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php5 client for Rserve (a TCP/IP server for R statistical software)

Build Status

Changes from 1.0 version

  • All classes are declared under Sentiweb\Rserve namespace allowing PSR-4 autoloading
  • Parsers are now individualized into classes
  • A Parser instance can be directly used as second argument of evalString() to replace default parser (see example)


You can run tests using phpunit

Several tests need to have a running Rserve server (not handled by this library). To configure the test to use a server you have to configure the connection using environment vars or by creating a file in tests/config.php and defining constants (a sample file is available in tests/config.php.sample). Expected vars (in env or as constant in tests/config.php)

  • RSERVE_HOST : hostname or IP of the Rserve server (e.g. 'localhost' or for local server).
  • RSERVE_PORT : port number, if value is '0' or 'unix', the HOST is expected to be a unix socket path.
  • RSERVE_USER : username if the Rserve server is expecting authentication, skip or leave empty if not
  • RSERVE_PASS : password if the Rserve server is expecting authentication, skip or leave empty if not

RSERVE_HOST is required to be defined (either env or in config.php) to run the connection aware tests, if not these tests will be skipped.

Credential-free tests

  • launch your credential-free Rserve instance

  • Can be done with docker run -d -p 6311:6311 wnagele/rserve

  • if installed with composer: composer test

  • otherwise, run with phpunit

Login tests: This test suite require a credential-protected Rserve instance to be running (not provided by this library) and the credentials (username and password to be configured as described above)


Using without composer : include src/autoload.php in your project

Using with composer:

  • run composer require cturbelin/rserve-php:2.0.x-dev
  • add require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php'; to your project

Some usage example are provided in example directory

Using Login Authorization

Usage is the same as the vanilla usage, except for the constructor

   $cnx = new \Sentiweb\Rserve\Connection('myserverhost', 6311, ['username'=>username,'password'=>password])


Results provided by R could be handled using several parsers

  • NativeArray Translates R structure into php simple arrays. It is useful to get simple values from R

  • Wrapped array Using NativeArray with parameters array("wrapper"=>true) in contructor return object with attributes of R objects. The result object can be used as an array and provides methods to access R object attributes

  • Debug Translates R response to structure useful for debugging

  • REXP Translates R response into REXP classes

Async Mode

Several functions allow to use connection in async mode

  • getSocket() to get the socket an set some options
  • setAsync() allow to set the async mode
  • getResults($parser) : get and parse the results after a call to evalString() in async mode