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Lab 2: Intro to ECS

Creating the ALB

Now that we've pushed our images, we need an Application Load Balancer ALB to route traffic to our endpoints. An ALB lets you direct traffic between different endpoints and in this lab, we'll use two separate endpoints: /web and /api.

To create the ALB, navigate to the EC2 Console, and select Load Balancers from the left-hand menu. Choose Create Load Balancer. Create an Application Load Balancer:

Create ALB

Name your ALB EcsLabAlb and add an HTTP listener on port 80:

Configure ALB

Note : in a production environment, you should also have a secure listener on port 443. This will require an SSL certificate, which can be obtained from AWS Certificate Manager, or from your registrar/CA. For the purposes of this lab, we will only create the insecure HTTP listener. DO NOT RUN THIS IN PRODUCTION.

Next, select your VPC and we need at least two subnets for high availability. Make sure to choose the VPC that was used in Lab 1.

Select VPC

Click Next , and create a new security group (sgecslabloadbalancer) with the following rule:

Ports Protocol Source
80 tcp

Continue to the next step: Configure Routing. For this initial setup, we're just adding a dummy health check on /. We'll add specific health checks for our service endpoints when we register them with the ALB.

Configure Routing

Click through the Next:Register targets step, and continue to the Review step. If your values look correct, click Create.

Note: If you created your own security group for the ECS Cluster (sgecslabpubliccluster), and only added a rule for port 80, you'll need to add one more. Edit your security group and add a rule to allow your ALB security group (sgecslabloadbalancer) to access the port range for ECS (0-65535) for port mapping. This rule references itself and you will see the security group appears when you start typing "sg-" in the Source textbox for the All TCP rule.

Inbound Rules

We now have the following security group setup:


10. Creating the Task Definitions

We need to create a service in ECS but before that can be done, the container needs be a part of a Task Definition. Task Definitions define things like environment variables, the container image you wish to use, and the resources you want to allocate to the service (port, memory, CPU). To create a Task Definition, choose Task Definitions from the ECS console menu. Then, choose Create a Task Definition. For launch type compatibility, select EC2, Next Step.

Create Task Def

Scroll down and leave the default values for the "Task execution IAM role" and "Task size" sections. Click on the Add Container button. Use ecs-lab-web for Container name. In the Image textbox, paste the Image URI that you used to push the web image to ECR from the previous lab. You can also find the web URI in the ECR web repo (look for the value for Repository URI ). For Memory Limit , use a value of 128.

Add Container

A few things to note here:

  • We've specified a specific container image, including the :latest tag. Although it's not important for this lab, in a production environment where you were creating Task Definitions programmatically from a CI/CD pipeline, Task Definitions could include a specific SHA hash, or a more accurate tag.
  • Under Port Mappings , we've specified a Container Port (3000), but left Host Port as 0. This is required to facilitate dynamic port allocation. This means that we don't need to map the Container Port to a specific Host Port in our Container Definition; instead, we can let the ALB allocate a port during task placement. To learn more about port allocation, check out the ECS documentation here.

Once you've specified your Port Mappings, scroll down and add a log driver. There are a few options here, but for this lab, choose awslogs :

Add awslog

For this web container, make sure the awslogs-stream-prefix is web. Once you've added your log driver, save the Container Definition by clicking Add , and click on Create to complete the Task Definition.

Repeat the Task Definition creation process with the API container, taking care to use the api container image registry, and the correct port (8000) for the Container Port option. For the log driver, make sure the awslogs-stream-prefix is api.

Task Definition for API Add container API Logging API

Don't forget to click on the Create button to complete the Task Definition.

Next, create the log group by navigating to the CloudWatch > Logs > Actions > Create Log Group

Field Value
Log Group Name ecs-lab

11. Creating the Services

Next, we're going to create the service based on our Task Definition. A service is a group of tasks (which are containers). You can define how many tasks you want to run simultaneously, specify load balancing, auto scaling and configure many other options.

First, we need to create a IAM role for this Service. Navigate to IAM > Roles > Create new role:

Select ECS

Click Next: Permissions

Select Permissions

Click Next:Review. In the Review page, use EcsLabServiceRole for the role name and click the Create Role button.

Create Role

Navigate back to the ECS console, and choose the cluster that you created. This should be named EcsLabPublicCluster. From the cluster detail page, choose Services > Create. Make sure the launch type is EC2 (not Fargate) and configure the service as follows:

Configure Service

Choose the web Task Definition you created in the previous section. For the purposes of this lab, we'll only start one copy of each task. In a production environment, you will always want more than one copy of each task running for reliability and availability.

You can keep the default AZ Balanced Spread for the Task Placement Policy. To learn more about the different Task Placement Policies, see the documentation, or this blog post. Click Next step to configure load balancing.

Choose Application Load Balancer and configure as follows:

Configure network

Select the web container, choose Add to load balancer and configure load balancing.

Add to load balancer

When we created our ALB, we only added a listener for HTTP:80. Select this from the dropdown as the value for Listener. For Target Group Name , enter a value that will make sense to you later, like ecs-lab-web. For Path Pattern , the value should be /web. This is the route that we specified in our Python application.

If the values look correct, click Next Step , click through the optional Auto Scaling page click Create Service.

Repeat this process for the api microservice and task definition. Don't forget to adjust the target group name, path pattern, evaluation order and health check path accordingly.

Configure Service Listener port

12. Testing our service deployments from the console and the ALB

You can see service level events from the ECS console. This includes deployment events. You can test that both of your services are deployed and registered properly with the ALB by looking at the service's Events tab:


We can also test from the ALB itself. To find the DNS A record for your ALB, navigate to the EC2 Console > Load Balancers > Select your Load Balancer. Under Description , you can find details about your ALB, including a section for DNS Name. You can enter this value in your browser, and append the endpoint of your service, to see your ALB and ECS Cluster in action:

Web page API page

The ALB routes traffic appropriately based on the paths we specified when we registered the containers: /web* requests go to our web service, and /api* requests go to our API service.

13. More in-depth logging with CloudWatch

When we created our Container Definitions, we also added the awslogs driver, which sends logs to CloudWatch. You can see more details logs for your services by going to the CloudWatch console, and selecting first our log group ecs-lab and then choosing an individual stream:

CW Log Group

That's a wrap!

Congratulations! You've deployed an ECS Cluster with two working endpoints.

Clean up

Don't forget to do the following, after you're finished with the lab:

  • Delete the ecs-lab stack
  • Go to CloudWatch Console > Logs and delete Log Group ecs-lab
  • Go to ECS Console > Repositories and delete the cluster, deregister the 2 task definitions, delete the 2 created repositories
  • Go to the EC2 Console , terminate the ecs-lab-workstation EC2 Instance, the Application Load Balancer and the 3 Target Groups
  • Go to IAM console and delete the 2 roles EcslabInstanceRole and EcsWorkstationRole

Find the above a little boring?

Here are some ideas to make it more interesting:

  • The development team refactored our api and now it requires a host with GPU. Deploy the api containers to EC2 P2 GPU instances by defining a Task Placement Constraint.