Golang API bindings for SABnzbd
For full API documentation, see: http://wiki.sabnzbd.org/api
See cmd/example/example.go
for a usage example
This is ancient code from an almost decade-old fork.
I'm currently using it for a project and updating routes as I go, and need.
Both the history and queue mode/routes are up to spec of SABnzbd 3.7.1.
For the rest I really got no clue; haven't used them yet.
Some fields may be missing, others may exist but don't exist in SABnzbd anymore and therefore are never set.
go get github.com/d0x7/go-sabnzbd/v2
func main() {
// Either create a simple client, using a host *with* port and an API key
client, err := sabnzbd.SimpleClient("localhost:8080", "key")
// Or create a secure client, which both always uses HTTPS and port 443
client, err = sabnzbd.SecureClient("sabnzbd.domain.tld", "key")
// If you need a more advanced client, you can create one yourself, see the example in cmd/example/example.go for that
// Check for errors, then call Auth to check if the API key is valid, and check again for potential errors
_, err := client.Auth()
// return value is not important; it's just the method of authentication used (apikey in this case)
// You can check the remote server's version with Version()
version, err := client.Version()
// Get the current queue and whether it's paused, the current download speed, et cetera
// SimpleQueue takes on parameters, whereas the normal Queue method takes paiging parameters (start, limit)
queue, err := client.SimpleQueue()
fmt.Printf("SpeedLimit is set to %v%%, aka. %s/s absolute\n", queue.SpeedLimitPercentage, queue.SpeedLimit)
fmt.Printf("There is %s of %s free space left\n", queue.DownloadDiskFreeSpace, queue.DownloadDiskTotalSpace)
fmt.Printf("Of the %d downloads, there are %s of %s downloaded already\n", queue.NoOfSlotsTotal, queue.Bytes, queue.BytesTotal)
fmt.Printf("The remaining %s will be downloaded ", queue.BytesLeft)
if queue.Paused {
fmt.Printf("once the downloads are remained.\n")
} else {
fmt.Printf("in ETA %s\n", queue.TimeLeft)
// => SpeedLimit is set to 40%, aka. 5.03 MB/s absolute
// => There is 15.86 TB of 18.50 TB free space left
// => Of the 2 downloads, there are 779.35 MB of 9.55 GB downloaded already
// => The remaining 8.77 GB will be downloaded in ETA 30m25s
// Accessing the server stats is also possible
stats, err := client.ServerStats()
fmt.Printf("Total downloaded since start is %s, this month %s, this week %s and today %s\n", stats.Total, stats.Month, stats.Week, stats.Day)
// => Total downloaded since start is 447.73 GB, this month 344.22 GB, this week 38.46 GB and today 965.50 MB
Check out cmd/example/example.go to find a more advanced client creation and how to send NZBs to SABnzbd from Go.