Thanks for your interest in contributing! First, make sure to read the Code of Conduct of the project.
- Report issues with any of the components of (API, Website, Extension, ...)
- Propose new features which would improve pronoundb's user experience
- Propose support for new platforms for pronoundb to support
- Ask questions about the project or a specific feature
- Provide constructive criticism about a feature if you have any
- Comment on issues to bring valuable information, such as documentations for platform proposals
- Comment on issues to point users to the appropriated resource or to similar issues in case of duplicates
- Spam the issue tracker, by opening junk issues
- Post unnecessary comments such as "+1". Prefer using a reaction instead
- Speak in the name of the project maintainers
- Making issues simply to say thanks or that the project is amazing. While I love to see it and am really thankful for the attention, issues aren't the ideal place for it. Shoot me an email at instead! <3
See for a technical overview of the project.
- Propose a new feature which is in scope with the project
- Fix bugs within the codebase, which you found by yourself or by scrolling on the issue tracker
- Enhance an already existing feature, by extending its capabilities for example
- Leave review comments if you found something odd or something that could be done in a better way
- Change the code-style
- Duplicate pull requests
- Re-propose an already rejected PR
- Unnecessarily restructure the code
- Post unnecessary comments such as "+1". Prefer using a reaction instead
- Speak in the name of the project maintainers
- Potentially controversial changes without discussing it beforehand on the issue tracker