Releases: damien-schneider/cuicui
Color Picker & Use Auto Scroll
New Category
- Added the Color Picker category with a new component: the Arc
Color Picker
New hook
- Added a new hook which allows you to easily create auto scroll chat. The hook is called
What's Changed
- V0.3.7 - Color Picker & Use Auto Scroll by @damien-schneider in #62
Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v0.3.7
What's Changed
- Fix component rendering for .ts components by @damien-schneider in #60
- V0.3.6 by @damien-schneider in #61
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6
Previews & Dropdown Menus
New Category
- Added the Dropdown Menu category to the component library.
- Introduced a macOS-style dropdown menu, which will likely be replicated for other components such as the context menu.
Updated Previews
- Refreshed previews with a minimalist style that reflects each category’s content. This consistent design will be used for all future previews.
What's Changed
- v.0.3.5 - New previews & Dropdown Menu Category by @damien-schneider in #59
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
title: Animated numbers triggered on scroll
New component
- A new component has been added to the website that animates numbers when they come into view.
This component was requested for displaying statistics or other numerical data in a marketing section.
What's Changed
- V0.3.4 by @damien-schneider in #58
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
Sticky Footer & Title UI
New component
A sticky footer customizable component has been added to the website.
Website update
The title UI has been updated to appear more modern and clean.
Add a "new" tag on the changelog if there is a changelog that has been added in the last 7 days.
What's Changed
- chore: fix site URL in the README by @Cornul11 in #56
- V0.3.3 by @damien-schneider in #57
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
What's Changed
- V0.3.2 by @damien-schneider in #55
title: Waveline component, Noise & Layout fix
New component
- A new creative effect : The waveline
Updated components
- The noise effect has been updated to be more responsive and the preview is cleaner.
- The static Noise has also been improve in light mode and is now used to style the website.
- Code component props improved to now accept a language prop.
Website fix
- Fix the overflow issue due to the adress bar.
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What's Changed
- New faq category by @damien-schneider in #52
- V0.3.1 by @damien-schneider in #53
New component
- Magnetic background button and magnetic button
- Markdown component to render markdown content server site and client side easily with next-mdx-remote
- Github Stars Button which now replace the old one on the site
Website modifications
Brand new design
With the new Github Star Button and a much cleaner Gradient Container, the website has a new look and feel. The new design is more modern and more aligned with the Cuicui brand.
The badges have also been updated to be more consistent with the new design.
New features
- Introduce the changelog page to list most of the changelogs
- Remove the update tags as the changelog page would be the main source of truth
- Add components to search results and redefined the section and categories which would result in a better search experience
- Add title to most of the website links
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.3.1
What's Changed
- Add catch error util by @damien-schneider in #47
- Move to turborepo by @damien-schneider in #48
- Add-new-bottom-navigation-menu-&-home-page by @damien-schneider in #50
- Add new home page by @damien-schneider in #50
- Fix container scroll height and use location by @damien-schneider in #51 (Thanks @lydamian for the issue report!)
- Improve dock navigation menu micro-interactions by @damien-schneider in #51
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.3
New components
- use measure by @damien-schneider in #45
- notification by @damien-schneider in #45
- bottom blur effect by @damien-schneider in #45
- Use click outside by @damien-schneider in #45
- Animated noise by @damien-schneider in #46
- Static noise by @damien-schneider in #46
- Border trail by @damien-schneider in #46
- Grid pattern by @damien-schneider in #46
Improve website
- Improve menu performances by generating images by @damien-schneider in #44
- Automatically open the sidemenu active section
- Add a
Edit on Github
button for every component, redirecting to the corresponding component folder
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.2
What's Changed
- 🎨 Feat new CuiCui banner by @JhojanGgarcia in #42
- Add text effect wrapper & fix rerender button by @damien-schneider in #43
New Contributors
- @JhojanGgarcia made their first contribution in #42
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4