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The Ethos user manual

This is the user manual for Ethos, an efficient and extensible tool for checking proofs of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers.

Building the Ethos executable

The source code for Ethos is available at To build ethos, run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

The ethos binary will be available in build/src/.

Debug build

By default, the above will be a production build of ethos. To build a debug version of ethos, that is significantly slower but has assertions and trace messages enabled, run:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..

The ethos binary will be available in build/src/.

Command line interface

Ethos can be run from the command line via:

ethos <option>* <file>

The set of available options <option> are given in the appendix. Note the command line interface of ethos expects exactly one file (which itself may reference other files via the include command as we will see later). The file and options can appear in any order.

The <file> passed to Ethos on the command line is either:

  • A Eunoia file, defining a background theory or proof calculus (extension .eo), or
  • A file containing a proof.

Any file with extension that is not .eo is assumed to be the latter. All proof files are expected to contain a reference to a Eunoia file that defines its symbols via an include command or using the command line option --include=X. Complete details on the categories of files accepted by Ethos are described later in this document here.

When invoking Ethos on the command line, Ethos will either emit an error message indicating:

  • the kind of failure (type checking, proof checking, lexer error)
  • the line and column of the failure

or will print a successful response when it finished parsing all commands in the file or encounters and exit command. Further output can be given by user-provided echo commands.

Streaming input to Ethos

The ethos binary accepts input piped from stdin. The following are all equivalent ways of running ethos:

% ethos <file>
% ethos < <file>
% cat <file> | ethos

Overview of Eunoia's features

Eunoia is the name of the logical framework and language that is supported natively by the Ethos checker. Although it is a general logical framework, Eunoia is geared towards defining proof systems used by SMT solvers and writing proofs in those systems.

Eunoia files are text files that are typically given the suffix *.eo.

The core features of Eunoia include:

  • A syntax and type system for defining theory signatures that follows those of SMT-LIB version 3.0.
  • Constructs for associating syntactic categories (as specified by SMT-LIB e.g. <numeral>) with types.
  • A command, declare-rule, for defining proof rules.
  • A set of commands for specifying proofs (step, assume, and so on), whose syntax closely follows that of the Alethe proof format (for details, see here).
  • A set of built-in basic types and a library of operations (eo::add, eo::mul, eo::concat, eo::extract) for performing computations over values.
  • A command, program, for defining side conditions as an ordered list of rewrite rules.
  • A command, declare-oracle-fun, for defining external, user-provided oracles, that is, functions whose semantics are given by external binaries. Oracles can be used, e.g., for modular proof checking.
  • Commands for file inclusion (include) and referencing (reference). The latter command can be used to specify the name of an *.smt2 input file that the proof is associated with.

In the following sections, we describe these features in more detail. A full syntax for the commands is given at the end of this document.

Declaring theory signatures

In Eunoia, as in SMT-LIB version 3.0, a common BNF is used to specify terms (expressions denoting values), types (expressions denoting sets of values) and kinds (expressions denoting sets of types). In this document, unless specified otherwise, we will use term more generally to refer to a value term, a type, or a kind. Terms are composed of applications, built-in operators of the language (e.g., for performing computations, see computation), literals (see literals), and three kinds of atomic terms (constants, variables, and parameters) which we describe below. A function (symbol) is an atomic term having a function type, that is, a type of the form (-> ... ...). The builtin eo::define binder can be used for specifying terms that contain common subterms analogously to let binders in other languages.

The core language of Eunoia does not have any builtin SMT-LIB theories. Instead, SMT-LIB theories may defined as Eunoia signatures. For this purpose, the Eunoia language has the following builtin constants:

  • Type, denoting the kind of all types,
  • ->, denoting the function type,
  • _, denoting (higher-order) function application,
  • Bool, denoting the Boolean type,
  • true and false, denoting the two values of type Bool.

Note: The core logic of Ethos also uses several builtin types (e.g. Proof and Quote) which define the semantics of proof rules. These types are intentionally to exposed to the user. Details on then can be found throughout this document. More details on the core logic of Ethos will be available in a forthcoming publication.

In the following, we informally use the syntactic categories <symbol> to denote an SMT-LIB 3.0 symbol, <term> to denote an SMT-LIB term and <type> to denote a term whose type is Type. The syntactic category <typed-param> is defined, BNF-style, as (<symbol> <type> <attr>*). It binds <symbol> as a fresh parameter of the given type and attributes (if provided).

The following commands are supported for declaring and defining types and terms. The first set of commands are identical to those in SMT-LIB version 3.0:

  • (declare-const <symbol> <type> <attr>*) declares a constant named <symbol> whose type is <type>. Can be given an optional list of attributes (see attributes).
  • (declare-consts <lit-category> <type>) declares the class of symbols denoted by the literal category to have the given type.

  • (declare-type <symbol> (<type>*)) declares a new type constructor named <symbol> whose kind is Type if <type>* is empty. If <type>* is <type_1> ... <type_n>, then kind of <symbol> is (-> <type_1> ... <type_n> Type). This is a derived command as it is a shorthand for (declare-const <symbol> Type) if <type>* is empty, and for (declare-const <symbol> (-> <type>* Type)) otherwise.

  • (define-type <symbol> (<type>*) <type>) defines <symbol> to be a lambda term whose type is given by the argument and return types.

  • (declare-datatype <symbol> <datatype-dec>) defines a datatype <symbol>, along with its associated constructors, selectors, discriminators and updaters.

  • (declare-datatypes (<sort-dec>^n) (<datatype-dec>^n)) defines a list of n datatypes for some n>0.

  • (exit) causes the checker to immediately terminate.

  • (reset) removes all declarations and definitions and resets the global scope. This command is similar in nature to its counterpart in SMT-LIB.

The Eunoia language contains further commands for declaring symbols that are not standard SMT-LIB version 3.0:

  • (define <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <term> <attr>*), defines <symbol> to be a lambda term whose arguments and body are given by the command, or the body if the argument list is empty. Note that in contrast to the SMT-LIB command define-fun, a return type is not provided. The provided attributes may instruct the checker to perform e.g. type checking on the given term see type checking define.

  • (declare-parameterized-const <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <type> <attr>*) declares a globally scoped variable named <symbol> whose type is <type>.

Note: Variables are internally treated the same as constants by Ethos. However, they are provided as a separate category, e.g., for user signatures that wish to distinguish universally quantified variables from free constants. They also have a relationship with user-defined binders, see binders, and can be accessed via the builtin operator eo::var (see computation).

Note: Symbol overloading is supported, see overloading.

Example: Basic Declarations

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const c Int)
(declare-const f (-> Int Int Int))
(declare-const g (-> Int (-> Int Int)))
(declare-const P (-> Int Bool))

Since Ethos does not assume any builtin definitions of SMT-LIB theories, definitions of standard symbols in SMT-LIB theories (such as Int, +, etc.) must be provided in Eunoia signatures. In the above example, symbol c is declared to be a constant (0-ary) symbol of type Int. The symbol f is a function taking two integers and returning an integer.

Observe that despite the use of different syntax in their declarations, the types of f and g in the above example are identical as -> is a right-associative binary type constructor.

Note: In Eunoia, all functions are unary. In the above example, (-> Int Int Int) is internally treated as (-> Int (-> Int Int)). Correspondingly, applications of functions are curried, e.g. (f a b) is treated as ((f a) b), which in turn can be seen as (_ (_ f a) b) where _ denotes higher-order function application.

Example: Basic Definitions

(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(define id ((x Bool)) x)
(define notId ((x Bool)) (not (id x)))

In the example above, not is declared to be a unary function over Booleans. Two defined functions are given, the first being an identity function over Booleans, and the second returning the negation of the first.

Since define commands are treated as (hygienic) macro definitions, in this example, id is mapped to the lambda term whose SMT-LIB version 3 syntax is (lambda ((x Bool)) x). Furthermore, notId is mapped to the lambda term (lambda ((x Bool)) (not x)). In other words, the following sequence of commands is equivalent to the one above after parsing:

(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(define id ((x Bool)) x)
(define notId ((x Bool)) (not x))

Example: Polymorphic types

Eunoia supports the declaration of polymorphic types, that is, types depending on other types.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-type Array (Type Type))
(declare-const a (Array Int Bool))

(define IntArray ((T Type)) (Array Int T))
(declare-const b (IntArray Bool))

In the above example, we declare an integer type constructor of kind Type and array type constructor of kind (-> Type Type Type).

Note the following declarations generate terms of the same type:

(declare-type Array_v2 (Type Type))
(declare-const Array_v3 (-> Type Type Type))

The :type attribute for definitions

To type check terms, define statements can be annotated with :type <term>. This allows the user to eagerly check that a term has a particular type at the place where it is defined. In particular:

(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(define notTrue () (not true) :type Bool)

This indicates the checker to compare the type it computed for the term (not true), with the specified type Bool. An error will be thrown if the two types are not identical.

The :var and :implicit annotations

The Eunoia language uses the SMT-LIB version 3.0 attributes :var <symbol> and :implicit in term annotations, for naming arguments of functions and specifying that they are implicit.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const eq (-> (! Type :var T) T T Bool))
(define P ((x Int) (y Int)) (eq Int x y))

The above example declares a predicate symbol eq whose first argument is a type, that is given name T. It then expects two terms of type T and returns a Bool. In the definition of P, eq is applied to two variables, with type Int explicitly provided.

In contrast, the example below declares a predicate = where the type of the arguments is implicit (this corresponds to the SMT-LIB standard definition of =). In the definition of P, the type Int of the arguments is not provided.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(define P ((x Int) (y Int)) (= x y))

In general, an argument can be made implicit if its value can be inferred from the type of later arguments.

Return types cannot be marked :implicit or :var or a type error will be immediately reported.

We call T in the above definitions a parameter. The free parameters of the return type of an expression should be contained in at least one non-implicit argument. In particular, the following declaration is malformed, since the return type of f cannot be inferred from its arguments:

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const f (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) Int T))

Note: Internally, (! T :var t) is syntax sugar for the type (Quote t) where t is a parameter of type T and Quote is a distinguished type of kind (-> (! Type :var U) U Type). When type checking applications of functions of type (-> (Quote t) S), the parameter t is bound to the argument the function is applied to.

Note: Internally, (! T :implicit) drops T from the list of arguments of the function type we are defining.

The :requires annotation

Arguments to functions can also be annotated with the attribute :requires (<term> <term>) to denote a equality condition that is required for applications of the term to type check.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const BitVec (-> (! Int :var w :requires ((eo::is_neg w) false)) Type))

The above declares the integer type Int and a bitvector type constructor BitVec that expects a non-negative integer w. In detail, the first argument of BitVec is supposed to be an Int value and is named w via the :var attribute. The second annotation indicates that the term (eo::is_neg w) must evaluate to false at type checking type. Symbol eo::is_neg denotes a builtin function that returns true if its argument is a negative numeral, and returns false otherwise (for details, see computation).

Note: Internally, (! T :requires (t s)) is syntax sugar for the type term (eo::requires t s T) where eo::requires is an operator that evaluates to its third argument if and only if its first two arguments are computationally equivalent (details on this operator are given in computation). Furthermore, the function type (-> (eo::requires t s T) S) is treated as (-> T (eo::requires t s S)). Ethos rewrites all types of the former form to the latter.

The :opaque annotation

The attribute :opaque can be used to denote that a distinguished argument to a function. In particular, functions with opaque arguments intuitively can be considered a family of functions indexed by their opaque arguments. An example of this annotation is the following:

(declare-type Array (Type Type))
(declare-const @array_diff
   (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) (! Type :var U :implicit)
   (! (Array T U) :opaque)
   (! (Array T U) :opaque)

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const A (Array Int Int))
(declare-const B (Array Int Int))
(define d () (@array_diff A B) :type Int)

The above example declares a function @array_diff symbol. This has two implicit type arguments T and U followed by two opaque array arguments and has T as a return type. In the remainder of the example, we define d to be this function applied to the arrays A and B, where d has type Int.

Intuitively, d should be considered an atomic constant symbol, where A and B are its indices and not its children. In particular, this means that any computation that pattern matches d will not consider it to be a function application. We give examples of this later in ex-substitution.

Functions can have both opaque and ordinary arguments, where the opaque arguments are expected to come first. Return types can never be marked :opaque or a type error will be immediately reported. The concatenation of the expected arguments can be passed to the symbol in the order they are given. For example:

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const @purify_fun (-> (! (-> Int Int) :opaque) Int Int))

(declare-const f (-> Int Int))
(declare-const a Int)
(define d () (@purify_fun f a) :type Int)

In this example, @purify_fun is declared as a function with one opaque argument, and ordinary integer argument, and returns an integer. Intuitively, this definition is introducing a new function, indexed by a function, that is of type (-> Int Int). After parsing, the term (@purify_fun f a) is a function application whose operator is (@purify_fun f) and has a single child a.

Note: Opaque arguments should always be expected before other arguments. Otherwise all applications of the given function will be ill-typed.

Declarations with attributes

The Eunoia language supports term annotations on declared constants which, for instance, allow the user to treat a constant as being variadic, i.e. taking an arbitrary number of arguments. The available annotations for this purpose are:

  • :right-assoc (resp. :left-assoc) denoting that application of the declared binary constant to more than two terms are to be treated as right (resp. left) associative,

  • :right-assoc-nil <term> (resp. :left-assoc-nil <term>) denoting that applications of the declared binary constant to one or more terms are to be treated as right (resp. left) associative, with the given <term> used as an additional rightmost (resp. leftmost) argument.

  • :chainable <symbol> denoting that the arguments of the declared binary constant are chainable using the (binary) operator given by <symbol>,

  • :pairwise <symbol> denoting that the arguments of the declared constant are treated pairwise using the (binary) operator given by <symbol>.

  • :binder <symbol> denoting that the first argument of the declared constant can be provided using a syntax for variable lists whose constructor is the one provided by <symbol>.

A declared function can be marked with at most one of the above attributes or an error is thrown.

A parameter may be marked with the following attribute:

  • :list, denoting that the parameter should be treated as a list when appearing as a child of an application of a right (left) associative operator.

Right/Left associative

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc)
(define P ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool)) (or x y z))
(define Q ((x Bool) (y Bool)) (or x y))
(define R ((x Bool)) (or x))

In the above example, (or x y z) is treated as (or x (or y z)). The term (or x y) is not impacted by the annotation :right-assoc since it has fewer than 3 children. The term (or x) is also not impacted by the annotation, and denotes the partial application of or to x, whose type is (-> Bool Bool).

Left associative can be defined analogously:

(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :left-assoc)
(define P ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool)) (and x y z))

In the above example, (and x y z) is treated as (and (and x y) z).

Note that the type for right and left associative operators is typically (-> T T T) for some type T. More generally, a constant declared with the :right-assoc annotation must have a type of the form (-> T1 T2 T2) for some types T1 and T2. Similarly, a constant declared with the :left-assoc annotation must have a type of the form (-> T1 T2 T1).

Right/Left associative with nil terminator

Eunoia supports a variant of the aforementioned functionality where a (ground) nil terminator is provided.

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(define P ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool)) (or x y z))
(define Q ((x Bool) (y Bool)) (or x y))
(define R ((x Bool) (y Bool)) (or x))

In the above example, (or x y z) is treated as (or x (or y (or z false))), (or x y) is treated as (or x (or y false)), and (or x) is treated as (or x false). In contrast, if or was annotated with left-associative-nil, (or x y z) would be treated as (or (or (or false x) y) z), (or x y) as (or (or false x) y), and (or x) as (or false x).

The advantage of right or left associative operators with nil terminators is that the terms they specify are unambiguous, which is not the case for right or left associative operators without nil terminators. Consider the following example:

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(define P1 ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool)) (or x (or y z)))
(define P2 ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool)) (or x y z))

If or had been marked :right-assoc, after desugaring, the abstract syntax tree for (the terms named) P2 would have been the same P1. In contrast, marking or with :right-assoc-nil false leads after desugaring to the distinct terms

  • (or x (or (or y (or z false)) false)) for P1 and
  • (or x (or y (or z false))) for P2.

Note: While the value provided for the :right-assoc-nil attribute (false in the example above) can be an arbitrary term of the proper type, it is advisable for it to be a neutral, or identity, element of the binary operator in question (or in the example). Otherwise, this gives rise to non-intuitive syntax.

For instance, with

(declare-const + (-> Int Int Int) :right-assoc-nil 1)

where + is meant to be the integer addition operator, the choice of 1 as terminator instead of the identity element 0 means that the expressions (+ x (+ y z))) and (+ x y z) desugar to terms ((+ x (+ (+ y (+ z 1) 1))) and (+ x (+ y (+ z 1))), respectively) that are distinct not just syntactically but also semantically.

Right and left associative operators with nil terminators also have a relationship with list terms (as we will see in the following section), and in computational operators.

The type for right and left associative operators with nil terminators is typically (-> T T T) for some T, where their nil terminator has type T. More generally, a constant declared with the :right-assoc-nil annotation must have a type of the form (-> T1 T2 T2) where T2 is the type of the nil constant, for some types T1 and T2. Similarly, a constant declared with the :left-associative annotation must have a type of the form (-> T1 T2 T1) where T1 is the type of the nil constant.

The nil terminator of a right associative operator may involve previously declared symbols in the signature. For example:

(declare-type RegLan ())
(declare-const re.all RegLan)
(declare-const re.inter (-> RegLan RegLan RegLan) :right-assoc-nil re.all)

This example defines the constant re.all (in SMT-LIB, this is the regular expression generating the set of all strings) and the function re.inter (in SMT-LIB, the intersection of regular expressions), where the latter is defined to have a nil terminator that references the free constant re.all.

However, when using declare-const, the nil terminator of an associative operator cannot depend on the parameters of the type of that function. For example, say we wish to declare bitvector or (bvor in SMT-LIB), where its nil terminator is the bitvector zero. A possible declaration is the following:

(declare-const bvor
    (-> (! Int :var m :implicit) (BitVec m) (BitVec m) (BitVec m))
    :right-assoc-nil #b0000

Above, note that m was not in scope when defining the nil terminator of this operator, and thus we have hardcoded the nil terminator to be a bitvector of width 4. This definition is clearly limited, as applications of this operator will fail to type check if m is not 4. However, the command declare-parameterized-const can be used to define a version of bvor whose nil terminator depends on m, which we will describe later in param-constants.


Parameters can be marked with the annotation :list. This includes those in function symbol declarations, as well as parameters to (e.g. define, program, declare-rule) commands. This annotation marks that the term should be treated as a list of arguments when it occurs as an argument of a right (left) associative operator with a nil element. Note the following example:

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(define P ((x Bool) (y Bool)) (or x y))
(define Q ((x Bool) (y Bool :list)) (or x y))
(declare-const a Bool)
(declare-const b Bool)
(define Paab () (P a (or a b)))
(define Qaab () (Q a (or a b)))

In the above example, note that or has been marked :right-assoc-nil false. As before, the definition of P is syntax sugar for (or x (or y false)). In contrast, the definition of Q is simply (or x y), since y has been marked with :list. Conceptually, our definition of P treats y as the second child of an or term, whereas our definition of Q treats y as the tail of an or term.

Then, P and Q are both applied to the pair of arguments a and (or a b). In the former (i.e. Paab), the definition is equivalent after desugaring to (or a (or (or a (or b false)) false)), whereas in the latter (i.e. Qaab) the definition is equivalent after desugaring to (or a (or a (or b false))). In other words, the definitions of Paab and Qaab are equivalent to the terms (or a (or a b)) and (or a a b) respectively prior to desugaring.

More generally, for an right-associative operator f with nil terminator nil, the term (f t1 ... tn) is de-sugared based on whether each t1 ... tn is marked with :list.

  • The nil terminator is inserted at the tail of the function application unless tn is marked as :list,
  • If ti is marked as :list where 1<=i<n, then ti is prepended to the overall application using a concatentation operation eo::list_concat. The semantics of this operator is provided later in list-computation.

In detail, the returned term from desugaring (f t1 ... tn) is constructed inductively. If tn is marked with :list, the returned term is initialized to tn and we process children ti from i = n-1 ... 1. If tn is not marked with :list, the return term is initialized to the nil terminator of f and we process children ti from i = n .. 1. For each term ti we process, the returned term r is updated to (f ti r) if ti is not marked with :list, or to (eo::list_concat f ti r) if ti is marked with :list. Examples of this desugaring are given below.

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(define test ((x Bool) (y Bool) (z Bool :list) (w Bool :list))
        (or x y)        ; (or x (or y false))
        (or x z)        ; (or x z)
        (or x z y)      ; (or x (eo::list_concat or z (or y false)))
        (or x)          ; (or x false)
        (or z)          ; z
        (or z y w x)    ; (eo::list_concat or z (or y (eo::list_concat or w (or x false)))

Note that in the case of (or z), no application of or is constructed, since only one argument term is given, since it is marked with :list. In contrast, (or x) denotes the or whose children are x and false.


(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc)
(declare-const >= (-> Int Int Bool) :chainable and)
(define P ((x Int) (y Int) (z Int)) (>= x y z))
(define Q ((x Int) (y Int)) (>= x y))

In the above example, (>= x y z w) is syntax sugar for (and (>= x y) (>= y z)), whereas the term (>= x y) is not impacted by the annotation :chainable since it has fewer than 3 children.

Note that the type for chainable operators is typically (-> T T S) for some types T and S, where the type of its combining operator is (-> S S S), and that operator has been marked as variadic via some attribute (e.g. :right-assoc).

A chainable operator applied to a single argument reduces to the neutral element of the combining operator. For example, (>= x) is equivalent to true.


(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc)
(declare-const distinct (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool) :pairwise and)
(define P ((x Int) (y Int) (z Int)) (distinct x y z))

In the above example, (distinct x y z) is treated as (and (distinct x y) (distinct x z) (distinct y z)).

Note that the type for pairwise operators is typically (-> T T S) for some types T and S, where the type of its combining operator is (-> S S S), and that operator has been marked as variadic via some attribute.

Similar to chainable operators, a pairwise operator applied to a single argument reduces to the neutral element of the combining operator. For example, (distinct x) is equivalent to true.


(declare-type Int ())
(declare-type @List ())
(declare-const @nil @List)
(declare-const @cons (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T @List @List)
 :right-assoc-nil @nil)
(declare-const forall (-> @List Bool Bool) :binder @cons)
(declare-const P (-> Int Bool))

(define Q1 () (forall ((x Int)) (P x)))
(define Q2 () (forall ((x Int)) (P x)))
(define Q3 () (forall ((y Int)) (P y)))

(define x () (eo::var "x" Int))
(define Q4 () (forall (@cons x) (P x)))

In the above example, forall is declared as a binder. This indicates that the parser (optionally) accepts a variable list as the first argument when parsing applications of forall instead of a term. In particular, in the last two commands, the parser accepts (forall ((x Int)) (P x)) for the variable list containing x. A variable list parsed in this way binds the symbol x to a variable of type Int when parsing the remaining arguments of forall, i.e. its body. The variable list passed as the first argument to the binder is determined by applying the specified constructor (in this case @cons) to the list of variables, so that (forall ((x Int)) (P x)) is syntax sugar for (forall (@cons x) (P x)). The constructor specified in declarations of binders should accept a variable number of arguments, e.g. @cons is declared with attribute :right-assoc-nil.

Variables introduced when parsing binders are always the same for each (symbol, type) pair. In particular, this means that the definitions of Q1 and Q2 are syntactically identical in the above example. On the other hand, the definition Q3 is distinct from both of these, since y is a distinct variable from x.

Furthermore, note that a binder also may accept an explicit term as its first argument. In the above example, Q4 has (@cons x) as its first argument, where x was explicitly defined as a variable. This means that the definition of Q4 is also syntactically equivalent to the definition of Q1 and Q2.

Note that if the option --binder-fresh is enabled, then when parsing reference files, the variables in binders are always fresh. This option does not impact how binders are parsed in Eunoia files.

Literal types

The Eunoia language supports associating SMT-LIB version 3.0 syntactic categories with types. In detail, a syntax category is one of the following:

  • <numeral> denoting the category of numerals -?<digit>+,
  • <decimal> denoting the category of decimals -?<digit>+.<digit>+,
  • <rational> denoting the category of rationals -?<digit>+/<digit>+,
  • <binary> denoting the category of binary constants #b<0|1>+,
  • <hexadecimal> denoting the category of hexadecimal constants #x<hex-digit>+ where hexdigit is [0-9] | [a-f] | [A-F],
  • <string> denoting the category of string literals "<char>*".

When parsing proofs and reference files, by default, decimal literals will be treated as syntax sugar for rational literals unless the option --no-normalize-dec is enabled. Similarly, hexadecimal literals will be treated as syntax sugar for binary literals unless the option --no-normalize-hex is enabled. Some SMT-LIB logics (e.g. QF_LRA) state that numerals should be treated as syntax sugar for rational literals. This behavior can be enabled when parsing proofs and reference files using the option --normalize-num.

In contrast to SMT-LIB version 2, note that rational values can be specified directly using the syntax 5/11, 2/4, 0/1 and so on. Rationals are normalized so that e.g. 2/4 and 1/2 are syntactically equivalent after parsing. Similarly, decimals are normalized so that e.g. 1.300 is syntactically equivalent to 1.3 after parsing. Note this is independent of whether these decimal values are further normalized to rational values. In other words, by default 1.300 is syntactically equivalent to the rational 13/10. Also note in contrast to SMT-LIB version 2, negative arithmetic can be provided using the syntax e.g. -1, -10.5, -1/3 and so on, instead of (- 1), (- 10.5), (/ (- 1) 3).

String values use the standard escape sequences as specified in SMT-LIB version 2.6, namely "" within a string literal denotes ". The only other escape sequences are of the form \u{dn ...d1} for 1<=n<=5 and \u d4 d3 d2 d1 for hexadecimal digits d1...d5 where d5 is in the range [0-2].

Note: Numeral, rational and decimal values are implemented by the arbitrary precision arithmetic library GMP. Binary and hexadecimal values are implemented as a layer on top of numeral values that tracks a bit width. String values are implemented as a vector of unsigned integers whose maximum value is specified by SMT-LIB version 2.6, namely the character set corresponds to Unicode values 0 to 196607.

Note: The user is not required to declare that true and false are values of type Bool. Instead, it is assumed that the syntactic category <boolean> of Boolean values (true and false) has been associated with the Boolean sort. In other words, (declare-consts <boolean> Bool) is a part of the builtin signature assumed by Ethos.

Declaring classes of literals

The following gives an example of how to define the class of numeral constants.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(define P ((x Int)) (> x 7))

In the above example, the declare-consts command specifies that numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on) are constants of type Int. The signature can now refer to arbitrary numerals in definitions, e.g. 7 in the definition of P.

Note: Internally, the command above only impacts the type rule assigned to numerals that are parsed. Furthermore, Ethos internally distinguishes whether a term is a numeral value, independently of its type, for the purposes of computational operators (see computation).

Note: For specifying literals whose type rule varies based on the content of the constant, the Eunoia language uses a distinguished variable eo::self which can be used in declare-consts definitions. For an example, see the type rule for SMT-LIB bit-vector constants, described later in bv-literals.

Computational Operators

Ethos has builtin support for computations over all syntactic categories of SMT-LIB version 3.0. We list the operators below, roughly categorized by domain. However, note that the operators are polymorphic and in some cases can be applied to multiple syntactic categories. For example, eo::add returns the result of adding two integers or rationals, but also can be used to add binary constants (integers modulo a given bitwidth). Similarly, eo::concat returns the result of concatenating two string literals, but can also concatenate binary constants. We remark on the semantics in the following.

In the following, we say a term is ground if it contains no parameters as subterms. We say an arithmetic value is a numeral, decimal or rational value. We say a bitwise value is a binary or hexadecimal value. A 32-bit numeral value is a numeral value between 0 and 2^32-1. Binary values are considered to be in little endian form.

Some of the following operators can be defined in terms of the other operators. For these operators, we provide the equivalent formulation. A signature defining these files can be found in non-core-eval. Note, however, that the evaluation of these operators is handled by more efficient methods internally in Ethos, that is, they are not treated as syntax sugar internally.

Core operators

  • (eo::is_eq t1 t2)

    • Returns true if t1 is (syntactically) equal to t2, or false if t1 and t2 are distinct and ground. Otherwise, it does not evaluate.
  • (eo::ite t1 t2 t3)

    • Returns t2 if t1 evaluates to true, t3 if t2 evaluates to false, and is not evaluated otherwise. Note that the branches of this term are only evaluated if they are the return term.
  • (eo::requires t1 t2 t3)

    • Returns t3 if t1 is (syntactically) equal to t2, and is not evaluated otherwise.
  • (eo::hash t1)

    • If t1 is a ground term, this returns a numeral that is unique to t1.
  • (eo::typeof t1)

    • If t1 is a ground term, this returns the type of t1 if its type is ground.
  • (eo::nameof t1)

    • If t1 is a ground constant or variable, this returns the name of t1, i.e. the string corresponding to the symbol it was declared with.
  • (eo::var t1 t2)

    • If t1 is a string value and t2 is ground type, this returns the variable whose name is t1 and whose type is t2.
  • (eo::cmp t1 t2)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_neg (eo::add (eo::neg (eo::hash t1)) (eo::hash t2))). Note that this method corresponds to an arbitrary total order on terms.
  • (eo::is_z t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_eq (eo::to_z t) t).
  • (eo::is_q t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_eq (eo::to_q t) t). Note this returns false for decimal literals.
  • (eo::is_bin t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_eq (eo::to_bin (eo::len t) t) t). Note this returns false for hexadecimal literals.
  • (eo::is_str t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_eq (eo::to_str t) t).
  • (eo::is_bool t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::or (eo::is_eq t true) (eo::is_eq t false)).
  • (eo::is_var t)

    • Equivalent to (eo::is_eq (eo::var (eo::nameof t) (eo::typeof t)) t).

Boolean operators

  • (eo::and t1 t2)
    • Boolean conjunction if t1 and t2 are Boolean values (true or false).
    • Bitwise conjunction if t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth.
  • (eo::or t1 t2)
    • Boolean disjunction if t1 and t2 are Boolean values.
    • Bitwise disjunction if t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth.
  • (eo::xor t1 t2)
    • Boolean xor if t1 and t2 are Boolean values.
    • Bitwise xor if t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth.
  • (eo::not t1)
    • Boolean negation if t1 is a Boolean value.
    • Bitwise negation if t1 is a bitwise value.

Arithmetic operators

  • (eo::add t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are arithmetic values of the same category, then this returns the addition of t1 and t2.
    • If t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth, this returns the binary value corresponding to their (unsigned) addition modulo their bitwidth.
  • (eo::mul t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are arithmetic values of the same category, then this returns the multiplication of t1 and t2.
    • If t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth, this returns the binary value corresponding to their (unsigned) multiplication modulo their bitwidth.
  • (eo::neg t1)
    • If t1 is a arithmetic value, this returns the arithmetic negation of t1.
    • If t1 is a binary value, this returns its (signed) arithmetic negation.
  • (eo::qdiv t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are values of the same category and t2 is non-zero, then this returns the rational division of t1 and t2.
  • (eo::zdiv t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are numeral values and t2 is non-zero, then this returns the integer division (floor) of t1 and t2.
    • If t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth, then this returns their (total, unsigned) division, where division by zero returns the max unsigned value.
  • (eo::zmod t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are numeral values and t2 is non-zero, then this returns the integer remainder of t1 and t2.
    • If t1 and t2 are bitwise values of the same category and bitwidth, then this returns their (total, unsigned) remainder, where remainder by zero returns t1.
  • (eo::is_neg t1)
    • If t1 is an arithmetic value, this returns true if t1 is strictly negative and false otherwise. Otherwise, this operator is not evaluated.
  • (eo::gt t1 t2)
    • Equivalent to (eo::is_neg (eo::add (eo::neg t1) t2)).

String operators

  • (eo::len t1)
    • Binary length (bitwidth) if t1 is a binary value.
    • String length if t1 is a string value.
  • (eo::concat t1 t2)
    • The concatenation of bits if t1 and t2 are binary values.
    • The concatenation of strings if t1 and t2 are string values.
  • (eo::extract t1 t2 t3)
    • If t1 is a binary value and t2 and t3 are numeral values, this returns the binary value corresponding to the bits in t1 from position t2 through t3 if 0<=t2, or the empty binary value otherwise.
    • If t1 is a string value and t2 and t3 are numeral values, this returns the string value corresponding to the characters in t1 from position t2 through t3 inclusive if 0<=t2, or the empty string value otherwise.
  • (eo::find t1 t2)
    • If t1 and t2 are string values, this returns a numeral value corresponding to the first index (left to right) where t2 occurs as a substring of t1, or the numeral value -1 otherwise.

Conversion operators

  • (eo::to_z t1)
    • If t1 is a numeral value, return t1.
    • If t1 is a rational value, return the numeral value corresponding to the floor of t1.
    • If t1 is a binary value, this returns the numeral value corresponding to t1.
    • If t1 is a string value of length one, this returns the code point of its character.
  • (eo::to_q t1)
    • If t1 is a rational value, return t1.
    • If t1 is a numeral value, this returns the (integral) rational value that is equivalent to t1.
  • (eo::to_bin t1 t2)
    • If t1 is a 32-bit numeral value and t2 is a binary value, this returns a binary value whose value is t2 and whose bitwidth is t1.
    • If t1 is a 32-bit numeral value and t2 is a non-negative numeral value, return the binary value whose value is t2 (modulo 2^t1) and whose bitwidth is t1.
  • (eo::to_str t1)
    • If t1 is a string value, return t1.
    • If t1 is a numeral value specifying a code point from Unicode planes 0-2 (i.e. a numeral between 0 and 196607), return the string of length one whose character has code point t1.
    • If t1 is a rational or binary value, return the string value corresponding to the result of printing t1.
    • If t1 is a hexadecimal value, return the string value corresponding to the result of printing t1. This will use lowercase letters for digits greater than 9.
    • If t1 is a decimal value, return the string value corresponding to the result of printing t1 as a rational.

Ethos eagerly evaluates ground applications of computational operators. In other words, the term (eo::add 1 1) is syntactically equivalent in all contexts to 2.

Currently, apart from applications of eo::ite, all terms are evaluated bottom-up. This means that e.g. in the evaluation of (eo::or A B), both A and B are always evaluated even if A evaluates to true.

Ethos supports extensions of eo::and, eo::or, eo::xor, eo::add, eo::mul, eo::concat to an arbitrary number of arguments >=2.

Computation Examples

(eo::and true false)        == false
(eo::and #b1110 #b0110)     == #b0110
(eo::or true false)         == true
(eo::xor true true)         == false
(eo::xor #b111 #b011)       == #b100
(eo::not true)              == false
(eo::not #b1010)            == #b0101
(eo::add 1 1)               == 2
(eo::add 1 1 1 0)           == 3
(eo::add 1/2 1/3)           == 5/6
(eo::add 2 1/3)             == (eo::add 2 1/3)  ; no mixed arithmetic
(eo::add 2/1 1/3)           == 7/3
(eo::add 2.0 1/3)           == (eo::add 2.0 1/3)  ; since no mixed arithmetic
(eo::add 2.0 2.5)           == 4.5
(eo::add #b01 #b01)         == #b10
(eo::add #x1 #b0001)        == (eo::add #x1 #b0001)  ; since no mixed arithmetic
(eo::mul 2 7)               == 14
(eo::mul 2 2 7)             == 28
(eo::mul 1/2 1/4)           == 1/8
(eo::neg -15)               == 15
(eo::qdiv 12 6)             == 3/1
(eo::qdiv 7 2)              == 7/2
(eo::qdiv 7/1 2/1)          == 7/2
(eo::qdiv 7.0 2.0)          == 7/2
(eo::qdiv 7 0)              == (eo::qdiv 7 0)  ; no division by zero
(eo::zdiv 12 3)             == 4
(eo::zdiv 7 2)              == 3
(eo::is_neg 0)              == false
(eo::is_neg -7/2)           == true
(eo::len "abc")             == 3
(eo::len """hi""")          == 4
(eo::len "\u{AB0E}")        == 1
(eo::len "\uA")             == 3
(eo::len #b11100)           == 5
(eo::concat "abc" "def")    == "abcdef"
(eo::concat #b000 #b11)     == #b00011
(eo::extract "abcdef" 0 1)  == "ab"
(eo::extract "abcdef" -1 3) == ""
(eo::extract "abcdef" 1 10) == "bcdef"
(eo::extract #b11100 2 4)   == #b111
(eo::extract #b11100 2 1)   == #b
(eo::extract #b111000 1 10) == #b11100
(eo::extract #b10 -1 2)     == #b
(eo::find "abc" "bc")       == 1
(eo::find "abc" "")         == 0
(eo::find "abcdef" "g")     == -1
(eo::to_z 3/2)              == 1
(eo::to_z 45)               == 45
(eo::to_z "A")              == 65
(eo::to_z "1")              == 49
(eo::to_z "451")            == (eo::to_z "451")  ; string is not length one
(eo::to_z "")               == (eo::to_z "")  ; string is not length one
(eo::to_z "\u{9876}")       == 9876
(eo::to_q 6)                == 6/1
(eo::to_bin 4 3)            == #b0011
(eo::to_bin 4 #b1)          == #b0001
(eo::to_bin 2 #b10101010)   == #b10
(eo::to_str 65)             == "A"
(eo::to_str 123)            == "{"
(eo::to_str -1)             == (eo::to_str -1) ; since not a valid code point
(eo::to_str 200000)         == (eo::to_str 200000) ; since not a valid code point
(eo::to_str 1/2)            == "1/2"
(eo::to_str #b101)          == "#b101"

Core Computation Examples

Note the following examples of core operators for the given signature

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const y Int)
(declare-const a Bool)
(eo::is_eq 0 1)                         == false
(eo::is_eq x y)                         == false
(eo::is_eq x x)                         == true
(eo::requires x 0 true)                 == (eo::requires x 0 true)  ; x and 0 are not syntactically equal
(eo::requires x x y)                    == y
(eo::requires x x Int)                  == Int
(eo::ite false x y)                     == y
(eo::ite true Bool Int)                 == Bool
(eo::ite a x x)                         == (eo::ite a x x)  ; a is not a value

(eo::is_eq 2 (eo::add 1 1))             == true
(eo::is_eq x (eo::requires x 0 x))      == false
(eo::ite (eo::is_eq x 1) x y)           == y

In the above, it is important to note that eo::is_eq is a check for syntactic equality after evaluation. It does not require that its arguments denote values, so for example (eo::is_eq x y) returns false.

List computations

Below, we assume that f is right associative operator with nil terminator nil and t1, t2 are ground. Otherwise, the following operators do not evaluate. We describe the evaluation for right associative operators; left associative evaluation is defined analogously. We say that a term is an f-list with children t1 ... tn if it is of the form (f t1 ... tn) where n>0 or nil if n=0.

List operators

  • (eo::nil f)
    • If f is a right associative operator, return its nil terminator.
  • (eo::cons f t1 t2)
    • If t2 is an f-list, then this returns the term (f t1 t2).
  • (eo::list_len f t)
    • If t is an f-list with children t1 ... tn, then this returns n.
  • (eo::list_concat f t1 t2)
    • If t1 is an f-list with children t11 ... t1n and t2 is an f-list with children t21 ... t2m, this returns (f t11 ... t1n t21 ... t2m) if n+m>0 and nil otherwise. Otherwise, this operator does not evaluate.
  • (eo::list_nth f t1 t2)
    • If f is a right associative operator with nil terminator with nil terminator nil, t1 is (f s0 ... s{n-1}), and t2 is a numeral value such that 0<=t2<n, then this returns s_{t2}. Otherwise, this operator does not evaluate.
  • (eo::list_find f t1 t2)
    • If f is a right associative operator with nil terminator with nil terminator nil and t1 is (f s0 ... s{n-1}), then this returns the smallest numeral value i such that t2 is syntactically equal to si, or -1 if no such si can be found. Otherwise, this operator does not evaluate.

List Computation Examples

The terms on both sides of the given evaluation are written in their form prior to desugaring, where recall that e.g. (or a) after desugaring is (or a false) and (or a b) is (or a (or b false)).

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil true)
(declare-const a Bool)
(declare-const b Bool)

(eo::nil or)                  == false
(eo::nil a)                   == (eo::nil a)                ; since a is not an associative operator

(eo::cons or a (or a b))            == (or a a b)
(eo::cons or false (or a b))        == (or false a b)
(eo::cons or (or a b) (or b))       == (or (or a b) b)
(eo::cons or false false)           == (or false)
(eo::cons or a b)                   == (eo::cons or a b)                ; since b is not an or-list
(eo::cons or a (or b))              == (or a b)
(eo::cons and (or a b) (and b))     == (and (or a b) b)
(eo::cons and true (and a))         == (and a)
(eo::cons and (and a) true)         == (and (and a))

(eo::list_len or (or a b))          == 2
(eo::list_len or (or (or a a) b))   == 2
(eo::list_len or false)             == 0
(eo::list_len or (and a b))         == (eo::list_len or (and a b))  ; since (and a b) is not an or-list

(eo::list_concat or false false)            == false
(eo::list_concat or (or a b) (or b))        == (or a b b)
(eo::list_concat or (or (or a a)) (or b))   == (or (or a a) b)
(eo::list_concat or false (or b))           == (or b)
(eo::list_concat or (or a b b) false)       == (or a b b)
(eo::list_concat or a (or b))               == (eo::list_concat or a (or b))         ; since a is not an or-list
(eo::list_concat or (or a) b)               == (eo::list_concat or (or a) b)         ; since b is not an or-list
(eo::list_concat or (or a) (or b))          == (or a b)
(eo::list_concat or (and a b) false)        == (eo::list_concat or (and a b) false)  ; since (and a b) is not an or-list

(eo::list_nth or (or a b a) 1)           == b
(eo::list_nth or (or a) 0)               == a
(eo::list_nth or false 0)                == (eo::list_nth or false 0)         ; since false has <=0 children
(eo::list_nth or (or a b a) 3)           == (eo::list_nth or (or a b a) 3)    ; since (or a b a) has <=3 children
(eo::list_nth or (and a b b) 0)          == (eo::list_nth or (and a b b) 0)   ; since (and a b b) is not an or-list

(eo::list_find or (or a b a) b)          == 1
(eo::list_find or (or a b a) true)       == -1
(eo::list_find or (and a b b) a)         == (eo::list_find or (and a b b) a)      ; since (and a b b) is not an or-list

Nil terminator with additional arguments

As we will introduce in param-constants, eo::nil is overloaded to accept addition arguments beyond the operator. In particular, (eo::nil or a b) intuitively denotes the nil terminator for the term or applied to arguments a,b.

Example: Type rule for BitVector concatenation

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(declare-type BitVec (Int))

(declare-const concat (->
  (! Int :var n :implicit)
  (! Int :var m :implicit)
  (BitVec n)
  (BitVec m)
  (BitVec (eo::add n m))))

(declare-const x (BitVec 2))
(declare-const y (BitVec 3))
(define z () (concat x y) :type (BitVec 5))

Above, we define a type declaration for BitVec that expects an integer (i.e. denoting the bitwidth) as an argument. Then, a type rule is given for bitvector concatenation concat, involves the result of invoking eo::add on the bitwidth of its two arguments.

Since eo::add only evaluates on numeral values, this means that this type rule will only give the intended result when the bitwidth arguments to this function are concrete. If on the other hand we defined:

(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-const x2 (BitVec a))
(declare-const y2 (BitVec b))
(define z2 () (concat x2 y2) :type (BitVec (eo::add a b)))

Based on the definition of concat, the return type of z2 in the above example is (BitVec (eo::add a b)), where the application of eo::add does not evaluate since a and b are not values. However, any term with a type that is both ground (i.e. containing no parameters) and evaluatable (i.e. containing an application of a program or builtin evaluation operator) is considered ill-typed by Ethos. Hence, the above example results in a type checking error. This was not the case with z in the previous example, whose type prior to evaluation was(BitVec (eo::add 2 3)), which evaluates to (BitVec 5) which is a legal type.

Example: Type rule for BitVector constants

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(declare-type BitVec (Int))

(declare-consts <binary> (BitVec (eo::len eo::self)))

(define x () #b000 :type (BitVec 3))

To define the class of binary values, whose type depends on the number of bits they contain, Ethos provides support for a distinguished parameter eo::self. The type checker for values applies the substitution mapping eo::self to the term being type checked. This means that when type checking the binary constant #b0000, its type prior to evaluation is (BitVec (eo::len #b0000)), which evaluates to (BitVec 4).

Parameterized constants

Recall that in assoc-nil, when using declare-const to define associative operators with nil terminators, it is not possible to have the nil terminator for that operator depend on its type parameters. In this section, we introduce a new command declare-parameterized-const which overcomes this limitation. Its syntax is:

(declare-parameterized-const <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <type> > <attr>*)

In the following example, we declare bitvector-or (bvor in SMT-LIB) where its nil terminator is bitvector zero for the given bitwidth.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral>Int)                ; numeral literals denote Int constants
(declare-type BitVec (Int))
(declare-consts <binary>
    (BitVec (eo::len eo::self)))              ; binary literals denote BitVec constants of their length
(define bvzero ((m Int)) (eo::to_bin m 0))    ; returns the bitvector value zero for bitwidth m

(declare-parameterized-const bvor ((m Int))   ; bvor is parameterized by a bitwidth m
    (-> (BitVec m) (BitVec m) (BitVec m))
    :right-assoc-nil (bvzero m)               ; its nil terminator depends on m

In this example, we first declare the Int and BitVec sorts, and associate numeral and binary values with those sorts (see declare-consts). Then, we declare bvor using declare-parameterized-const where its parameter is an integer m. The provided parameters are in scope for the remainder of the command, which means they can appear in the nil terminator of the operator. Here, we specify (bvzero m) as the nil terminator for bvor.

The parameter list of a parameterized constant are treated as implicit arguments. In this example, the type of bvor is (-> (! Int :var m :implicit) (BitVec m) (BitVec m) (BitVec m)).

If a function f is given a nil terminator with free parameters, this impacts:

  • how applications of f are desugared, and
  • how list operations such as eo::nil, eo::cons, and eo::list_concat are computed for f.

For the former, say we apply (f t1 ... tn), where f is right associative with nil terminator nil, where nil has free paramters u1 ... um. Similar to the procedure described in assoc-nil, if tn is not marked with :list, we insert the nil terminator of f to the end of the argument list. To compute the parameters of the nil terminator, we first compute the type of f applied to arguments t1 ... tn. If successful, this is the type T [v1 ... vm / u1 ... um] for some terms v1 ... vm and the given return type T of f. If any of v1 ... vm is non-ground, or if the application fails to type check, the nil terminator is (eo::nil f t1 ... tn). In other words, the computation of the nil terminator is deferred to this term (which itself may not evaluate). Otherwise, the nil terminator is nil[ v1 ... vm / u1 ... um]. Constructing (f t1 ... tn) then proceeds inductively via the same procedure described in assoc-nil. Examples of this are given in the following, assuming the declaration of bvor above.

(declare-const p (-> Bool Bool))
(define test ((x (BitVec 4)) (y (BitVec 4)) (n Int) (z (BitVec n)) (w (BitVec n)) (u (BitVec n) :list))
    (bvor x y)        ; (bvor x (bvor y #b0000))
    (bvor x)          ; (bvor x #b0000)
    (bvor z w)        ; (bvor z (bvor w (eo::nil bvor z w)))
    (bvor z u)        ; (bvor z u)
    (bvor u z)        ; (eo::list_concat bvor u (bvor z (eo::nil bvor u z)))

Above, notice that x and y have concrete bitwidths and z,w,u have the free parameter n as their bitwidth. In the first term, (bvor x y) is type checked to (BitVec m)[4/m]. Since 4 is ground, we compute the nil terminator (bvzero 4), which evaluates to #b0000. This is then used as the nil terminator, since y is not marked with :list. The second example is similar.

In the third, example, (bvor z w) is type checked to (BitVec m)[n/m], where note that n is not ground. Thus, we do not compute its nil terminator and instead construct the placeholder (eo::nil bvor z w). This is then used as the nil terminator since w is not marked as :list. In the fourth example, (bvor z u) is also type checked to (BitVec m)[n/m], but in this case the nil terminator is not used since u is marked as :list. In the fifth example, we use eo::list_concat as before since the list term u appears as the first argument. Similar to the third example, a placeholder for the nil terminator is generated.

Any list operation involving f first requires computing the nil terminator in question. This is done using the same procedure as described above. If we do not infer a ground nil terminator, then the term does not evaluate. Examples can be found at the end of this section.

Consider again the term (bvor z w) from the previous example:

(define test ((n Int) (z (BitVec n)) (w (BitVec n)))
    (bvor z w)        ; (bvor z (bvor w (eo::nil bvor z w)))
(declare-const a (BitVec 4))
(declare-const b (BitVec 4))
(define test4 () (test 4 a b))

The term in the body of test desugars to (bvor z (bvor w (eo::nil bvor z w))), where (eo::nil bvor z w) does not evaluate since the nil terminator of (bvor z w) involves a non-ground parameter n. In this example, we instantiate this definition in the body of test4, where n=4, z=a and w=b. The term (bvor a (bvor b (eo::nil bvor a b))) then evaluates to (bvor a (bvor b #b0000), since the nil terminator of (bvor a b) has ground parameter n=4 and evaluates to #b0000.

Note: Alternatively, the parameters of a function f may be provided explicitly using the syntax (eo::_ f p1 ... pn). When parameters are provided, these are used instead of the type inference method above. Furthermore, these parameters are dropped when applying the operator to arguments. For example (_ (eo::_ bvor 4) a b) is equivalent to (bvor a (bvor b #b0000)) after desugaring. An example use case for this feature is directly refer to the nil terminator of a concrete instance of bvor, e.g. (eo::nil (eo::_ bvor 4)) evaluates to #b0000.

The following are examples of list operations when using parameterized constant bvor:

(declare-const a (BitVec 4))
(declare-const b (BitVec 4))
(declare-const c (BitVec 5))

(eo::nil bvor)                == (eo::nil bvor)     ; since we cannot infer the type of bvor
(eo::nil bvor a)              == #b0000             ; since #b0000 is the nil terminator of (bvor a)
(eo::nil bvor a c)            == (eo::nil bvor a c) ; since (bvor a c) is ill-typed
(eo::nil (eo::_ bvor 4))      == #b0000

(eo::cons bvor a #b0000)            == (bvor a)
(eo::cons bvor c #b0000)            == (eo::cons bvor c #b0000) ; since (bvor c #b0000) is ill-typed
(eo::cons bvor a (bvor a b))        == (bvor a a b)

(eo::list_concat bvor #b0000 #b0000)       == #b0000
(eo::list_concat bvor (bvor a b) (bvor b)) == (bvor a b b)

Note: If no free parameters are used in the nil terminator of a parameterized constant, then it is treated equivalent to if it were declared via an ordinary declare-const command, and a warning is issued.


Ethos supports symbol overloading. For example, the following is accepted:

(declare-const - (-> Int Int))
(declare-const - (-> Int Int Int))
(declare-const - (-> Real Real Real))

When parsing a term whose head is -, Ethos will automatically choose which symbol to use based on the arguments passed to it. In particular, if a symbol is overloaded, Ethos will use the first symbol that results in a well-typed term if applied. For example, assuming standard definitions of SMT-LIB literal values, (- 1) uses the first, (- 0 1) uses the second, and (- 0.0 1.0) uses the third. If a symbol is unapplied, then Ethos will interpret it as the first declared term for that symbol.

Note: When multiple variants are possible, Ethos will use the first one and will not throw a warning. This behavior permits the user to order the declarations in the order of their precedence. For example, the SMT-LIB operator for unary negation should be declared before the declaration for subtraction. If this were done in the opposite order, then (- t) would be interpreted as the partial application of subtraction to the term t.

Furthermore, Ethos supports an operator eo::as for disambiguation whose syntax is (eo::as <term><type>). A term of the form (eo::as t (-> T1 ... Tn T)) evaluates to term s only if (s k1 ... kn) has type T where k1 ... kn are variables of type T1 ... Tn, and t and s are atomic terms with the same name. If multiple such terms s exist, then the most recent one is returned. Otherwise, the term (eo::as t (-> T1 ... Tn T)) is unevaluated. For example, (eo::as - (-> Int Int Int)) evaluates to the second declared symbol in the example above.

Generic Reasoning about Datatypes

Eunoia has support for retrieving the list of constructors associated with a datatype, as well as the list of selectors associated with a datatype constructor. This allows one to write side conditions and proof rules that reason about datatypes in a generic way, independent of the specific instance of the datatype.

In particular, Eunoia has support for:

  • (eo::dt_constructors T)
    • If T is a datatype type (that is, T was declared via declare-datatype or declare-datatypes command), then this returns the list (see below) of constructors for that type. Otherwise this operator does not evaluate.
  • (eo::dt_selectors c)
    • If c is a datatype constructor (that is, c was declared as a constructor within a declare-datatype or declare-datatypes command), then this returns the list of selectors of that constructor. Otherwise this operator does not evaluate.

In detail, for the purposes of representing the return value of these operators, Eunoia assumes the definition of a type eo::List with constructors eo::List::nil and eo::List::cons, where the latter is right associative with the former as its nil terminator. In other words, the following commands can be assumed as part of the builtin signature assumed by Ethos:

(declare-type eo::List ())
(declare-const eo::List::nil eo::List)
(declare-const eo::List::cons (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T eo::List eo::List)
               :right-assoc-nil eo::List::nil)

Note: eo::List is not itself a datatype type.

The constructor eo::List::cons is heterogeneous in that terms of any type can be included in the same list. Given a datatype with constructors c_1 ... c_n, the eo::dt_constructors will return the term (eo::List::cons c_1 ... c_n). Examples of these operators are given below.

(declare-datatypes ((Tree 0)) (((node (left Tree) (right Tree)) (leaf))))

(eo::dt_constructors Tree)   == (eo::List::cons node (eo::List::cons leaf eo::List::nil))
(eo::dt_selectors node)      == (eo::List::cons left (eo::List::cons right eo::List::nil))
(eo::dt_selectors leaf)      == eo::List::nil

(declare-datatypes ((Color 0)) (((red) (green) (blue))))

(eo::dt_constructors Color)   == (eo::List::cons red (eo::List::cons green (eo::List::cons blue eo::List::nil)))
(eo::dt_selectors red)        == eo::List::nil

Example: A generic splitting rule for Datatypes

The following declares a generic proof rule for splitting on the top constructor symbol of a term of datatype type. We assume the declaration of a generic is predicate (often called a "tester" predicate) which takes as input a constructor symbol and a datatype term.

; The constraint (is c x) is true iff x is an application of constructor c
(declare-const is (-> (! Type :var C :implicit) (! Type :var D :implicit) C D Bool))

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)

(program $mk_dt_split ((D Type) (x D) (T Type) (c T) (xs eo::List :list))
  (eo::List D) Bool
    (($mk_dt_split eo::List::nil x)          false)
    (($mk_dt_split (eo::List::cons c xs) x)  (eo::cons or (is c x) ($mk_dt_split xs x)))

(declare-rule dt-split ((D Type) (x D))
  :args (x)
  :conclusion ($mk_dt_split (eo::dt_constructors (eo::typeof x)) x)

(declare-datatypes ((Tree 0)) (((node (left Tree) (right Tree)) (leaf))))

(declare-const x Tree)
(step @p0 (or (is node x) (is leaf x)) :rule dt-split :args (x))

(declare-datatypes ((Color 0)) (((red) (green) (blue))))
(declare-const y Color)
(step @p1 (or (is red y) (is green y) (is blue y)) :rule dt-split :args (y))

In this example, after declaring our tester predicate is, we introduce a side condition $mk_dt_split that is used for defining a proof rule dt-split. The side condition recurses over a list of constructors, which was obtained in the definition of the proof rule from applying eo::dt_constructors to the type of x. For each constructor c in this list, we prepend a disjunct (is c x) to a recursive call to this method.

As part of the example, we see a particular definition of a list, called Tree. Applying the proof rule dt-split to a variable x of type Tree allows us to conclude that x must either be an application of node or leaf. Note that the definitino of dt-split is applicable to any datatype definition. In particular, as a second example, we see the rule applied to a term y of type Color gives us a conclusion with three disjuncts.

Parametric datatypes

Ethos supports reasoning about parametric datatypes with ambiguous datatype construtors using the same syntax as SMT-LIB 2.6.

In detail, we say a datatype constructor is "ambiguous" if it of type:

(-> T1 ... Tn T)

where some free parameter of T is not contained in the free parameters of T1, ..., Tn. (Note n may be 0).

All ambiguous datatype constructors are required to be annotated using the SMT-LIB 2.6 syntax (as <constructor> <type>). For example:

(declare-datatypes ((Tree 1)) ((par (X) (((node (left Tree) (data X) (right Tree)) (leaf))))))

In the this example, leaf is an ambiguous datatype constructor, while node is not. Instances of ambiguous datatype constructors are expected to be annotated with their return type using the syntax e.g. (as leaf (Tree Int)). This denotes a constant (e.g. a term with zero arguments), whose type is (Tree Int).

Note: Internally, all ambiguous datatype constructors are instead defined to be of type (-> (Quote T) T1 ... Tn T) This is done automatically, so that for the aforementioned datatype, the type of leaf is (-> (Quote (Tree X)) (Tree X)). Ethos interprets (as leaf (Tree Int)) as (_ leaf (Tree Int)), where this is an "opaque" application (see opaque). Conceptually, this means that (_ leaf (Tree Int)) is a constant symbol (with no children) that is indexed by its type.

The semantics of eo::dt_constructors and eo::dt_selectors is overloaded to handle (annotated) constructors and (instantiated) parameteric datatypes. For example, given the previous definition, note the following:

(eo::dt_constructors Tree)              == (eo::List::cons node (eo::List::cons leaf eo::List::nil))
(eo::dt_constructors (Tree Int))        == (eo::List::cons node (eo::List::cons (as leaf (Tree Int)) eo::List::nil))
(eo::dt_constructors (Tree U))          == (eo::List::cons node (eo::List::cons (as leaf (Tree U)) eo::List::nil))

(eo::dt_selectors node)                 == (eo::List::cons left (eo::List::cons data (eo::List::cons right eo::List::nil)))
(eo::dt_selectors leaf)                 == eo::List::nil
(eo::dt_selectors (as leaf (Tree Int))) == eo::List::nil

In particular, the constructors of a fully instantiated parameteric datatype are such that its ambiguous constructors are annotated in the return value, and its unambiguous constructors are included as-is. The selectors of a constructor (which are never ambiguous) are returned independently of whether the constructor is annotated.

Note: Note that eo::dt_constructors does not evaluate on parametric types that are partially applied, e.g. (eo::dt_constructors (Pair Int)) does not evaluate, where Pair expects two type parameters.

Declaring Proof Rules

The generic syntax for a declare-rule command accepted by ethos is:

(declare-rule <symbol> <keyword>? <sexpr>*)

When parsing this command, ethos will determine the format of the expected arguments based on the given keyword. If the <keyword> is not provided, then we assume it has been marked :ethos. All rules not marked with :ethos are not supported by the checker and will cause it to terminate.

If the keyword is :ethos, then the expected syntax that follows is given below:

(declare-rule <symbol> :ethos (<typed-param>*) <assumption>? <premises>? <arguments>? <reqs>? :conclusion <term> <attr>*)
<assumption>   ::= :assumption <term>
<premises>     ::= :premises (<term>*) | :premise-list <term> <term>
<arguments>    ::= :args (<term>*)
<reqs>         ::= :requires ((<term> <term>)*)

A proof rule begins by defining a list of free parameters, followed by 4 optional fields and a conclusion term. These fields include:

  • <premises>, denoting the premise patterns of the proof rule. This is, either, a list of formulas (via :premises) or the specification of a list of premises (via :premise-list), which will be described in detail later.
  • <arguments>, denoting argument patterns provided to a proof rule.
  • <reqs>, denoting a list of pairs of terms.

Proof rules with assumptions <assumption> are used in proofs with local scopes and will be discussed in detail later.

Proof rules may be marked with attributes at the end of their definition. The only attribute of this form that is currently supported is :sorry, which indicates that the proof rule does not have a formal justification. This, in turn, impacts the response of Ethos, as described in responses.

At a high level, an application of a proof rule is given a concrete list of (premise) proofs, and a concrete list of (argument) terms. A proof rule checks if a substitution S can be found such that:

  • The formulas proved by the premise proofs match the provided premise patterns under substitution S,
  • The argument terms match the provided argument patterns under substitution S,
  • The requirements are satisfied under substitution S, namely, each pair of terms in the requirements list evaluates pairwise to the same term. If these criteria are met, then the proof rule proves the result of applying S to the conclusion term.

A proof rule is only well defined if the free parameters of the requirements and conclusion term are also contained in the arguments and premises.

Note: Internally, proofs can be seen as terms whose type is given by a distinguished Proof type. In particular, Proof is a type whose kind is (-> Bool Type), where the argument of this type is the formula that is proven. For example, (Proof (> x 0)) is the proof that x is greater than zero. By design, the user cannot declare terms involving type Proof. Instead, proofs can only be constructed via the commands assume and step as we describe in proofs.

Example rule: Reflexivity of equality

(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-rule refl ((T Type) (t T))
    :premises ()
    :args (t)
    :conclusion (= t t)

The above example defines the rule for reflexivity of equality. First a parameter list is provided that introduces a type T and a term t of that type. The rule takes no premises, a term t and proves (= t t). Notice that the type T is a part of the parameter list and not explicitly provided as an argument to this rule.

Example rule: Symmetry of Equality

(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-rule symm ((T Type) (t T) (s T))
    :premises ((= t s))
    :conclusion (= s t)

This rule specifies symmetry of equality. This rule takes as premise an equality (= t s) and no arguments. In detail, an application of this proof rule for premise proof (= a b) for concrete terms a,b will compute the substitution { t -> a, s -> b } and apply it to the conclusion term to obtain (= b a).


A list of requirements can be given to a proof rule.

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(declare-const >= (-> Int Int Bool))
(declare-rule leq-contra ((x Int))
    :premise ((>= x 0))
    :requires (((eo::is_neg x) true))
    :conclusion false)

This rule expects an arithmetic inequality. It requires that the left hand side of this inequality x is a negative numeral, which is checked via the requirement :requires (((eo::is_neg x) true)).

Premise lists

A rule can take an arbitrary number of premises via the syntax :premise-list <term><term>. For example:

(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil true)
(declare-rule and-intro ((F Bool))
    :premise-list F and
    :conclusion F)

This syntax specifies that the number of premises that are provided to this rule are arbitrary. When applying this rule, the formulas proven to this rule (say F1 ... Fn) will be collected and constructed as a single formula via the provided operator (and), and subsequently matched against the premise pattern F. In particular, in this case F is bound to (and F1 ... Fn). The conclusion of the rule returns F itself.

Note that the type of functions provided as the second argument of :premise-list should be operators that are marked to take an arbitrary number of arguments, that is those marked e.g. with :right-assoc-nil or :chainable.

Writing Proofs

The Eunoia language provides the commands assume and step for defining proofs. Their syntax is given by:

(assume <symbol> <term>)
(step <symbol> <term>? :rule <symbol> <premises>? <arguments>?)
<premises>     ::= :premises (<term>*)
<arguments>    ::= :args (<term>*)

Example proof: symmetry of equality

(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-rule symm ((T Type) (t T) (s T))
    :premises ((= t s))
    :conclusion (= s t)
(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(assume @p0 (= a b))
(step @p1 (= b a) :rule symm :premises (@p0))

Proofs with local assumptions

The Eunoia language includes commands assume-push and step-pop with the same syntax as assume and step respectively. However, the former can be seen as introducing a local assumption that is consumed by the latter. We give an example of this, below.

(declare-const => (-> Bool Bool Bool))
(declare-rule implies-intro ((F Bool) (G Bool))
  :assumption F
  :premises (G)
  :conclusion (=> F G)
(declare-rule contra ((F Bool))
  :premises (false)
  :args (F)
  :conclusion F)
(assume-push @p1 false)
(step @p2 true :rule contra :premises (@p1) :args (true))
(step-pop @p3 (=> false true) :rule implies-intro :premises (@p2))

In this signature, we define a proof rule for implication introduction. The rule takes an assumption :assumption F, which denotes that it will consume a local assumption introduced by assume-push. We also define a rule for contradiction that states any formula can be proven if we prove false.

The command assume-push denotes that @p1 is a (locally assumed) proof of false. The proof @p1 is then used as a premise to the step @p2, which proves true. The command step-pop then consumes the proof of @p1 and binds @p3 to a proof of (=> false true). Notice that @p1 is removed from scope after @p3 is applied.

Locally assumptions can be arbitrarily nested, for example the above can be extended to:

(assume-push @p0 true)
(assume-push @p1 false)
(step @p2 true :rule contra :premises (@p1) :args (true))
(step-pop @p3 (=> false true) :rule implies-intro :premises (@p2))
(step-pop @p4 (=> true (=> false true)) :rule implies-intro :premises (@p3))

Side Conditions

Similar to declare-rule, Ethos supports an extensible syntax for programs whose generic syntax is given by:

(program <symbol> <keyword>? <sexpr>*)

When parsing this command, ethos will determine the format of the expected arguments based on the given keyword. If the <keyword> is not provided, then we assume it has been marked :ethos. All programs not marked with :ethos are not supported by the checker and will cause it to terminate.

If the keyword is :ethos, then the expected syntax that follows is given below, and is used for defining recursive programs. In particular, in Ethos, a program is an ordered list of rewrite rules. The syntax for this command is as follows.

(program <symbol> :ethos (<typed-param>*) (<type>*) <type> ((<term> <term>)+))

This command declares a program named <symbol>. The provided type parameters are implicit and are used to define the program's type signature and body.

The type of the program is given immediately after the parameter list, provided as a list of argument types and a return type. The semantics of the program is given by a non-empty list of pairs of terms, which we call its body. For program f, this list is expected to have the form (((f t11 ... t1n) r1) ... ((f tm1 ... tmn) rm)) where t11...t1n, ..., tm1...tmn do not contain computational operators. A (ground) term (f s1 ... sn) evaluates by finding the first term from the first component of a pair from f's body that matches it for a substitution S, and returns the result of applying S to the second component of said pair. If no such term can be found, then the application does not evaluate.

Note: Terms in program bodies are not statically type checked. Evaluating a program may introduce non-well-typed terms if the program body is malformed.

Note: For each case ((f ti1 ... tin) ri) in the program body, the free parameters in ri are required to be a subset of the free parameters in (f ti1 ... tin). Otherwise, an error is thrown.

Note: If a case is provided (si ri) in the definition of program f where si is not an application of f, an error is thrown. Furthermore, if si contains any computational operators (i.e. those with eo:: prefix), then an error is thrown.

Note: Programs are not invoked on terms that fail to evaluate. For example, if a function f : Int -> Int is applied to (eo::add "A" "B"), we return (f (eo::add "A" "B")).

Note: Programs are not invoked when applied to other programs in this version of Ethos. For example, the application of a program f : (Int -> Int) -> Int to another user defined program g : Int -> Int will be unevaluated, i.e. (f g). Similarly, programs are not invoked when applied to builtin operators eo:: and oracle functions. In contrast, f is invoked when g is an ordinary term e.g. one defined by declare-const.

Example: Finding a child in an or term

The following program (recursively) computes whether a formula l is contained as the direct child of an application of or:

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(program contains
    ((l Bool) (x Bool) (xs Bool :list))
    (Bool Bool) Bool
        ((contains false l)     false)
        ((contains (or l xs) l) true)
        ((contains (or x xs) l) (contains xs l))

First, we declare the parameters l, x, xs, each of type Bool. These parameters are used for defining the body of the program, but do not necessarily coincide with the expected arguments to the program. We then declare the type of the program (Bool Bool) Bool, i.e. the type of contains is a function expecting two Booleans and returning a Boolean. The body of the program is then given in three cases. First, terms of the form (contains false l) evaluate to false, that is, we failed to find l in the first argument. Second, terms of the form (contains (or l xs) l) evaluate to true, that is we found l in the first position of the first argument. Otherwise, terms of the form (contains (or x xs) l) evaluate in one step to (contains xs l), in other words, we make a recursive call to find l in the tail of the list xs.

In this example, since xs was marked with :list, the terms (or l xs) and (or x xs) are desugared to terms where xs is matched with the tail of the input. The next two examples show variants where an incorrect definition of this program is defined.

Note: As mentioned in list-computation, Eunoia has dedicated support for operators over lists. For the definition of contains in the above example, the term (contains c l) is equivalent to (eo::not (eo::is_neg (eo::list_find or c l))). Computing the latter is significantly faster in practice in Ethos.

Example: Finding a child in an or term (incorrect version)

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(program contains
    ((l Bool) (x Bool) (xs Bool))
    (Bool Bool) Bool
        ((contains false l)     false)
        ((contains (or l xs) l) true)
        ((contains (or x xs) l) (contains xs l))

In this variant, xs was not marked with :list. Thus, (or l xs) and (or x xs) are desugared to (or l (or xs false)) and (or x (or xs false)) respectively. In other words, these terms will match or terms with exactly two children, for example (contains (or a b) a) will still evaluate to true. However, (contains (or a b c) a) does not evaluate in this example.

Example: Finding a child in an or term (incorrect version 2)

(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(program contains
    ((l Bool) (x Bool :list) (xs Bool :list))
    (Bool Bool) Bool
        ((contains false l)     false)
        ((contains (or l xs) l) true)
        ((contains (or x xs) l) (contains xs l))

In this variant, both xs and x were marked with :list. Ethos will reject this definition since it implies that a computational operator appears in a pattern for matching. In particular, the term (or x xs) is equivalent to (eo::list_concat or x xs) after desugaring. Thus, the third case of the program, (contains (eo::list_concat or x xs) l), is not a legal pattern.

Example: Substitution

(program substitute
  ((T Type) (U Type) (S Type) (x S) (y S) (f (-> T U)) (a T) (z U))
  (S S U) U
  ((substitute x y x)     y)
  ((substitute x y (f a)) (_ (substitute x y f) (substitute x y a)))
  ((substitute x y z)     z)

The term (substitute x y t) replaces all occurrences of x by y in t. Note that this side condition is fully general and does not depend on the shape of terms in t. In detail, recall that Ethos treats all function applications as curried (unary) applications. In particular, this implies that (f a) matches any application term, since both f and a are parameters. Thus, the side condition is written in three cases: either t is x in which case we return y, t is a function application in which case we recurse, or otherwise t is a constant not equal to x and we return itself.

This method will not replace subterms inside of opaque arguments (see opaque). In particular, a term such as (@array_diff A B) will remain unchanged for a substitution e.g. replacing A with B, since (@array_diff A B) is not a function application. Hence when t is (@array_diff A B), we fall into the third case of the method above for any call to substitute where x is not (@array_diff A B) itself.

Alternatively, the following version of substitution substitute-o pattern matches on applications of @array_diff explicitly. Calling it with arguments A, B, and (@array_diff A B) would return (@array_diff B B).

(program substitute-o
  ((T Type) (U Type) (S Type) (x S) (y S) (a (Array T U)) (b (Array T U)) (z U))
  (S S U) U
  ((substitute-o x y x)                 y)
  ((substitute-o x y (f a))             (_ (substitute-o x y f) (substitute-o x y a)))
  ((substitute-o x y (@array_diff a b)) (@array_diff (substitute-o x y a) (substitute-o x y b)))
  ((substitute-o x y z)                 z)

Example: Term evaluator

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-const + (-> Int Int Int))
(declare-const - (-> Int Int Int))
(declare-const < (-> Int Int Bool))
(declare-const <= (-> Int Int Bool))

(program run_evaluate ((T Type) (U Type) (S Type) (a T) (b U) (z S))
    (S) S
      ((run_evaluate (= a b))  (eo::is_eq (run_evaluate a) (run_evaluate b)))
      ((run_evaluate (< a b))  (eo::is_neg (run_evaluate (- a b))))
      ((run_evaluate (<= a b)) (let ((x (run_evaluate (- a b))))
                                 (eo::or (eo::is_neg x) (eo::is_eq x 0))))
      ((run_evaluate (+ a b))  (eo::add (run_evaluate a) (run_evaluate b)))
      ((run_evaluate (- a b))  (eo::add (run_evaluate a) (eo::neg (run_evaluate b))))
      ((run_evaluate z)        z)

The above example recursively evaluates arithmetic terms and predicates according to their intended semantics.

Example: A computational type rule

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-type Real ())
(program arith.typeunion ()
    (Type Type) Type
      ((arith.typeunion Int Int) Int)
      ((arith.typeunion Int Real) Real)
      ((arith.typeunion Real Int) Real)
      ((arith.typeunion Real Real) Real)
(declare-const + (-> (! Type :var T :implicit)
                     (! Type :var U :implicit)
                     T U (arith.typeunion T U)))

In the above example, a side condition is being used to define the type rule for the function +. In particular, arith.typeunion is a program taking two types and returning a type, which is Real if either argument is Real or Int otherwise. The return type of + invokes this side condition, which conceptually is implementing a policy for subtyping over arithmetic types.

Example: Conversion to DIMACS

(declare-type String ())
(declare-consts <string> String)
(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(declare-const or (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil false)
(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :right-assoc-nil true)

(program to_drat_lit ((l Bool))
  (Bool) Int
    ((to_drat_lit (not l))  (eo::neg (eo::hash l)))
    ((to_drat_lit l)        (eo::hash l))
(program to_drat_clause ((l Bool) (C Bool :list))
  (Bool) String
    ((to_drat_clause false)    "0")
    ((to_drat_clause (or l C)) (eo::concat (eo::to_str (to_drat_lit l)) " " (to_drat_clause C)))
    ((to_drat_clause l)        (eo::concat (eo::to_str (to_drat_lit l)) " 0"))
(program to_dimacs ((C Bool) (F Bool :list))
  (Bool) String
    ((to_dimacs true)       "")
    ((to_dimacs (and C F))  (eo::concat (to_drat_clause C) " " (to_dimacs F)))

The above program to_dimacs converts an SMT formula into DIMACS form, where eo::hash is used to assign atoms to integer identifiers.

Match statements

Ethos supports an operator eo::match for performing pattern matching on a target term. The syntax of this term is:

(eo::match (<typed-param>*) <term> ((<term> <term>)*))

The term (eo::match (...) t ((s1 r1) ... (sn rn))) finds the first term si in the list s1 ... sn that t can be matched with under some substitution and returns the result of applying that substitution to ri.

Note: Match terms require the free parameters of ri are a subset of the provided parameter list. In other words, all patterns must only involve parameters that are locally bound as the first argument of the match term. Also, similar to programs, the free parameters of ri that occur in the parameter list must be a subset of si, or else an error is thrown.

Note: Like programs, match terms are not statically type checked.

Examples of legal and illegal match terms

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const F Bool)
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const P (-> Int Bool))
(declare-const f (-> Int Int))
; Legal match terms:
(define test1 ((x Int))
    (f (eo::match ((y Int)) x 
                (a a) 
                (b b) 
                ((f (f a)) a)   ; can use arbitrary nesting in pattern terms
                ((f (f y)) b)
                (y a)           ; note that using a parameter as a pattern acts as a default case
(define test2 ((F Bool) (y Int)) 
    (eo::match ((x Int)) F 
            ((P x) y)           ; ok since y is bound at a higher scope and x is bound locally

; Illegal match terms:
(define test3 ((F Bool) (y Int)) 
    (eo::match ((x Int)) F 
            ((P y) a)       ; since y is not locally bound
(define test4 ((F Bool) (y Int)) 
    (eo::match ((x Int)) F 
            ((P a) x)       ; since x does not occur in (P a)

Example: Proof rule for symmetry of (dis)equality

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(declare-rule symm ((F Bool))
    :premises (F)
        (eo::match ((t1 Int) (t2 Int)) F
                ((= t1 t2)       (= t2 t1))
                ((not (= t1 t2)) (not (= t2 t1)))

The above rule performs symmetry on equality or disequality. It matches the given premise F with either (= t1 t2) or (not (= t1 t2)) and flips the terms on the sides of the (dis)equality.

Internally, the semantics of eo::match can be seen as an (inlined) program applied to its head, such that the above example is equivalent to:

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-const not (-> Bool Bool))
(program matchF ((t1 Int) (t2 Int))
    (Bool) Bool
      ((matchF (= t1 t2))       (= t2 t1))
      ((matchF (not (= t1 t2))) (not (= t2 t1)))
(declare-rule symm ((F Bool))
    :premises (F)
    :args ()
    :conclusion (matchF F)

Note: The Ethos checker automatically performs the above transformation on match terms for consistency. In more general cases, if the body of the match term contains free variables, these are added to the argument list of the internally generated program.

Example: Proof rule for transitivity of equality with a premise list

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-const and (-> Bool Bool Bool) :left-assoc)

(program mk_trans ((t1 Int) (t2 Int) (t3 Int) (t4 Int) (tail Bool :list))
    (Int Int Bool) Bool
        ((mk_trans t1 t2 (and (= t3 t4) tail)) (eo::requires t2 t3 (mk_trans t1 t4 tail)))
        ((mk_trans t1 t2 true)                 (= t1 t2))

(declare-rule trans (E Bool))
    :premise-list E and
        (eo::match ((t1 Int) (t2 Int) (tail Bool :list)) E
            ((and (= t1 t2) tail) (mk_trans t1 t2 tail))

For simplicity, the rule is given only for equalities of the integer sort, although this rule can be generalized. The proof rule trans first packages an arbitrary number of premises, constructs a conjunction of these premises, which to bound to E and passed to the match term in the conclusion. The recursive calls in the side condition mk_trans accumulate the endpoints of an equality chain and ensure via eo::requires that further equalities extend the left hand side of this chain.

Including and referencing files

Ethos supports the following commands for file inclusion:

  • (include <string>), which includes the file indicated by the given string. The path to the file is taken relative to the directory of the file that includes it.
  • (reference <string> <symbol>?), which similar to include includes the file indicated by the given string, and furthermore marks that file as being the reference input for the current run of the checker (see below). The optional symbol can refer to a normalization routine (see below).

Additionally, files may be included or referenced on the command line with the options --include=X and --reference=X respectively.

Validation Proofs via Reference Inputs

When Ethos encounters a command of the form (reference <string>), the checker enables a further set of checks that ensures that all assumptions in proofs correspond to assertions from the file referenced by the given string.

In particular, when the command (reference "file.smt2") is read, Ethos will parse file.smt2. The definitions and declaration commands in this file will be treated as normal, that is, they will populate the symbol table of Ethos as they normally would if they were to appear in an *.eo input. The commands of the form (assert F) will add F to a set of formulas we will refer to as the reference assertions. Other commands in file.smt2 (e.g. set-logic, set-option, and so on) will be ignored.

If ethos has read a reference file, then for each command of the form (assume <symbol> G), ethos will check whether G occurs in the set of parsed reference assertions. If it does not, then an error is thrown indicating that the proof is assuming a formula that is not a part of the original input.

Note: Only one reference command can be executed for each run of ethos.

Note: Incremental *.smt2 inputs are not supported as reference files in the current version of ethos.

Validation up to Normalization

Since the validation is relying on the fact that ethos can faithfully parse the original *.smt2 file, validation will only succeed if the signatures used by Ethos exactly match the syntax for terms in the *.smt2 file. Minor changes in how terms are represented will lead to mismatches. For this reason, ethos additionally supports providing an optional normalization routine via (reference <string> <term>), which includes the file indicated by the given string and specifies all assumptions must match an assertion after running the provided normalization function.

For example:

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-type Real ())
(declare-const / (-> Int Int Real))
(program normalize ((T Type) (S Type) (f (-> S T)) (x S) (a Int) (b Int))
   (T) T
     ((normalize (/ a b)) (eo::qdiv a b))
     ((normalize (f x))   (_ (normalize f) (normalize x)))
     ((normalize y)       y)
(reference "file.smt2" normalize)

Here, normalize is introduced as a program which recursively replaces all occurrences of division (over integer constants) with the resulting rational constant. This method can be used for handling solvers that interpret constant division as the construction of a rational constant. The above program will be invoked on all formulas occuring in assert commands in "file.smt2" and subsequently formulas in assume commands.


Ethos supports a command, declare-oracle-fun, which associates the semantics of a function with an external binary. We reference to such functions as oracle functions. The syntax and semantics of such functions are described in this paper.

In particular, Ethos supports the command:

(declare-oracle-fun <symbol> (<type>*) <type> <symbol>)

Like the declare-fun command from SMT-LIB, this command declares a constant named <symbol> whose type is given by the argument types and return type. In addition, a symbol is provided at the end of the command which specifies the name of executable command to run. Ground applications of oracle functions are eagerly evaluated by invoking the binary and parsing its result, which we describe in more detail in the following example.

Example: Oracle isPrime

(declare-type Int ())
(declare-consts <numeral> Int)
(declare-const = (-> (! Type :var T :implicit) T T Bool))
(declare-const >= (-> Int Int Bool))

(declare-oracle-fun runIsPrime (Int) Bool ./isPrime)

(declare-rule ((x Int) (y Int) (z Int))
    :premises ((>= z 2) (= (* x y) z))
    :requires (((runIsPrime z) false))
    :conclusion false)

In the above example, ./isPrime is assumed to be an executable that given text as input returns either the text true denoting that the input text denotes a prime integer value or false if the text denotes a composite integer value. Otherwise, it is expected to exit with a (non-zero) error code.

An application of (runIsPrime z) for a ground term z invokes ./isPrime. If ./isPrime returns with an error, then (runIsPrime z) does not evaluate. Otherwise, (runIsPrime z) evaluates to the result of parsing its output using the current parser state. In this example, an output of response of true (resp. false) from the executable will be parsed back at the Boolean value true (resp. false). More generally, input and output of oracles may contain symbols that are defined in the current parser state. The user is responsible that the input can be properly parsed by the oracle, and the outputs of oracles can be properly parsed by Ethos.

In the above example, a proof rule is then defined that says that if z is an integer greater than or equal to 2, is the product of two integers x and y, and is prime based on invoking runIsPrime in the given requirement, then we can conclude false.

Checker Response

After successfully parsing an input file with no errors, Ethos will respond with one of two possibilities:

  • incomplete if it parsed any step or step-pop application that referenced a proof rule that was marked with the attribute :sorry, or
  • correct otherwise.

Note, however, that Ethos does not impose any requirements on what was proven in the proof. The user is responsible for ensure that e.g. the proof contains a step with a desired conclusion (e.g. false).


Command line options of ethos

The Ethos command line interface can be invoked by ethos <option>* <file> where <option> is one of the following:

  • --help: displays a help message.
  • --include=X: includes the file specified by X.
  • --no-print-dag: do not dagify the output of terms in error messages and trace messages.
  • --no-rule-sym-table: do not use a separate symbol table for proof rules and declared terms.
  • --reference=X: includes the file specified by X as a reference file.
  • --show-config: displays the build information for the given binary.
  • --stats: enables detailed statistics.
  • --stats-all: enables all available statistics, including program invocations.
  • --stats-compact: print statistics in a compact format.
  • -t <tag>: enables the given trace tag (for debugging).
  • -v: verbose mode, enable all standard trace messages.

The following options impact how proof files and reference files are parsed only (for details on classifications of files, see full-syntax). They do not impact how signature files (*.eo) are parsed:

  • --binder-fresh: binders generate fresh variables.
  • --normalize-num: treat numeral literals as syntax sugar for (integral) rational literals.
  • --no-normalize-dec: do not treat decimal literals as syntax sugar for rational literals.
  • --no-normalize-hex: do not treat hexadecimal literals as syntax sugar for binary literals.
  • --no-parse-let: do not treat let as a builtin symbol for specifying a macro.

Most of the above options can also be set via set-option commands within proofs or Eunoia scripts. For example, the command (set-option binder-fresh true) tells Ethos to generate fresh variables when parsing binders always. Further note that option names in this interface should exclude no-, which is equivalent to setting the value of the option to false. As another example, (set-option normalize-dec false) is equivalent to the command line option --no-normalize-dec.

Full syntax for Eunoia commands

Below defines the syntax accepted by the Ethos parser.

We distinguish three kinds of file inputs:

  • Proof files are files that are given via command line option that do not have extension *.eo. Their expected syntax is <eo-command>*.
  • Reference files are files included via the reference command. Their expected syntax is <smtlib2-command>*.
  • Signature files are files that given via command line option that have extension *.eo, or those that are included via the command include. Like proof files, their expected syntax is <eo-command>*.

As mentioned, the first two kinds of file inputs take into account options concerning the normalization of terms (e.g. --normalize-num), while signature files do not. When streaming input to Ethos, we assume the input is being given for a proof file.

<eo-command> ::=
    (assume <symbol> <term>) |
    (assume-push <symbol> <term>) |
    (declare-consts <lit-category> <type>) |
    (declare-parameterized-const <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <type> <attr>*) |
    (declare-oracle-fun <symbol> (<type>*) <type> <symbol>) |
    (declare-rule <symbol> <keyword> <sexpr>*) |
    (declare-rule <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <assumption>? <premises>? <arguments>? <reqs>? :conclusion <term> <attr>*) |
    (declare-type <symbol> (<type>*)) |
    (define <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <term> <attr>*) |
    (define-type <symbol> (<type>*) <type>) |
    (include <string>) |
    (program <symbol> <keyword> <sexpr>*) |
    (program <symbol> (<typed-param>*) (<type>*) <type> ((<term> <term>)+)) |
    (reference <string> <symbol>?) |
    (step <symbol> <term>? :rule <symbol> <simple-premises>? <arguments>?) |
    (step-pop <symbol> <term>? :rule <symbol> <simple-premises>? <arguments>?) |

<common-command> ::=
    (declare-const <symbol> <type> <attr>*)
    (declare-datatype <symbol> <datatype-dec>) |
    (declare-datatypes (<sort-dec>^n) (<datatype-dec>^n)) |
    (echo <string>?) |
    (exit) |
    (reset) |
    (set-option <attr>)

<smtlib2-command> ::=
    (assert <term>) |
    (check-sat) |
    (check-sat-assuming (<term>*)) |
    (declare-fun <symbol> (<type>*) <type> <attr>*) |
    (declare-sort <symbol> <numeral>) |
    (define-const <symbol> <term>) |
    (define-fun <symbol> (<typed-param>*) <type> <term>) |
    (define-sort <symbol> (<symbol>*) <type>) |
    (set-info <attr>) |
    (set-logic <symbol>) |

<keyword>       ::= :<symbol>
<attr>          ::= <keyword> <term>?
<term>          ::= <symbol> | (<symbol> <term>+) | (! <term> <attr>+) | (eo::match (<typed-param>*) <term> ((<term> <term>)*))
<type>          ::= <term>
<typed-param>   ::= (<symbol> <type> <attr>*)
<sort-dec>      ::= (<symbol> <numeral>)
<sel-dec>       ::= (<symbol> <type>)
<cons-dec>      ::= (<symbol> <sel-dec>*)
<datatype-dec>  ::= (<cons-dec>+)
<lit-category>  ::= '<numeral>' | '<decimal>' | '<rational>' | '<binary>' | '<hexadecimal>' | '<string>'

<assumption>      ::= :assumption <term>
<premises>        ::= <simple-premises> | :premise-list <term> <term>
<simple-premises> ::= :premises (<term>*)
<arguments>       ::= :args (<term>*)
<reqs>            ::= :requires ((<term> <term>)*)

Definitions of Non-Core Evaluation Operators

The following signature can be used to define operators that are not required to be supported as core evaluation operators.

; Returns true if x is a numeral literal.
(define eo::is_z ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::is_eq (eo::to_z x) x))

; Returns true if x is a rational literal.
(define eo::is_q ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::is_eq (eo::to_q x) x))

; Returns true if x is a binary literal.
(define eo::is_bin ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::is_eq (eo::to_bin (eo::len x) x) x))

; Returns true if x is a string literal.
(define eo::is_str ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::is_eq (eo::to_str x) x))

; Returns true if x is a Boolean literal.
(define eo::is_bool ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::ite (eo::is_eq x true) true (eo::is_eq x false)))

; Returns true if x is a variable.
(define eo::is_var ((T Type :implicit) (x T))
  (eo::is_eq (eo::var (eo::nameof x) (eo::typeof x)) x))

; Compare arithmetic greater than. Assumes x and y are values.
; Returns true if x > y.
(define eo::gt ((T Type :implicit) (x T) (y T))
  (eo::is_neg (eo::add (eo::neg x) y)))

; An arbitrary deterministic comparison of terms. Returns true if a > b based
; on this ordering.
(define eo::cmp ((T Type :implicit) (U Type :implicit) (a T) (b U))
  (eo::is_neg (eo::add (eo::hash b) (eo::neg (eo::hash a)))))

Proofs as terms

This section overviews the semantics of proofs in the Eunoia language. Proof checking can be seen as a special instance of type checking terms involving the Proof and Quote types. The type system of Eunoia can be summarized as follows, where t : S are assumed axioms for all atomic terms t of type S:

f : (-> (Quote u) S)  t : T
---------------------------- if u * sigma = t
(f t) : S * sigma

f : (-> U S)  t : T
------------------- if U * sigma = T
(f t) : S * sigma

for all other (non-Quote) types U.

Note that Ethos additionally requires that all well-typed terms have a type that is either non-ground, or is fully reduced, i.e. contains no irreducible applications of programs or evaluation operators.

The command:

(declare-rule s ((v1 T1) ... (vi Ti)) 
    :premises (p1 ... pn) 
    :args (t1 ... tm) 
    :requires ((r1 s1) ... (rk sk)) 
    :conclusion t)

can be seen as syntax sugar for:

(declare-const s
    (-> (! T1 :var v1 :implicit) ... (! Ti :var vi :implicit)
        (Proof p1) ... (Proof pn)
        (Quote t1) ... (Quote tm)
        (eo::requires r1 s1 ... (eo::requires rk sk
            (Proof t)))))

The command:

(assume s f)

can be seen as syntax sugar for:

(declare-const s (Proof f))

The command:

(step s f :rule r :premises (p1 ... pn) :args (t1 ... tm))

can be seen as syntax sugar for:

(define s () (r p1 ... pn t1 ... tm) :type (Proof f))

If no conlusion is provided, then the type attribute is not specified. Notice this is only the case if the declaration of r does not involve :assumption or :premise-list.