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A Truth Table Generator for Propositional Logic Formulas made with Python.

Truth Table Generator


  • Supported Logical Operators: In order of precedence
    • NOT, not, !, ~, ¬
    • AND, and, &, &&, ^,
    • OR, or, |, ||, v,
    • THEN, then, IF, if, >, ->,
    • ONLY IF, only if, IFF, iff, ==, <>, <->,
  • Complex Formulas: Input nested formulas using parenthesis (...)
  • Unlimited Variables: Add any amount of variables using any combination of alphabet a-z,A-Z letters.
  • Input using CLI or File: Choose either the CLI or a file for input.

Table of Contents

  1. Algorithm
  2. User Manual


This Truth-Table Generator implements an interpreter divided into three components to handle different phases, namely:

  1. Lexer for tokenization (converting string input to List[Token])
  2. Parser for Expression Tree construction (constructing Expr tree from List[Token])
  3. Evaluator for the Expression Tree (evaluating Expr tree into a List[bool])


The Lexer uses Regex with name-capturing-groups to iteratively find and classify individual matches in the input string which are then converted into a list of tokens. This method allows performing the tokenization and classification phase entirely with Regex with minimal business logic (converting Regex matches to a custom Token class).

function tokenize(input_formula):
  tokens = empty list
  define regex patterns for each operator and variable

  for each match in input_formula:
    if match is "(": add "left_paren" token
    elif match is ")": add "right_paren" token
    elif match is NOT: add "not" token
    elif match is AND: add "and" token
    elif match is OR: add "or" token
    elif match is THEN: add "then" token
    elif match is ONLY IF: add "only_if" token
    elif match is variable: add "variable" token
    else: add "invalid" token

  return tokens


The Parser is an implementation of a Recursive-Descent Parser which validates the arrangement of the tokens with the expected grammar and simultaneously constructs an Expression Tree — wherein each Node represents its corresponding token and its related Nodes. It uses the following grammar described in a psuedo-format similar to Backus-Naur Form (BNF) and it utilizes the Precedence-Climbing Method to implement operator precedence.

expr_group = ( expr )
expr_primary = expr_group | variable
expr_not = expr_primary | NOT expr_not
expr_and = expr_not | expr_not AND expr_and
expr_or = expr_and | expr_and OR expr_or
expr_then = expr_or | expr_or THEN expr_then
expr_only_if = expr_then | expr_then ONLY_IF expr_only_if
expr = expr_only_if
function parse(tokens):
  return expr()

  function expr():
    return expr_only_if()

  function expr_only_if():
    left_expr = expr_then()
    while next token is ONLY IF:
      right_expr = expr_then()
      left_expr = new binary_expr(left_expr, "only_if", right_expr)
    return left_expr

  function expr_then():
    left_expr = expr_or()
    while next token is THEN:
      right_expr = expr_or()
      left_expr = new binary_expr(left_expr, "then", right_expr)
    return left_expr

  function expr_or():
    left_expr = expr_and()
    while next token is OR:
      right_expr = expr_and()
      left_expr = new binary_expr(left_expr, "or", right_expr)
    return left_expr

  function expr_and():
    left_expr = expr_not()
    while next token is AND:
      right_expr = expr_not()
      left_expr = new binary_expr(left_expr, "and", right_expr)
    return left_expr

  function expr_not():
    if next token is NOT:
      return new unary_expr("not", expr_not())
    return expr_primary()

  function expr_primary():
    if next token is "(":
      expression = expr()
      expect ")"
      return new group_expr(expression)
    if next token is variable:
      return new variable_expr(token)
    throw error("Expected variable or expression")


The Evaluator is simply a set of functions matched to each of the types of Nodes in the Expression Tree, namely Variable nodes, Unary nodes, and Binary nodes. Due to the nature of Tree Data Structures, evaluating the Expression Tree is as simple as recursively running each function in the Expression Tree for each Node.

A single evaluation will only return the results of each sub-expression in the Expression Tree based on the current set of truth-values used for each of the variables. In order to generate a truth-table, the Evaluator will generate the cartesian product of each of all the variables' possible states (True | False) then repeatedly evaluate the Expression Tree for each row of values.

In simpler terms, the Evaluator will repeatedly evaluate the Expression Tree for each of all the possible combinations of True and False values for all the variables, in order to construct each row of the truth table.

function generate_truth_combinations(variables):
  combinations = empty list
  total_combinations = 2 ^ (count of variables)
  for each number from 0 to total_combinations - 1:
    create an empty dictionary called truth_values
    for each variable and index:
      value = get (index)'th bit digit of number
      set value for variable in truth_values dictionary
    add truth_values to combinations list
  return combinations

function evaluate(expression_tree, truth_values):
  if expression_tree is a group expression:
    return evaluate(expression_tree.child, truth_values)

  if expression_tree is a variable:
    return truth_values[variable]
  if expression_tree is a unary expression:
    right_value = evaluate(right_expr, truth_values)
    if operator is "not":
      return NOT right_value
  if expression_tree is a binary expression:
    left_value = evaluate(left_expr, truth_values)
    right_value = evaluate(right_expr, truth_values)
    if operator is "and": return left_value AND right_value
    if operator is "or": return left_value OR right_value
    if operator is "then": return (NOT left_value) OR right_value
    if operator is "only_if": return left_value == right_value

function generate_truth_table(expression_tree, variables):
  combinations = generate_truth_combinations(variables)
  for each combination:
    evaluate the expression_tree with current truth values
  return truth table

Error Handling

Invalid File. Upon running the program in --file mode, it will first check if the input filepath is valid (e.g. File exists, and File is a .txt File).

Invalid Token. The Lexer is a resilient tokenizer and will capture any group of unrecognizable characters as a Token of "invalid" type until the end of the input instead of terminating early. This allows the Lexer to display all the invalid tokens present in the input.

Invalid Grammar. The Parser while constructing the Expression Tree will immediately raise errors upon detecting any incorrect grammar and will inform the user on the expected supposed token in place of the current suspected token. Due to its complexity, the implementation is not resilient and will terminate upon encountering the first invalid grammar.

User Manual


Open a terminal on this project's root folder.

If you want to use the compiled binaries, simply run the executable file for your operating system from the ./bin subfolder. Following is an example for Windows.

cd <this-project-folder>/bin

./ttg # Interactive Mode
./ttg "P & Q" # Immediate Mode
./ttg "P & Q" --inspect # Displays debug data
./ttg input.txt --file # Loads input from File

WARNING: Some Terminals have special meanings reserved for some symbols including but not limited to !, $, or ~. Running the program in --inspect mode will allow you to see the raw input being parsed. In these cases, it is recommended to switch to other Terminals or switch to running the program in --file mode.

If you want to run it from source, setup the project first by visiting section Running from Source for more information.

For more usage info, you can run ./ttg --help.

> ./ttg --help
Usage: ttg [OPTIONS] INPUT

  -f, --file     Treats the input as a filepath.
  -i, --inspect  Display debug data.
  --help         Show this message and exit.

Running from Source

Recommended: Install Python 3.8 using a version manager such as pyenv from (Unix) or (Windows).

Alternatively, you can install python packages from

Recommended: After setting up your python installation, install the project's dependencies in a virtual environment. Visit venv docs from for more information:

cd <this-project-folder>

python -m venv .venv

# --- UNIX ---
source .venv/bin/activate # bash/zsh
.venv/bin/Activate.ps1 # Powershell

# --- Windows ---
source .venv/Scripts/activate # bash/zsh
.venv\Scripts\activate.bat # Command Prompt
.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Powershell

pip install -r requirements.txt

Done! Simply run the project with the following:

python ttg # Interactive Mode
python ttg "P & Q" # Immediate Mode
python ttg "P & Q" --inspect # Displays debug data
python ttg input.txt --file # Loads input from File

Compiling from Source

In order to compile the project into a standalone executable, you will need pyinstaller from (already included in requirements.txt). Visit the link for more information.

NOTE: You can only compile to an executable format native to your current operating system (e.g. you can only create .exe files when compiling from Windows).

The following will build the project into a single-file standalone executable in the ./bin folder.

pyinstaller ttg/ --onefile --clean --specpath "./bin/spec" --distpath "./bin" --workpath "./bin/build" --name "ttg"