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Grants API

  • Get a full list of grants at
  • Get a list of contributors to each Gitcoin Grants Round at where X is the round number, (1-7 supported as of Oct 2020)
  • Get a list of contributors to a Gitcoin Grant at where X is the ID of the grant. You must be authenticated as a team member of the grant to access the data.
  • Get a list of contributors to a Gitcoin Grant at a specififc round where X is the ID of the grant and Y is the round number. You must be authenticated as a team member of the grant to access the data.
  • We've got an endpoint available for those who'd like to just get all addresses that've ever funded a Gitcoin Grant.
  • We've also put together a list of all grants on the platform, and the addresses you can contribute to them at, at
  • Get a list of contributor social info (handle, picture, anonymized, comment) for a Gitcoin Grant at a specific round where X is the ID of the grant and Y is the round number. You must be authenticated as a team member of the grant to access the data.

These APIs are purposefully minimalistic, as we are trying very hard to limit the scope of the data retrieval methods in order to support narrow use cases. NOTE: These APIs returns live data, with a small cache infront. This means, the data may be up to an hour stale, but will refresh as the cache is recreated.

Click through to try them below:

NOTE: Gitcoin respects user privacy, and gives users the option to opt out of including their addresses in these exports. Update your preferences at at anytime.

Generalized API

Gitcoin provides a simple read-only HTTPS API to access data. The API is live at


Beyond simple datatypes like string or integer the API returns datatypes like dates that are serialized in a very specific fashion.

Datatype Description Example
date_time Date and time represented in ISO 8601 2017-09-24T18:59:53.964344Z
ethereum_address An ethereum token address with the leading 0x 0x636f3093258412b96c43bef3663f1b853253ec59
token_type       The type of token offered as a reward. Ex: ETH or GIT ETH                                        


The bounties endpoint provides a listing of bounties and their current status. There is one endpoint that access bounties:

  • - Returns a list of bounties


Field Key Datatype Description
url string URL for this specific bounty Ex: api/v0.1/bounties/9/
created_on date_time Creation timestamp
modified_on date_time Last modified timestamp
title string Title of the bounty
web3_created date_time Creation timestamp for the transaction that holds this bounty
value_in_token integer Amount of tokens rewarded for bounty
token_name token_type Type of token. Ex: ETH, GIT
token_address ethereum_address Address where the tokens are located
bounty_type string Type of bounty. Ex: Bug, Feature, Security
project_length string Relative length of project Ex: Hours, Days, Weeks, Months
experience_level string Recommended experience level
github_url string URL on GitHub where you can find the bounty description
github_org_name string github org name
github_repo_name string github repo name
github_issue_number string github issue number
keywords string comma delimited list of keywords
current_bounty boolean Whether this bounty is the most current revision one or not
expires_date date_time Date before which the bounty must be compelted
value_in_eth integer Value of the bounty in Ethereum
value_in_usdt float Approximation of value in USD at bounty web3_created timestamp
value_in_usdt_now float Approximation of current value in USD
now date_time Current date_time on the server
action_urls dict a list of urls where user can take action against the bounty
paid array List of users who have been paid from the bounty

Current Status

Field Key Datatype Description
is_open boolean True if the bounty has not been completed
status string Current status enum: (open, The bounty was created), (started, The bounty was started) (submitted, Someone submitted work for the bounty) (done, Someone fulfilled and completed the bounty) (expired, The bounty expired w/o completion)

Bounty Creator & Bounty Fulfiller

Field Key Datatype Description
bounty_owner_address ethereum_address Address of the person who owns the bounty
bounty_owner_email string Email of the bounty owner
bounty_owner_github_username string Username of the bounty owner
metadata dictionary Misc metadata about the bounty and the creator
fulfiller_address ethereum_address Address of the person who fulfilled the bounty
fulfiller_email string Email of the person fulfilling the bounty
fulfiller_github_username string Username of the fulfiller
fulfiller_metadata dictionary githubUsername and notificationEmail for the fulfiller

URL Parameters


You can filter the data returned from the API by providing these keys as URL parameters experience_level, project_length, bounty_type, bounty_owner_address, is_open, github_url and pk. github_url can take a comma-separated list of GitHub urls. pk takes an ID and returns a single bounty.

Order By

By passing an order_by parameter you can order the data by the provided key. Ex: ?order_by=expires_date. To sort in the opposite direction you can add a - in from the the key ?order_by=-expires_date.

Example Request

~ % curl ""

    "url": "https:\/\/\/api\/v0.1\/bounties\/87\/",
    "created_on": "2017-09-22T01:42:07.060841Z",
    "modified_on": "2017-09-23T12:36:11.946334Z",
    "title": "Update",
    "web3_created": "2017-09-22T01:42:04Z",
    "value_in_token": "1000000000000000000.00",
    "token_name": "ETH",
    "token_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "bounty_type": "",
    "project_length": "",
    "experience_level": "",
    "github_url": "https:\/\/\/owocki\/pytrader\/pull\/83232",
    "bounty_owner_address": "0xd3d280c2866eaa795fc72bd850c48e7cce166e23",
    "bounty_owner_email": "",
    "bounty_owner_github_username": "owocki",
    "fulfiller_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "fulfiller_email": null,
    "fulfiller_github_username": null,
    "is_open": true,
    "expires_date": "2017-09-23T01:42:04Z",
    "fulfiller_metadata": {

    "current_bounty": true,
    "value_in_eth": 1.0e+18,
    "value_in_usdt_now": 280.65,
    "status": "expired",
    "now": "2017-09-24T18:59:53.964344Z"


The grants endpoint provides a listing of grants and all it's information. There is one endpoint that access grants:

  • - Returns a list of grants


Field Key Datatype Description
active boolean Whether or not the Grant is active
title string Title of the Grant
slug string Slug for the Grant populated from title
description string Description of the Grant
reference_url string Associated reference URL of the Grant
logo string URL of the Grant logo image
admin_address ethereum_address Wallet address of the Grant Admin where subscription funds will be sent
amount_received float Total amount of contributions received by the Grant in USDT/DAI
token_address ethereum_address Address of the token to be used with the Grant
token_symbol token_type Type of token to be used with the Grant
contract_address ethereum_address Contract address of the Grant
metadata dictionary Misc metadata about the Grant
network string Network in which the Grant contract resides
required_gas_price float Required gas price for the Grant
admin_profile dictionary Grant Admin's profile
team_members array Array of Dictionaries of team members contributing to this Grant


Field Key Datatype Description
id integer Profile ID
url string URL to the Gitcoin profile
handle string GitHub handle/username associated with the Profile
keywords array Array of keywords associated with the Profile
position integer Position of the Profile in the Weekly Earners leaderboard
avatar_url string URL to the Gitcoin Avatar of the Profile
github_url string URL to the GitHub profile
total_earned float Sum of ETH collected by the profile
organizations dictionary Dictionary containing profiles that this user works with

URL Parameters


You can filter the data returned from the API by providing these keys as URL parameters title, admin_address, description, keyword, grant_type and pk that takes an ID and returns a single grant. You can also add a limit parameter to limit the results (typically for performance reasons).

Example Request

~ % curl ""

    "active": true,
    "title": "Cipher Dogs Team",
    "slug": "cipher-dogs-team",
    "description": "Our team is interested in electronic art/hack/social activity and blockchain/decentralized technology and other technologies. We are aimed at promoting blockchain technology among people. Our team creates various libraries, websites, artwork and other projects in the field of blockchain technologies. We also help blockchain projects. We believe that blockchain technology is the future.\r\n",
    "reference_url": "",
    "logo": "",
    "admin_address": "0xD12Dd8aEb8F96D0bFF6aA9C74bDf92009741d3Aa",
    "amount_received": "0.0000",
    "token_address": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "token_symbol": "Any Token",
    "contract_address": "0xbcAE3e2893722698535aaf355F0aA92CA846354F",
    "metadata": {},
    "network": "mainnet",
    "required_gas_price": "0",
    "admin_profile": {
      "id": 82330,
      "url": "/deadblackclover",
      "handle": "deadblackclover",
      "keywords": [
        "Emacs Lisp",
      "position": 0,
      "avatar_url": "",
      "github_url": "",
      "total_earned": 0,
      "organizations": {}
    "team_members": [
        "id": 82330,
        "url": "/deadblackclover",
        "handle": "deadblackclover",
        "keywords": [
          "Emacs Lisp",
        "position": 0,
        "avatar_url": "",
        "github_url": "",
        "total_earned": 0,
        "organizations": {}


Note: this API is now in the process of being deprecated, as since going cross-chain, Gitcoin no longer uses standardbounties as the base layer of it's bounties experience. This API will still be useful for legacy bounties which are posted to standcard bounties.

You may interact with the HTTPS API as follows

[ { [String: '100000000000000000'] s: 1, e: 17, c: [ 1000 ] },
  { [String: '1506220425'] s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 1506220425 ] },
  { [String: '1537756425'] s: 1, e: 9, c: [ 1537756425 ] },
  '' ]
  • be sure to replace 0x0ed0c2a859e9e576cdff840c51d29b6f8a405bdd with the BountyIndex contract address.
  • be sure to replace with the issue that you care about.

Further information on the smart contract interface is available at

_bountydetails function returns the following fields:


Field Key Datatype Description
amount float Bounty amount in ETH or specified ERC20 token
amount_denomination string Denomination of the bounty
action_url string URL of the bounty
title string Title of hte bounty
description string Description of the bounty
created_on datetime Creation timestamp
source_project string Source Project the bounty came from
tags strings tags to classify the bounthy