Generating HTML is often a major component of web applications. This chapter is concerned with Lift’s View First approach and use of CSS Selectors. Later chapters focus more specifically on form processing, REST web services, JavaScript, Ajax, and Comet.
Code for this chapter is at
You can use the Scala REPL to run your CSS selectors.
Here’s an example where we test out a CSS selector that adds an href
attribute to a link.
Start from within SBT and use the console
command to get into the REPL:
> console [info] Starting scala interpreter... [info] Welcome to Scala version Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information.
scala> import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
scala> val f = "a [href]" #> ""
f: net.liftweb.util.CssSel =
(Full(a [href]), Full(ElemSelector(a,Full(AttrSubNode(href)))))
scala> val in = <a>click me</a>
in: scala.xml.Elem = <a>click me</a>
scala> f(in)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq =
NodeSeq(<a href="">click me</a>)
The Helpers._
import brings in the CSS selector functionality, which we then exercise by creating a selector, f
, calling it with a very simple template, in
, and observing the result, res0
CSS selector transforms are one of the distinguishing features of Lift. They succinctly describe a node in your template (lefthand side) and give a replacement (operation, the righthand side). They do take a little while to get used to, so being able to test them at the Scala REPL is useful.
It may help to know that prior to CSS selectors, Lift snippets were typically defined in terms
of a function that took a NodeSeq
and returned a NodeSeq
, often via a method called bind
. Lift would take your template, which would be the input NodeSeq
, apply the function, and return a new NodeSeq
. You won’t see that usage so often anymore, but the principle is the same.
The CSS selector functionality in Lift gives you a CssSel
which is NodeSeq ⇒ NodeSeq
. We exploit this in the previous example by constructing an input
(called in
), then creating a CSS function (called f
). Because we know that CssSel
is defined as a NodeSeq ⇒ NodeSeq
, the natural way to execute the selector is to supply
the in
as a parameter, and this gives us the answer, res0
If you use an IDE that supports a worksheet, which both Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA do, then you can also run transformations in a worksheet.
The syntax for selectors is best described in Simply Lift.
Use andThen
rather than &
to compose your selector expressions.
For example, suppose we want to replace <div id="foo"/>
<div id="bar">bar content</div>
but for some reason we need to
generate the bar
div as a separate step in the selector expression:
sbt> console [info] Starting scala interpreter... [info] Welcome to Scala version (Java 1.7.0_05). Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information.
scala> import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
scala> def render = "#foo" #> <div id="bar"/> andThen "#bar *" #> "bar content"
render: scala.xml.NodeSeq => scala.xml.NodeSeq
scala> render(<div id="foo"/>)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<div id="bar">bar content</div>)
When using &
, think of the CSS selectors as always applying to the
original template, no matter what other expressions you are combining.
This is because &
is aggregating the selectors together before applying them. In contrast, andThen
a method of all Scala functions that composes two functions together, with the first being
called before the second.
Compare the previous example if we change the andThen
scala> def render = "#foo" #> <div id="bar" /> & "#bar *" #> "bar content"
render: net.liftweb.util.CssSel
scala> render(<div id="foo"/>)
res1: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<div id="bar"></div>)
The second expression will not match, as it is applied to the original
input of <div id="foo"/>—the selector of #bar
won’t match on id=foo
and so adds nothing to the results of render
The Lift wiki page for CSS selectors also describes this use of andThen
Use the @
CSS binding name selector. For example, given:
<meta name="keywords" content="words, here, please" />
The following snippet code will update the value of the content attribute:
"@keywords [content]" #> "words, we, really, want"
The @
selector selects all elements with the given name. It’s useful in this case to change the <meta name="keyword">
tag, but you may also see it used elsewhere. For example, in an HTML form, you can select input fields such as <input name="address">
with "@address"
The [content]
part is an example of a replacement rule that can follow a selector. That’s to say, it’s not specific to the @
selector and can be used with other selectors. In this example, it replaces the value of the attribute called "content." If the meta tag had no "content" attribute, it would be added.
There are two other replacement rules useful for manipulating attributes:
to remove an attribute with a matching value. -
to append to the value.
Examples of these would be:
scala> import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
scala> val in = <meta name="keywords" content="words, here, please" />
in: scala.xml.Elem = <meta name="keywords" content="words, here, please"></meta>
scala> val remove = "@keywords [content!]" #> "words, here, please"
remove: net.liftweb.util.CssSel = CssBind(Full(@keywords [content!]),
scala> remove(in)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<meta name="keywords"></meta>)
scala> val add = "@keywords [content+]" #> ", thank you"
add: net.liftweb.util.CssSel = CssBind(Full(@keywords [content+]),
scala> add(in)
res1: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<meta content="words, here, please, thank you"
Although not directly relevant to meta
tags, you should be aware that there is one convenient special case for appending to an attribute. If the attribute is class
, a space is added together with your class value. As a demonstration of that, here’s an example of appending a class called btn-primary
to a div
scala> def render = "div [class+]" #> "btn-primary"
render: net.liftweb.util.CssSel
scala> render(<div class="btn"/>)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq = NodeSeq(<div class="btn btn-primary"></div>)
The syntax for selectors is best described in Simply Lift.
See Testing and Debugging CSS Selectors for how to run selectors from the REPL.
Select the content of the title
element and replace it with the
text you want:
"title *" #> "I am different"
Assuming you have a <title>
tag in your template, this will
result in:
<title>I am different</title>
This example uses an element selector, which picks out tags in the HTML template and replaces the content. Notice that we are using "title "
to select the content of the title
tag. If we had left off the , the entire
tag would have been replaced with text.
As an alternative, it is also possible to set the page title from the contents of SiteMap
meaning the title used will be the title you’ve assigned to the page in
the site map. To do that, make use of Menu.title
in your template directly:
<title data-lift="Menu.title"></title>
The Menu.title
code appends to any existing text in the title.
This means the following will have the phrase "Site Title - "
in the
title, followed by the page title:
<title data-lift="Menu.title">Site Title - </title>
If you need more control, you can of course bind on <title>
using a
regular snippet. This example uses a custom snippet to put the site
title after the page title:
<title data-lift="MyTitle"></title>
object MyTitle {
def render = <title><lift:Menu.title /> - Site Title</title>
Notice that our snippet is returning another snippet, <lift:Menu.title/>
. This is a perfectly normal thing to do in Lift, and snippet invocations returned from snippets will be processed by Lift as normal.
Snippet Not Found When Using HTML5 describes the different ways to reference a snippet, such as data-lift
and <lift: … />
At the Assembla website, there’s more about SiteMap
and the Menu
Put the markup in a snippet and include the snippet in your page or template.
For example, suppose we want to include the HTML5 Shiv (a.k.a. HTML5 Shim) JavaScript so we can use HTML5 elements with legacy IE browsers. To do that, our snippet would be:
package code.snippet
import scala.xml.Unparsed
object Html5Shiv {
def render = Unparsed("""<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="">
We would then reference the snippet in the <head>
of a page, perhaps even in
all pages via templates-hidden/default.html:
<script data-lift="Html5Shiv"></script>
The HTML5 parser used by Lift does not carry comments from the source through to the rendered page. If you just tried to paste the html5shim markup into your template you’d find it missing from the rendered page.
We deal with this by generating unparsed markup from a snippet. If you’re looking at
and are worried, your instincts are correct. Normally, Lift would cause the
markup to be escaped, but in this case, we really do want
unparsed XML content (the comment tag) included in the output.
If you find you’re using IE conditional comments frequently, you may want to create a more general version of the snippet. For example:
package code.snippet
import xml.{NodeSeq, Unparsed}
import net.liftweb.http.S
object IEOnly {
private def condition : String =
S.attr("cond") openOr "IE"
def render(ns: NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
Unparsed("<!--[if " + condition + "]>") ++ ns ++ Unparsed("<![endif]-->")
It would be used like this:
<div data-lift="IEOnly">
A div just for IE
and produces output like this:
<!--[if IE]><div>
A div just for IE
Notice that the condition
test defaults to IE
, but first tries to look for an attribute called cond
. This allows you to write:
<div data-lift="IEOnly?cond=lt+IE+9">
You're using IE 8 or earlier
The +
symbol is the URL encoding for a space, resulting in:
<!--[if lt IE 9]><div>
You're using IE 8 or earlier
The IEOnly
example is derived from a posting on the mailing list from Antonio Salazar Cardozo.
The html5shim project can be downloaded from its Google Code site.
Use the PassThru
Suppose you have a snippet that performs a transform when some condition is met, but if the condition is not met, you want the snippet to return the original markup.
Starting with the original markup:
<h2>Pass Thru Example</h2>
<p>There's a 50:50 chance of seeing "Try again" or "Congratulations!":</p>
<div data-lift="PassThruSnippet">
Try again - this is the template content.
We could leave it alone or change it with this snippet:
package code.snippet
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.util.PassThru
import scala.util.Random
import xml.Text
class PassThruSnippet {
private def fiftyFifty = Random.nextBoolean
def render =
if (fiftyFifty) "*" #> Text("Congratulations! The content was changed")
else PassThru
is an identity function of type NodeSeq ⇒ NodeSeq
. It returns the input it
is given:
object PassThru extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] {
def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = in
A related example is ClearNodes
, defined as:
object ClearNodes extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] {
def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
The pattern of converting one NodeSeq
to another is simple, but also powerful enough to get you out of most situations, as you can always arbitrarily rewrite the NodeSeq
You’re using Lift with the HTML5 parser and one of your snippets is rendering with a "Class Not
Found" error. It even happens for <lift:HelloWorld.howdy />
Switch to the designer-friendly snippet invocation mechanism. For example:
<div data-lift="HellowWorld.howdy"></div>
In this Cookbook, we use the HTML5 parser, which is set in Boot.scala:
// Use HTML5 for rendering
LiftRules.htmlProperties.default.set( (r: Req) =>
new Html5Properties(r.userAgent) )
The HTML5 parser and the traditional Lift XHTML parser have different
behaviours. In particular, the HTML5 parser converts elements and attribute names to lowercase when looking up snippets. This means Lift would take <lift:HelloWorld.howdy />
and look for a class called helloworld
rather than HelloWorld
, which would be the cause of the "Class Not Found" error.
Switching to the designer-friendly mechanism is the solution here, and you gain validating HTML as a bonus.
There are four popular ways of referencing a snippet:
- As an HTML5 data attribute:
This is the style we use in this book, and is valid HTML5 markup.
- Via a CSS class:
Also valid HTML5, but you must include the "lift" prefix for Lift to recognise this as a snippet.
- Using the
attribute, as in:lift="MySnippet"
This won’t strictly validate against HTML5, but you may see it used.
- The XHTML namespace version:
<lift:MySnippet />
You’ll see the usage of this tag in templates declining because of the way it interacts with the HTML5 parser. However, it works just fine outside of a template, for example when embedding a snippet invocation in your server-side code (Setting the Page Title includes an example of this for
The key differences between the XHTML and HTML5 parsers are outlined on the mailing list.
You’ve modified CSS or JavaScript in your application, but web browsers have cached your resources and are using the older versions. You’d like to avoid this browser caching.
Add the with-resource-id
attribute to script or link tags:
<script data-lift="with-resource-id" src="/myscript.js"
The addition of this attribute will cause Lift to append a resource ID to
your src
(or href
), and as this resource ID changes each time Lift
starts, it defeats browser caching.
The resultant HTML might be:
<script src="/myscript.js?F619732897824GUCAAN=_"
type="text/javascript" ></script>
The random value that is appended to the resource is computed when your Lift application boots. This means it should be stable between releases of your application.
If you need some other behaviour from with-resource-id
, you can assign
a new function of type String ⇒ String
. The default implementation, shown previously,
takes the resource name, /myscript.js in the example, and returns the
resource name with an ID appended.
You can also wrap a number of tags inside a
block. However,
avoid doing this in the <head>
of your page, as the HTML5 parser will
move the tags to be outside of the head section.
Note that some proxies may choose not to cache resources with query parameters at all. If that impacts you, it’s possible to code a custom resource ID method to move the random resource ID out of the query parameter and into the path.
Here’s one approach to doing this. Rather than generate JavaScript and CSS links that look like /assets/style.css?F61973, we will generate /cache/F61973/assets/style.css. We will then will need to tell our container or web server to take requests that look like this new format, and remove the /cache/F61973/ part.
The code to change the way links are created:
package code.lib
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.http._
object CustomResourceId {
def init() : Unit = {
// The random number we're using to avoid caching
val resourceId = Helpers.nextFuncName
// Prefix with-resource-id links with "/cache/{resouceId}"
LiftRules.attachResourceId = (path: String) => {
"/cache/" + resourceId + path
This would be initialised in Boot.scala:
or you could just paste all the code into Boot.scala, if you prefer.
With the code in place, we can, for example, modify templates-hidden/default.html and add a resource ID class to jQuery:
<script id="jquery" data-lift="with-resource-id"
src="/classpath/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
At runtime, this would be rendered in HTML as:
<script type="text/javascript" id="jquery"
Finally we need a way to rewrite URLs like this back to the original path. That is, remove the /cache/… part. There are a few ways to achieve this. If you’re using nginx or Apache in front of your Lift application, you can configure those web servers to perform the rewrite before it reaches Lift. shows the default implementation of attachResourceId
Google’s "Optimize caching" notes are a good source of information about browser behaviour.
There is support for URL rewriting, described on the Lift wiki. Rewriting is used rarely, and only for special cases. It’s not suitable for this recpie, as outlined in a posting to Stackoverflow. Many problems that look like rewriting problems are better solved with a Menu Param.
Grunt and similar tools can modify paths. Diego Medina’s post on Using Grunt and Bower with Lift is a good starting point.
You use a template for layout, but on one specific page you need to add
something to the <head>
Use the head
snippet so Lift knows to merge the
contents with the <head>
of your page. For example, suppose you have
the following contents in templates-hidden/default.html:
<html lang="en" xmlns:lift="">
<meta charset="utf-8"></meta>
<title data-lift="Menu.title">App: </title>
<script id="jquery" src="/classpath/jquery.js"
<script id="json" src="/classpath/json.js"
<div id="content">The main content will get bound here</div>
Also suppose you have index.html on which you want to include red-titles.css to change the style of just this page.
Do so by including the CSS in the part of the page that will get processed, and mark it with the head
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Special CSS</title>
<body data-lift-content-id="main">
<div id="main" data-lift="surround?with=default;at=content">
<link data-lift="head" rel="stylesheet"
href="red-titles.css" type="text/css" />
Note that this index.html page is validated HTML5, and will produce a
result with the custom CSS inside the <head>
tag, something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>App: Special CSS</title>
<script type="text/javascript"
src="/classpath/jquery.js" id="jquery"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"
src="/classpath/json.js" id="json"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="red-titles.css" type="text/css">
<div id="main">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/ajax_request/liftAjax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var lift_page = "F557573613430HI02U4";
// ]]>
If you find your tags not appearing in the <head>
section, check that
the HTML in your template and page is valid HTML5.
You can also use <lift:head>…</lift:head>
to wrap a number of
expressions, and will see <head_merge>…</head_merge>
used in the code
example as an alternative to <lift:head>
Another variant you may see is class="lift:head"
, as an alternative to data-lift="head"
The head
snippet is a built-in snippet, but otherwise no different from any snippet you might write. What the snippet does is emit a <head>
block, containing the elements you want in the head. These can be <title>
, <link>
, <meta>
, <style>
, <script>
, or <base>
tags. How does this <head>
block produced by the head
snippet end up inside the main <head>
section of the page? When Lift processes your template, it automatically merges all <head>
tags into the main <head>
section of the page.
You might suspect you can therefore put a plain old <head>
section anywhere on your template. You can, but that would not necessarily be valid HTML5 markup.
There’s also tail
, which works in a similar way, except anything marked with this snippet is moved to be just before the close of the body
[JavaScriptTail] describes how to move JavaScript to the end of the page with the tail
The W3C HTML validator is a useful tool for tracking down HTML markup issues that may cause problems with content being moved into the head of your page.
In Boot.scala, add the following:
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.http._
case (req,failure) =>
The file src/main/webapp/404.html will now be served for requests to unknown resources.
The uriNotFound
Lift rule needs to return a NotFound
in reply to a
and Box[Failure]
. This allows you to customise the
response based on the request and the type of failure.
There are three types of NotFound
Useful to invoke the Lift template processing facilities from a
Allows you to return a specific
Wraps a
for Lift to translate into a 404 response
In the example, we’re matching any not found situation, regardless of the request and the failure, and evaluating
this as a resource identified by ParsePath
. The path we’ve used is /404.html.
In case you’re wondering, the last two true
and false
arguments to ParsePath
indicate the path we’ve given is absolute and doesn’t end in a
slash. ParsePath
is a representation for a URI path, and exposing
if the path is absolute or ends in a slash are useful flags for matching on, but
in this case, they’re not relevant.
Be aware that 404 pages, when rendered this way, won’t have a location in the site map. That’s because we’ve not included the 404.html file in the site map, and we don’t have to, because we’re rendering via NotFoundAsTemplate
rather than sending a redirect to /404.html. However, this means that if you display an error page using a template that contains Menu.builder
or similar (as templates-hidden/default.html does), you’ll see "No Navigation Defined." In that case, you’ll probably want to use a different template on your 404 page.
As an alternative, you could include the 404 page in your site map but make it hidden when the site map is displayed via the Menu.builder
Menu.i("404") / "404" >> Hidden
[CatchException] shows how to catch any exception thrown from your code.
Use LiftRules.responseTransformers
to match against the response and
supply an alternative.
As an example, suppose we want to provide a custom page for 403 ("Forbidden") statuses created in our Lift application. Further, suppose that this page might contain snippets so will need to pass through the Lift rendering flow.
To do this in Boot.scala, we define the LiftResponse
we want to generate
and use the response when a 403 status is about to be produced by Lift:
def my403 : Box[LiftResponse] =
for {
session <- S.session
req <- S.request
template = Templates("403" :: Nil)
response <- session.processTemplate(template, req, req.path, 403)
} yield response
LiftRules.responseTransformers.append {
case resp if resp.toResponse.code == 403 => my403 openOr resp
case resp => resp
The file src/main/webapp/403.html will now be served for requests that generate 403 status codes. Other non–403 responses are left untouched.
allows you to supply
LiftResponse ⇒ LiftResponse
functions to change a response right at the end
of the HTTP processing cycle. This is a very general mechanism: in this
example, we are matching on a status code, but we could match on anything
exposed by LiftResponse
In the recipe, we respond with a template, but you may find
situations where other kinds of responses make sense, such as an InMemoryResponse
You could even simplify the example to just this:
LiftRules.responseTransformers.append {
case resp if resp.toResponse.code == 403 => RedirectResponse("/403.html")
case resp => resp
In Lift 3, responseTransformers will be modified to be a partial function, meaning you’ll be able to leave off the final case resp ⇒ resp part of this example.
That redirect will work just fine, with the only downside that the HTTP status code sent back to the web browser won’t be a 403 code.
A more general approach, if you’re customising a number of pages, would be to define the status codes you want to customise, create a page for each, and then match only on those pages:
LiftRules.responseTransformers.append {
case Customised(resp) => resp
case resp => resp
object Customised {
// The pages we have customised: 403.html and 500.html
val definedPages = 403 :: 500 :: Nil
def unapply(resp: LiftResponse) : Option[LiftResponse] =
definedPages.find(_ == resp.toResponse.code).flatMap(toResponse)
def toResponse(status: Int) : Box[LiftResponse] =
for {
session <- S.session
req <- S.request
template = Templates(status.toString :: Nil)
response <- session.processTemplate(template, req, req.path, status)
} yield response
The convention in Customised
is that we have an HTML file in src/main/webapp that matches
the status code we want to show, but of course you can change that by using a different
pattern in the argument to Templates
One way to test the previous examples is to add the following to Boot.scala to make all requests to /secret return a 403:
val Protected = If(() => false, () => ForbiddenResponse("No!"))
val entries = List(
Menu.i("Home") / "index",
Menu.i("secret") / "secret" >> Protected,
// rest of your site map here...
If you request /secret, a 403 response will be triggered, which will match the response transformer showing you the contents of the 403.html template.
Custom 404 Page explains the built-in support for custom 404 messages.
[CatchException] shows how to catch any exception thrown from your code.
Include a NodeSeq
containing a link in your notice:
<span>See our <a href="/policy">privacy policy</a></span>)
You might pair this with the following in your template:
<span data-lift="Msg?id=checkPrivacyPolicy"></span>
You may be more familiar with the S.error(String)
signature of Lift notices than the versions
that take a NodeSeq
as an argument, but the String
versions just convert the String
to a scala.xml.Text
kind of NodeSeq
Lift notices are described on the wiki.
You want a button or a link that, when clicked, will trigger a download in the browser rather than visiting a page.
Create a link using
, provide a function to return a LiftResponse
, and wrap the response in a ResponseShortcutException
As an example, we will create a snippet that shows the user a poem and provides a link to download the poem as a text file. The template for this snippet will present each line of the poem separated by a <br>
<h1>A poem</h1>
<div data-lift="DownloadLink">
<span class="poem">
<span class="line">line goes here</span> <br />
<a href="">download link here</a>
The snippet itself will render the poem and replace the download link with one that will send a response that the browser will interpret as a file to download:
package code.snippet
import net.liftweb.util.Helpers._
import net.liftweb.http._
import xml.Text
class DownloadLink {
val poem =
"Roses are red," ::
"Violets are blue," ::
"Lift rocks!" ::
"And so do you." :: Nil
def render =
".poem" #> => ".line" #> line) &
"a" #> downloadLink
def downloadLink ="/notused",
() => throw new ResponseShortcutException(poemTextFile),
Text("Download") )
def poemTextFile : LiftResponse =
"Content-Type" -> "text/plain; charset=utf8" ::
"Content-Disposition" -> "attachment; filename=\"poem.txt\"" :: Nil,
cookies=Nil, 200)
Recall that
generates a link and executes a function you supply before following the link.
The trick here is that wrapping the LiftResponse
in a ResponseShortcutException
will indicate
to Lift that the response is complete, so the page being linked to (in this case, notused
) won’t be processed. The browser is happy: it has a response to the link the user clicked on, and will render it how it wants to, which in this case will probably be by saving the file to disk.
works by generating a URL that Lift associates with the function you give it. On a page called downloadlink
, the URL will look something like:
When that link is followed, Lift looks up the function and executes it, before processing the linked-to resource. However, in this case, we are shortcutting the Lift pipeline by throwing this particular exception. This is caught by Lift, and the response wrapped by the exception is taken as the final response from the request.
This shortcutting is used by S.redirectTo
via ResponseShortcutException.redirect
. This companion object also defines shortcutResponse
, which you can use like this:
import net.liftweb.http.ResponseShortcutException._
def downloadLink ="/notused",
() => {
S.notice("The file was downloaded")
throw shortcutResponse(poemTextFile)
Text("Download") )
We’ve included an S.notice
to highlight that throw shortcutResponse
will process Lift notices when the page next loads, whereas throw new ResponseShortcutException
does not. In this case, the notice will not appear when the user downloads the file, but it will be included the next time notices are shown, such as when the user navigates to another page. For many situations, the difference is immaterial.
This recipe has used Lift’s stateful features. You can see how useful it is to be able to close over state (the poem), and offer the data for download from memory. If you’ve created a report from a database, you can offer it as a download without having to regenerate the items from the database.
However, in other situations you might want to avoid holding this data as a function on a link. In that case, you’ll want to create a REST service that returns a LiftResponse
[REST] looks at REST-based services in Lift.
[RestStreamContent] discusses InMemoryResponse
and similar responses to return content to the browser.
For reports, the Apache POI project includes libraries for generating Excel files; and OpenCSV is a library for generating CSV files.
Supply a mock request to Lift’s MockWeb.testReq
, and run your test in the context of the Req
supplied by testReq
The first step is to add Lift’s Test Kit as a dependency to your project in build.sbt:
libraryDependencies += "net.liftweb" %% "lift-testkit" % "2.5" % "test"
To demonstrate how to use testReq
, we will test a function that detects a Google crawler. Google identifies
crawlers via various User-Agent
header values, so the function we want to test would look like this:
package code.lib
import net.liftweb.http.Req
object RobotDetector {
val botNames =
"Googlebot" ::
"Mediapartners-Google" ::
"AdsBot-Google" :: Nil
def known_?(ua: String) =
botNames.exists(ua contains _)
def googlebot_?(r: Req) : Boolean =
We have the list of magic botNames
that Google sends as a user agent, and we define a check, known_?
, that takes the user agent string and looks to see if any robot satisfies the condition of being contained in that user agent string.
The googlebot_?
method is given a Lift Req
object, and from this, we look up the header. This evaluates to a Box[String]
, as it’s possible there is no header. We find the answer by seeing if there exists in the Box
a value that satisfies the known_?
To test this, we create a user agent string, prepare a MockHttpServletRequest
with the header, and use Lift’s MockWeb
to turn the low-level request into a Lift Req
for us to test with:
package code.lib
import org.specs2.mutable._
import net.liftweb.mocks.MockHttpServletRequest
import net.liftweb.mockweb.MockWeb
class SingleRobotDetectorSpec extends Specification {
"Google Bot Detector" should {
"spot a web crawler" in {
val userAgent = "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1)"
// Mock a request with the right header:
val http = new MockHttpServletRequest()
http.headers = Map("User-Agent" -> List(userAgent))
// Test with a Lift Req:
MockWeb.testReq(http) { r =>
RobotDetector.googlebot_?(r) must beTrue
Running this from SBT with the test
command would produce:
[info] SingleRobotDetectorSpec [info] [info] Google Bot Detector should [info] + spot a web crawler [info] [info] Total for specification SingleRobotDetectorSpec [info] Finished in 18 ms [info] 1 example, 0 failure, 0 error
Although MockWeb.testReq
is handling the creation of a Req
for us, the environment for that Req
is supplied by the MockHttpServletRequest
. To configure a request, create an instance of the mock and mutate the state of it as required before using it with testReq
Aside from HTTP headers, you can set cookies, content type, query parameters, the HTTP method, authentication type, and the body. There are variations on the body
assignment, which conveniently set the content type depending on the value you assign:
will use a content type ofapplication/json
. -
will usetext/xml
(or you can supply an alternative). -
(unless you supply an alternative). -
does not set the content type.
In the example test shown earlier, it would be tedious to have to set up the same code repeatedly for different user agents. Specs2’s Data Table provides a compact way to run different example values through the same test:
package code.lib
import org.specs2._
import matcher._
import net.liftweb.mocks.MockHttpServletRequest
import net.liftweb.mockweb.MockWeb
class RobotDetectorSpec extends Specification with DataTables {
def is = "Can detect Google robots" ^ {
"Bot?" || "User Agent" |
true !! "Mozilla/5.0 (Googlebot/2.1)" |
true !! "Googlebot-Video/1.0" |
true !! "Mediapartners-Google" |
true !! "AdsBot-Google" |
false !! "Mozilla/5.0 (KHTML, like Gecko)" |> {
(expectedResult, userAgent) => {
val http = new MockHttpServletRequest()
http.headers = Map("User-Agent" -> List(userAgent))
MockWeb.testReq(http) { r =>
RobotDetector.googlebot_?(r) must_== expectedResult
The core of this test is essentially unchanged: we create a mock, set the user agent, and check the result of googlebot_?
. The difference is that Specs2 is providing a neat way to list
out the various scenarios and pipe them through a function.
The output from running this under SBT would be:
[info] Can detect Google robots [info] + Bot? | User Agent [info] true | Mozilla/5.0 (Googlebot/2.1) [info] true | Googlebot-Video/1.0 [info] true | Mediapartners-Google [info] true | AdsBot-Google [info] false | Mozilla/5.0 (KHTML, like Gecko) [info] [info] Total for specification RobotDetectorSpec [info] Finished in 1 ms [info] 1 example, 0 failure, 0 error
Although the expected value appears first in our table, there’s no requirement to put it first.
The Lift wiki discusses this topic and also other approaches such as testing with Selenium.
Install the Lift Textile module in your build.sbt file by adding the following to the list of dependencies:
"net.liftmodules" %% "textile_2.5" % "1.3"
You can then use the module to render Textile using the toHtml
For example, starting SBT after adding the module and running the SBT console
command allows you to try out the module:
scala> import net.liftmodules.textile._
import net.liftmodules.textile._
scala> TextileParser.toHtml("""
| h1. Hi!
| The module in "Lift": for turning Textile markup
| into HTML is pretty easy to use.
| * As you can see.
| * In this example.
| """)
res0: scala.xml.NodeSeq =
NodeSeq(, <h1>Hi!</h1>,
, <p>The module in <a href="">Lift</a> for turning Textile
markup<br></br>into HTML is pretty easy to use.</p>,
, <ul><li> As you can see.</li>
<li> In this example.</li>
, )
It’s a little easier to see the output if we pretty print it:
scala> val pp = new PrettyPrinter(width=35, step=2)
pp: scala.xml.PrettyPrinter = scala.xml.PrettyPrinter@54c19de8
scala> pp.formatNodes(res0)
res1: String =
The module in
<a href="">
for turning Textile markup
into HTML is pretty easy to use.
<li> As you can see.</li>
<li> In this example.</li>
There’s nothing special code has to do to become a Lift module, although there are common conventions: they typically are packaged as net.liftmodules, but don’t have to be; they usually depend on a version of Lift; they sometimes use the hooks provided by LiftRules
to provide a particular behaviour. Anyone can create and publish a Lift module, and anyone can contribute to existing modules. In the end, they are declared as dependencies in SBT, and pulled into your code just like any other dependency.
The dependency name is made up of two elements: the name and the "edition" of Lift that the module is compatible with, as shown in The structure of a module version. By "edition" we just mean the first part of the Lift version number. A "2.5" edition implies the module is compatible with any Lift release that starts "2.5."
This structure has been adopted because modules have their own release cycle, independent of Lift. However, modules may also depend on certain features of Lift, and Lift may change APIs between major releases, hence the need to use part of the Lift version number to identify the module.
There’s no real specification of what Textile is, but there are references available that cover the typical kinds of markup to enter and what HTML you can expect to see.
The unit tests for the Textile module give you a good set of examples of what is supported.
[modules] describes how to create modules.