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Bloc Toolkit

This package, bloc_toolkit, provides a complete set of tools for efficient and flexible state management in Flutter apps using the Bloc pattern. It is designed to simplify app development with Bloc, offering advanced features for loading, reloading, updating, and initializing data.


The DataBloc class is the core of the package. It is a generic class that provides a complete set of tools for managing the state of a data source. It is designed to be used as a base class for implementing business logic in the application.


Create your data bloc

class AnimalBloc extends DataBloc<String, String> {
  AnimalBloc({required AnimalRepository animalRepository})
      : _animalRepository = animalRepository;
  final AnimalRepository _animalRepository;

  FutureOr<String> loadData(DataS<String> oldState, LoadDataE<String> event) {
    return _animalRepository.getAnimal(event.params!);

Build your widgets

          create: (_) => AnimalBloc(animalRepository: AnimalRepository()),
          child: BlocConsumer<AnimalBloc, DataS<String>>(
            listener: (context, state) {
              if (state is ErrorS<String>) {
                _showSnackBar(context, 'Loading animal error: ${state.error}');
            builder: (context, state) {
              if (state is UnloadedDataS<String>) {
                return ...
              if (state is LoadingDataS<String>) {
                return ...
              if (state is LoadedDataS<String, String>) {
                return ...
              if (state is ReloadingDataS<String, String>) {
                return ...
              return ...

Add events

        final animalBloc =<AnimalBloc>();
        animalBloc.add(const LoadDataE(params: 'some args'));       
        //then you can
        animalBloc.add(const ReloadDataE(params: 'some args')) 
        // or
        animalBloc.add(UpdateDataE((currentData) => 'cat'));


DataBlos has the following states:

Base States

  • abstract DataS: The base state for all states.
  • abstract IdleS: The base state when nothing is happening.
  • abstract LoadingS: The base state when data is loading or reloading.
  • abstract ErrorS: The base state when there is an error.

Data unloaded states

  • abstract UnloadedS: The base state for all unloaded states.
  • UnloadedDataS: The initial state when no data is loaded.
  • LoadingDataS: The state when data is being loaded.
  • LoadingDataErrorS: The state when a data loading error occurred.

Data loaded states

  • abstract LoadedS: The base state for all loaded states.
  • LoadedDataS: The state when data has been successfully loaded or initialized successfully
  • ReloadingDataS: The state when data is being reloaded.
  • ReloadingDataErrorS: The state when a data reload error occurred.


The DataBloc class can handle the following events:

  • LoadDataE: Event for initial data loading.
  • InitializeDataE: Event to initialize data without loading.
  • ReloadDataE: Event to reload data when it has already been loaded or initialized.
  • UpdateDataE: Event to update data when it is already loaded or initialized.

Classes relationships

Classes relationships

State machine

Classes relationships

Error handling

By default, all errors thrown during data loading are converted to DataException which can be received in LoadingDataErrorS or ReloadingDataErrorS states. Therefore, they will not get into BlocObserver.onError, but you can handle them in BlocObserver.onChange

  void onChange(BlocBase bloc, Change change) {
    super.onChange(bloc, change);
    final nextState = change.nextState;
    if (nextState is ErrorS) {
      final error = nextState.error;
      if (error is UnhandledDataException) {
            error: error.error, stackTrace: error.stackTrace);
        //TODO: send to analytics

If you want to handle errors in BlocObserver.onError you should override this behavior using the overridedOnLoadingError and overridedOnReloadingError methods when implementing your DataBloc .

void _$onLoadingError(
  DataException error,
  UnloadedDataS<String> state,
  Emitter<DataS<String>> emit, {
  String? params,
}) {
  if (error is UnhandledDataException) {
    throw error;
  emit(LoadingDataErrorS(error, params: params));
  emit(const UnloadedDataS());

void _$onReloadingError(
  DataException error,
  LoadedS<String, String> state,
  Emitter<DataS<String>> emit, {
  String? params,
}) {
  if (error is UnhandledDataException) {
    throw error;
  emit(ReloadingDataErrorS(state, error, params: params));
  emit(LoadedDataS(, params: state.params));

class AnimalBloc extends DataBloc<String, String> {
    required AnimalRepository animalRepository,
    super.overridedOnLoadingError = _$onLoadingError,
    super.overridedOnReloadingError = _$onReloadingError,

Then in BlocObserver.onError you can handle them

  void onError(BlocBase bloc, Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
    super.onError(bloc, error, stackTrace);
    if (error is UnhandledDataException) {
      final originError = error.error;
      final originStackTrace = error.stackTrace;
      //send to sentry...

Custom DataExceptions

To properly handle user errors (e.g. http errors) you must implement the DataException interface and they must be thrown in repositories. Otherwise all errors will be converted to UnhandledDataException which implements the DataException interface.


ListBloc is an extended DataBloc for convenient work with lists with the ability to sort and filter list items.

ListBloc by default has DateS<List> where T is the type of the element in the list.

ListBloc has ListParams with a list of filters(FilterPredicate) and a comparator(Comparator) for sorting elements.

ApplyParamsE extends UpdateDataE and accepts ListParams parameters.


For convenience, the implementation of selecting an item from a list is implemented by SelectBloc. It does not extend DataBloc, but is a regular Bloc.

SelectBloc has only two states SelectS, when the item is not selected, and SelectedS, if the item is selected.

SelectBloc can handle only one event SelectE, which takes the item that should be selected or unselected if null is passed.