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Kubernetes Development Environment:

- Vagrant
- Virtualbox v5.x 
- Ruby v2.3.3

Basic setup instructions

Install dependencies

git clone to a new directory
gem install bundler
bundle install

If you're on a Mac you will need Homebrew Once brew is installed

brew install kubectl

On Linux

curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

Note this will install version 1.10.3, if you want a different version change the version in the url

Run the cluster

The repo now supports running Kubernetes on both Ubuntu and Centos. By default it will use the Ubuntu base images. If you want to use Centos just rename servers.yaml to servers.yaml.debian then rename servers.yaml.rhel to servers.yaml

To run the controller just issue the following commands from the root of the cloned repo

rake cluster_up

You will get an output like this. Please note the controller will take a couple of minutes

Checking if kubectl is installed
kubectl is installed
Configuring local Kubectl
To use kubectl issue 'export KUBECONFIG=.kube/admin.conf' in your terminal
Deploying Kuberntetes controller
[(    ● )] Deploying the Kubernetes controller... Kubernetes controller is ready
Deploying worker nodes
You can check there progress with
kubectl get nodes

If something goes wrong with your cluster at build time you will be able to look at the log file located $CWD/.log/cluster-build.log

HA master development

If you are developing or making changes to the Puppet module for Kubernetes that changes the controller. You will need to run a separate command to build a cluster of 3 Kubernetes controllers with a load balancer. Before running up your cluster make sure you have run the kubetool and move the generated hiera files a moved into the hieradata folder. Then issue the following command.

rake cluster_up_ha

You will get the following output

Can not install the LB on Mac OS due to networking limitation on Docker for mac
add ' kubernetes' to /etc/hosts as a work around
Bringing up vagrant load balancer
Deploying Kuberntetes HA controllers
Checking for local Vagrant images
puppetlabs/ubuntu-16.04-64-puppet is the current base image you are using
You have the base image already locally downloaded
(   ●  ) Deploying the Kubernetes HA controller cluster... Kubernetes HA controller cluster is ready
You can access your cluster with 'kubectl get nodes'
Checking if kubectl is installed
kubectl is installed
Configuring local Kubectl
To use kubectl 'export KUBECONFIG=.kube/admin.conf' in your terminal is a load balancer that will balance the traffic across the 3 Kubernetes controllers.


In addition to provisioning a kubernetes cluster, this repo also contains code to install and initialise helm on the kube-master. This code is stored in the modules directory of this environment. Until such time as the helm repo is made public it will be stored in this repo, after which it will be put into the puppetfile to ensure the latest version of the module is always used.

Complete documentation about the helm module and specific functionality can be found on the repo github page here or the official helm documentation here

If you're on a mac you can install helm with homebrew

brew install kubernetes-helm

On Linux

curl >
chmod 700

Clean up

To clean up after you have finished with your nodes issue

rake cleanup


To use the cluster after you have run rake cluster_up and export KUBECONFIG=.kube/admin.conf you can use your local kubectl to access the cluster. A good exercise to see the cluster working correctly is checking out the Kube Dashboard. To do that issue the following commands

kubectl proxy

The dashboard will be available in your browser at http://localhost:8001/ui

To use helm locally, run helm init --client-only and ensure your KUBECONFIG environment variable is correctly set.

$ helm init --client-only
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /Users/dave.try/.helm.
Not installing Tiller due to 'client-only' flag having been set
Happy Helming!

About the project

What is this repo actually doing ?

This repo is a a sandbox for the Puppet Kubernetes module

Please see the road map section of the to see upcoming functionality and releases of the module.


Due to the changes in Kubernetes 1.6 with the auth structure changing to RBAC, the module will only support version 1.6 and above.

The master branch will be the stable branch with the release candidate for the project. The development branches will be named by road map features. Once the development branch is stable it will be merged into master. Please do try the development branches as it will be great to get feedback, just be aware they are still under heavy development.

Road Map (For the module):

Here is the list of items that the module needs to at least get to a beta stage

  • Multi node support
  • HA controller support
  • Support for both RHEL and Debian

Road Map (For this repo)

Here is the functionality that is on the road map for this repo

  • Add build functionality to the rakefile so once the master is up you can build multiple worker at the same time.
  • Use the rakefile to configure the local kubectl client so the user does not need to ssh into a node
  • Add Helm support