --lost-found

See the dates of the files

ls -lah .git/lost-found/other/

Copy the relevant files to where you want them, for example:

cp .git/lost-found/other/73f60804ac20d5e417783a324517eba600976d30 index.html

This will let you configure line-endings on an individual basis

git config core.eol lf git config core.autocrlf input

Adding this to your .gitattributes file will make it so all files

are checked in using UNIX line endings while letting anyone on the team

edit files using their local operating system’s default line endings.

  • text=auto

*.asset linguist-generated

By using -- for a specific file,

git log can find logs for files that were deleted in past commits

git log -- missing_file.txt

This sets the commit template to the file given,

this needs to be run for each contributor to the repository.

git config commit.template ./template-file

Begin the bisect

git bisect start

Tell git which commit does not have the bug

git bisect good c5ba734

Tell git which commit does have the bug

git bisect bad 6c093f4

Here, do your test for the bug.

This could be running a script, doing a journey on a website, unit test etc.

If the current commit has bug:

git bisect bad

If the current commit does not have the bug

git bisect good

This will repeat until it finds the first commit with the bug

To exit the bisect, either:

Go back to original branch:

git bisect reset

Or stick with current HEAD

git bisect reset HEAD

Or you can exit the bisect at a specific commit

git bisect reset

Begin the bisect

git bisect start

Tell git which commit does not have the bug

git bisect good c5ba734

Tell git which commit does have the bug

git bisect bad 6c093f4

Tell git to run a specific script on each commit

For example you could run a specific script:

git bisect run ./test-bug

Or use a test runner

git bisect run jest

This will run for every commit between current and the given commit ID

git rebase -i --exec ./my-script