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Contributing to Cucumber-Electron

Making changes

  • Use TDD
  • Update when you make a significant change

Release process

The following is a checklist for maintainers when preparing a new release

Major releases

We will always make a release candidate before issuing a major release. The release candidate will be available for at least a month to give users time to validate that there are no unexpected breaking changes.


The release is done from the cucumber-build docker container. This makes sure we use the same environment for all releases.

Every command should be run from within the Docker container.

Start the container:

make docker-run

Inside the container, update dependencies:

npm run update-dependencies
npm install
npm test

If the tests fail, update your code to be compatible with the new libraries, or revert the library upgrades that break the build.

  • Add missing entries to
    • Ideally the CHANGELOG should be up-to-date, but sometimes there will be accidental omissions when merging PRs. Missing PRs should be added.
    • Describe the major changes introduced. API changes must be documented. In particular, backward-incompatible changes must be well explained, with examples when possible.
    • git log --format=format:"* %s (%an)" --reverse <last-version-tag>..HEAD might be handy.
  • Update the contributors list in package.json
    • git log --format=format:"%an <%ae>" --reverse <last-version-tag>..HEAD | grep -vEi "(renovate|dependabot|Snyk)" | sort| uniq -i
    • Manually add contributors (in alphabetical order)

Decide what the next version should be.

Update CHANGELOG links:

NEW_VERSION=<major.minor.patch(-rc.X)> make update-changelog

Verify changes to the CHANGELOG are correct. Stage uncommitted changes:

git add .
git commit -am "Release <major.minor.patch(-rc.X)>"

Then bump the version number and create a git tag. Run one of the following:

# Major prelease
npm version premajor --preid=rc

# Major release
npm version major

# Minor release
npm version minor

# Patch release
npm version patch

Publish to npm:

npm publish --access public

Push to git:

git push
git push --tags