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Websocket Client Interface

const ws = sack.WebSocket.Client( /*url*/, /*protocol*/, /*options*/ );

Client constructor parameters

  • URL - the URL to connect to

  • protocol - the protocol for this connection. Accepts either a string or an array of strings to send as protocols.

  • options - an object defining options for the connection.

    Client Options
    perMessageDeflate true/false. false is the default. (unimplemented yet)
    masking true/false; required by RFC, default is TRUE
    perMessageDeflate true/false; default false (performance). Reqeusts permessage-deflate extension from server, and deflates messages sent.
    perMessageDeflateAllow true/false; default false (performance). Accepts permessage-deflate from server, but does not deflate messages.
    ca <string>; uses PEM certificate as part of certificate chain to verify server.
    key <string>; keypair to use for the connection (otherwise an internal key will be generated)
    passPhrase <string>; password to use with the key specified

After opening, websocket object has 'connection' which gives some of the information about the connection established.

Client events

Event Name Event Description
open callback receives a single argument (websocket)
message callback receives a message argument, its type is either a string or an ArrayBufer
close callback is called when the server closes the connection

Client Methods

method purpose
ping() Generate a websocket ping. /* no response/event? */
close() call this to end a connection
send(message) call this to send data to a connection, argument should either be a String or an ArrayBuffer.
onopen sets the callback to be called when the connection opens.
onmessage set the callback to be called when a message is received, it gets a single parameter, the message recieved. The data is either a string or an ArrayBuffer type
occlose sets the callback to be called when the connection is closed from the other side first
onerror sets the callback to be called on an error (no supported errors at this time)
onerrorlow sets the callback to be called on a low level error event. (SSL negotation failed), callback gets (error,connection,buffer), and maybe used to check the buffer, disable SSL, and possibly serve a redirect.
on sets event callbacks by name. First parameter is the event name, the second is the callback
noDelay setter that sets network option TCP_NODELAY to the boolean specified.
aggregate accessor - set whether to aggregate sends that happen within a short time (3ms).

##WebSocket connection Object

Connection Field Usage
localFamily <String> value is either 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'
localAddress <string> the IP address of the local side of the connection
localPort <Number> port number of the local connection
localMAC <string> Mac address of local socket, 00:00:00:00:00:00 if localhost.
remoteFamily <String> value is either 'IPv4' or 'IPv6'
remoteAddress <string> the IP address of the remote side of the connection
remotePort <Number> port number of the remote connection
remoteMAC <string> Mac address of remote socket (if available?), 00:00:00:00:00:00 if localhost.
headers <Object> field names are the names of the fields in the request header; values are the values of the fields.
Client side connections may not have headers present.

Network Address Object (Network.Address)

var sack = require( 'sack.vfs' );
var address = sack.Network.Address( address string [, port] );

console.log( "test addr:", sack.Network.Address( "", 80 ) );
console.log( "test addr:", sack.Network.Address( "", 80 ) );

Address string can contain an optional port notation after a colon(':')

Address Members Description
family const String; value is either 'IPv6' or 'IPv4'
address const String; address the address object was created with.
IP const String; numeric IP address converted to a string
port const Number; port number this address refers to (0 if not applicable, as in a unix socket)