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Simple Merlin Installation Walkthrough

This won't necessarily result in the best merlin installation ever, but it should work.
Any improvements or alternative versions are welcome.

Starting Point

Debian Stretch (9.3). Minimal installation, with ssh and systemd. This should also work for Debian Jessie (8.0), but that hasn't been tested for a while.


  • These instructions will require root access.
  • We will create a user merlin for the bot and website.
  • You know how to use vim. If you don't like vim, feel free to use nano or your preferred editor.

Step One: Install packages

sudo apt-get install git postgresql python-sqlalchemy python-psycopg2 python-configparser python-django python-jinja2 python-numpy python-matplotlib python-bcrypt nginx logrotate

git is used to fetch and update the bot. postgresql, python-sqlalchemy, python-psycopg2, python-configparser, python-django and python-jinja2 are basic merlin/arthur dependencies. python-numpy and python-matplotlib have lots of dependencies, but are needed for graphing in arthur. python-bcrypt provides bcrypt support, which is recommended unless you are using FluxBB integration. nginx is an alternative to apache, and is my preference. logrotate should be automatically installed as a dependency of postgresql, but installing manually won't hurt. It will be used to keep merlin's log files to a manageable size.

Step Two: Add a new user for merlin

We'll create "merlin" as a normal user. You can rename this if you wish, but you may have to change other steps later in this file. You can run more than one bot with the same user account (in fact, it's easier).
Note that running a bot as root is a bad idea as any security issues will result in compromise of the whole machine.

sudo useradd -ms /bin/bash merlin

Step Three: Set up the database

Start the PostgreSQL client as the database superuser

sudo -u postgres psql

Create the database and user. You'll probably want to choose a different password.

CREATE USER merlin WITH PASSWORD 'password';

Capitals are not required, but are used by convention.

Open the new database

sudo -u postgres psql merlin

Make sure it's owned by the new merlin user

ALTER SCHEMA public OWNER TO merlin;

Step Four: Set up the bot

Login as the bot

sudo su merlin

Go to the home directory


Delete user files (they'll be recreated automatically)

rm .*

Clone the git repository

git clone .

Create log files

touch dumplog.txt errorlog.txt arthurlog.txt scanlog.txt

Checkout the branch you want. Replace source_branch with any branch or tag name. For more details see Branches

git checkout source_branch

Create a branch for your bot

git checkout -b my_branch

Edit merlin.cfg. This is a good time to alter any access levels in Hooks/. If necessary, you should also any add other bots to
For more details, less

vim merlin.cfg

Add your details to git

git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"

Commit your changes. Add a comment. "Config for bot_name" is a good starting point.

git commit -a

Set up the database tables

python --new

Logout of merlin


Step Five: Some permissions...

For another way to achieve this, see README.Posix.

Add www-data to merlin's group

sudo usermod -aG merlin www-data

Grant write permissions to the group where required

sudo chmod g+w /home/merlin/arthurlog.txt /home/merlin/Arthur/graphs

Make the matplotlib directory, and make sure it is owned by the nginx user.

sudo mkdir -p /var/www/.matplotlib
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/.matplotlib

Step Six: Set up the ticker

Open the crontab file

sudo vim /etc/crontab

Add a line for excalibur

1  *    * * *   merlin  python /home/merlin/ >> /home/merlin/dumplog.txt 2>&1

Step Seven: Set up nginx

Open/create a config file for arthur

sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/arthur

Once you're done, it should look like this

server {
    listen 80;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/arthur.log;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/arthur_err.log;
    root /home/merlin/Arthur/;

    location /static/ {
        alias /home/merlin/Arthur/static/;
        expires 30d;

    location /media/ {
        alias /home/merlin/Arthur/static/;
        expires 30d;

#    Uncomment this section to enable sharing of dump files
#    location /dumps/ {
#        alias /home/merlin/dumps/;
#        autoindex on;
#    }

#    Uncomment this section to point at a FluxBB installation at /var/www/fluxbb/
#    location /forum/ {
#        alias /var/www/fluxbb/;
#        index index.php;
#    }

    location /favicon.ico {
        alias /home/merlin/Arthur/static/favicon.ico;
        expires 30d;

    location /robots.txt {
        alias /home/merlin/Arthur/static/robots.txt;
        expires 30d;

    location / {

If you have more than one arthur running, you will need to specify different ports to run on. To do this, edit, and add a port number to the last line, e.g.

application = call_command("runserver", "8002")

Then alter the proxy_pass line of the nginx config.

Enable the new site...

cd /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
sudo ln -s ../sites-available/arthur
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Step Eight: Setup systemd services

Edit the sample unit files, changing (botname) to your bot's name - twice in each file. If you are only running one bot, you may wish to remove the "(botname)" parts instead.

vim /home/merlin/*.service

Copy the newly edited files into place

sudo cp /home/merlin/*.service /etc/systemd/system/

Then load and enable them

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable merlin.service
sudo systemctl enable arthur.service

Step Nine: Start the bot!

sudo systemctl start merlin.service
sudo systemctl start arthur.service

Step Ten: Final steps!

You should now have a working bot (merlin), website (arthur) and ticker (excalibur). Talk to the bot, as described in (!secure, !reboot, !adduser, etc)

Step Eleven (optional): Set up logrotate

Create a new logrotate configuration file for merlin

sudo vim /etc/logrotate.d/merlin

The file should look something like this

/home/merlin/*log.txt {
    rotate 1
    size 100k