This is a list of things that were built in the Ethereal Hackathon 2019 ( ):
You can browse the bounties for the hackahton here.
There were 82 submissions to the hackathon:
- Gitcoin Experts by @mikery
- ZKRollups POC by @zillerium
- Deployed a game to POA Core by @SiddigZeidan
- Scavenger Hunt
- Docs updates for plasma and vyper-js by @aerophile
- Adding withdrawals and challenges in plasma cash docs by @nanspro
- Consistency Checker by @miguelmartinezinf
- Https RPC by @sc0Vu
- TLS Support by @bsostech
- Ristretto by @affogatonetwork
- Submission for supplychain-container-app minimalist by @aquiladev
- Supplychain Dapp Rajeshsts by @Rajesh1101
- Device to Device payments Tolling app by @jschiarizzi
- Tolling App Submission by @drdgvhbh
- Toll device app by @jakubner
- Submission for Supply Chain – Delivery Confirmation and Attestation by @panjevic
- Submission for Supply Chain – Delivery Confirmation And Attestation by @davidcozsmith
- Added Block FIghts entry by @apguerrera
- Unity Based Asset Transfer Application by @davidcozsmith
- Done by @intnick
- unity-asset-app: Galleass3D by @surfingnerd
- ETHREAL Hackathon challenge assignment by @kirikiri
- weather-insurance-app submission by @stejin
- Submission for Ethereum Blockchain Connector - Computer Vision API by @panjevic
- Submission Ethereum Blockchain Connector – Simulated IOT Device by @EdsonAlcala
- Submission for akv-functions-python by @touhonoob
- Submission for akv-functions-java by @touhonoob
- Submission for akv-nethereum by @touhonoob
- Submission for akv-nethereum by @aquiladev
- Ethereum Blockchain Connector - ReactJS by @JakubNer
- Submission for Ethereum Blockchain Connector - Power App by @davidcozsmith
- Submission for Supply Chain – Delivery Confirmation And Attestation by @davidcozsmith
- Submission for Ethereum Blockchain Connector - Salesforce by @panjevic
- Sumission for Ethereum Blockchain Connector - Excel Online by @panjevic
- Submission for ebc-forms-adv by @touhonoob
- Submission for ebc-forms-basic by @touhonoob
- Submission for ebc-forms-basic by @StevenJNPearce
- WIP: [Ethereal Hackathon] GraphQL EIP-1767 Implementation For Pantheon by @fredlacs and @iikirilov
- Important by @yorke1
- Burner bot by @johngrantuk
- Uniswap Solidity by @okwme
- Kleros MetaEvidence MetaHash by @genesisdotre
- Kleros Curated List Creator by @wasmatic
- Kleros Ethereal Virtual Hackathon by @genesisdotre
- Gitcoin Hackathon: Alethio contract monitor by @cputra
- first commit by @Bitcoinera
- DeFi Holdings by @destiner
- Alethio Graphql by @mingderwang
- Amerigo SmartPiggies Token Explorer by @tobyjaguar
- Adding getting started with ens guide for dapp devs by @nanspro
- Bigbigtable by @MikaelLazarev
- Sam by @samsteele01
- CryptoBox by @kanzeparov
- ETH Auth Server by @pelith
- room2read by @igor-dulger
- Pragma - Trustless lending made easy by @bugduino
- Dcred by @aj07
- Landbrokes submission by @stefanionescu
- Double dabble Submission by @ugolino
- Amerigo - A SmartPiggies token explorer by @tobyjaguar
- Enable by @onggunhao
- Ristretto by @crisgarner
- Openzepplin-solidity by @zillerium
- Module scavenger hunt for hackathon by @eccheung4
- 3080 mentorship by @mikery
- Ethereal Hackathon Bounty
- Ethereal hackathon by @aquiladev
- Build an Awesome MythX Tool - Category Freestyle by @tagomaru
- Lupe Web by @ywkim
- ReportX by @nanspro
- MythX vulnerability monitor by @morrigan
- MythX integration (Ethereal Hackathon) by @aquiladev
- Status Embark plugin for MythX by @flex-dapps
- atom-mythx by @nanspro
- Sublime Text3 Mythx Plugin by @krisc
- Embark Mythx by @cryptomental
- Automation of smart contract auditing with MythX and CircleCi for continuous integration by @kirkballou
- Build an Awesome MythX Tool - Category Continuous Integration Tools by @tagomaru
- GitMythX by @mpetrunic
- Loupe by @ywkim
- Leap basic interactions by @maxstalker
- Leap watcher by @travisdmathis
- Tokenapp by @ringaile
- Submission for Ethereum Blockchain Connector - Sharepoint bounty by @panjevic
- nuBox - NuCypher bounty by @robin-thomas
- [Hatnotation] by @hatgit