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StoreBroker PowerShell Module


Table of Contents

General Guidance

Help Documentation

Once loaded, usage is straight-forward for PowerShell users.

To see all of the available Commands, simply run:

(Get-Module StoreBroker).ExportedCommands

All Commands are fully documented, so to understand one better, simply run Get-Help on it. For instance:

Get-Help Get-Applications -ShowWindow


Get-Help Get-Applications -Full

Formatting Results

By default, the Get-* commands will simply return raw JSON results that can be used for your own post-processing. If you'd prefer to simply see pretty-printed results, just pipe the result into the corresponding Format-* command.


All commands will log to the console, as well as to a log file, by default. The logging is affected by three global variables. The pre-existing values of these variables will be honored if they already exist, otherwise they will be created (with defaults) when the module is loaded.

$global:SBLogPath - [string] The logfile. Defaults to $env:USERPROFILE\Documents\StoreBroker.log

$global:SBLoggingEnabled [bool] Defaults to $true. To disable file-based logging, set to $false

$global:SBUseUTC [bool] Defaults to $false. If $false, times are logged in local time. When $true, times are logged using UTC (and those timestamps will end with a Z per the W3C standard)

$global:SBShouldLogPid [bool] Defaults to $false. If $true, the Process ID ($global:PID) of the current PowerShell process will be added to every log entry. This can be helpful if you have situations where multiple instances of StoreBroker run concurrently and you want to more easily isolate the log entries for one process. An alternative solution would be to use $global:SBLogPath to specify a different log file for each StoreBroker process. An easy way to view the filtered entries for a session is (replacing PID with the PID that you are interested in):

Get-Content -Path $global:SBLogPath -Encoding UTF8 | Where { $_ -like '*[[]PID[]]*' }

PowerShell Tip

If you wish to always use a different value for these, set the new values in your PowerShell profile. By default, the full path to your profile is automatically stored by PowerShell in $profile. From a PowerShell console run notepad $profile. If Notepad informs you that the file doesn't exist, let Notepad create the profile for you. Then, just add your updated assignments to it.

Additional Configuration

There are some additional optional configurations that can be made with StoreBroker if the situation requires it. Most users will likely never need to touch these. The pre-existing values of these variables will be honored if they already exist, otherwise they will be created (with defaults) when the module is loaded.

$global:SBWebRequestTimeoutSec - [int] Number of seconds to use for the timeout of the internal Invoke-WebRequest call. Defaults to 0 (indefinite)

$global:SBAutoRetryErrorCodes - [int[]] Some error status codes indicate that a retry is likely to be met with success. StoreBroker will use an exponential back-off strategy for the status codes contained within this list of values. Defaults to @(429, 503).

  • 429 - The Submission API limits a Tenant to 20 requests per minute. Any requests exceeding that will receive this error code until that minute has expired.
  • 503 - An underlying service component was unavailable, and the Submission API suggests that you try again.

$global:SBMaxAutoRetries - [int] The maximum number of times a request will be retried if previous attempts result in an error code within the list of values in $global:SBAutoRetryErrorCodes. Defaults to 5

Common Switches

All commands support the -Verbose switch in the event that you want fine-grained detail on what is currently happening. Verbose logging will always be in the log will only be visibile in the console window though if you specify the -Verbose switch.

All commands also support the -WhatIf switch (along with the corresponding -Confirm switch.)

Accessing the Portal

Sometimes, you just want to look at the webpage instead of the commandline. For quick access to the appropriate page on the dev portal for what you're looking for, make use of

Open-DevPortal -AppId <appId> [-SubmissionId <submissionId> [-ShowFlight]]
  • If you just specify AppId, you'll be taken directly to that app page within the dev portal.
  • If you also specify SubmissionId, you can view that specific submission in the dev portal (the submission id can be for an app submission or a flight submission).
  • If you specify -ShowFlight (which is only valid if you also provide a submission id), then you'll be taken to the page where you can view/edit the flight that the flight submission is associated with.

Creating Your Application Payload

In StoreBroker, a "payload" is a combination of a json file and a zip file. The json file has the entire content of a Windows Store Submission. This content could be submitted as-is, but usually only selected portions of it are "patched" into a new submission. The zip file usually has the appx files and screenshots, although depending on how you create your payload, one of those might be missing.

To create your payload, you need to have the following (which you should already have from following the instructions in

In order to use New-SubmissionPackage, it is highly recommended that you read the documentation (Get-Help New-SubmissionPackage -Full) and read the documentation in the configuration file.

Generating the submission request JSON/zip package is done with

New-SubmissionPackage -ConfigPath <config-path> -PDPRootPath <path> [[-Release] <string>] -PDPInclude <filename> [-PDPExclude <filename>] -ImagesRootPath <path> -AppxPath <full-path>[, <additional-path>]+ -OutPath <output-dir> -OutName <output-name>

Items in brackets ('[]') are optional.

The -Release parameter is technically optional, depending on how you choose to store your PDP files. For more info, run:

Get-Help New-SubmissionPackage -Parameter PdpRootPath
Get-Help New-SubmissionPackage -Parameter Release

If one of your parameters does not change often, you can specify a value in the config file and leave out this parameter at runtime. In this case, you should specify the remaining parameters to New-SubmissionPackage with their parameter names. As an example, it is possible to leave out OutPath but if you don't specify the remaining parameters by name, then the value of the next parameter, OutName, will be mapped to the OutPath parameter, causing a failure.

As part of its input, New-SubmissionPackage expects a configuration file, which you should have already created.

Creating A New Application Submission

When you create a new application, you are actually cloning the currently published submission and modifying it to represent how you want the new submission to look (just like in Dev Center). This is why the primary function that you'll use is called Update-ApplicationSubmission.

Be ready with your AppId before you continue.

The Easy Way

We can't assume that you always have all of the information for the submission that you are making, nor can we assume that you want to change everything about a submission every time. There may be times when you only want to modify the Listing metadata for the application, or other times when you only want to add new packages to an existing submission. It's also possible that you want to use this tool to update your listing, but your app is old and has packages that span multiple releases/platforms (e.g. Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Phone 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Universal), and you only want to have to provide the packages to be added, as opposed to needing to provide every package during every update.

This is why when you want to create a new submission, it actually clones the existing published submission and then patches/modifies it to become the new submission. Because of this, you must specify one or more switches to indicate exactly what you want modified in the submission in order for anything to be changed.

The basic syntax looks of the command looks like this:

Update-ApplicationSubmission -AppId <appId> -SubmissionDataPath ".\submission.json" -PackagePath ".\" -AutoCommit -Force

While most of those parameters are straight-forward, the last two deserve explanation:

  • -Force - You can only have one "pending" (e.g. in-progress) submission at any given time. Using -Force tells the command to delete any pending submission before continuing. If you want to continue working with an existing pending submission, you can instead provide the existing pending submission with the -SubmissionId paramter, as noted below.

  • -AutoCommit - The submission will not start the certification process until you "commit" it. This switch says that the submission should automatically be committed once it has finished replacing the submission content and uploading the package. If you don't specify this, you'll have to manually call the Complete-ApplicationSubmission command later on.

An important thing to note though, is that if you run that exact command above, the resulting submission will be identical to the currently published submission, because you didn't tell Update-ApplicationSubmission what you specifically wanted to modify.

If for some reason you have an existing pending submission that you want to update (as opposed to cloning the existing published submission), use -SubmissionId to specify it, and that will be used instead of creating a new cloned submission.

The following key switches can be added in any order or combination, and they will indicate what content from the .json that you are providing needs to be added to or replaced within the cloned submission:

  • -AddPackages - This will add any packages from your json to the cloned submission. This switch is mutually exclusive with ReplacePackages.

    Please note: The result of this action is that you may end up with "redundant" packages (packages for older versions of your app that will never be sent to users since a newer one now exists.) To clean these up at a later time, refer to the FAQ.

  • -ReplacePackages - Causes any existing packages in the submission to be removed, and only the packages that are listed in SubmissionDataPath will be in the final, patched submission. This switch is mutually exclusive with AddPackages.

    WARNING: Use this switch with care. If you use this switch and your StoreBroker payload doesn't have all the packages for all the OS versions & platforms that you currently support (and want to continue to support), then you risk making your app unavailable to some of your users.

  • -UpdateListings - This will replace the cloned submission's listings metadata with yours (the localized content from the PDP's), deleting any existing screenshots along the way. This will only effect the Windows 10 listings. The platformOverrides listings for previous OS versions will simply be automatically carried over from the cloned submission.

  • -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility - This will change the targetPublishMode, targetPublishDate, and visibility of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json. Without doing this, keep in mind that your new submission will publish the same way as your previous submission (be that immediately, manual or time based).

  • -UpdatePricingAndAvailability - This will change the pricing, allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies, allowMicrosoftDecideAppAvailabilityToFutureDeviceFamilies, and enterpriseLicensing of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json.

  • -UpdateAppProperties - This will change the applicationCategory, hardwarePreferences, hasExternalInAppProducts, meetAccessibilityGuidelines, canInstallOnRemovableMedia, automaticBackupEnabled, and isGameDvrEnabled of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json.

  • -UpdateGamingOptions - This will update all values under the gamingOptions node specified in your json.

  • -UpdateTrailers - This will replace the cloned submission's trailers metadata with yours (the localized content from the PDP's), deleting any existing data along the way. For more info on trailers, review

  • -UpdateNotesForCertification - This will change the notesForCertification field of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json.

In addition to those switches, there are additional optional parameters that you can provide to fully override the publication and visibility of your app submission.

  • TargetPublishMode - Indicates how the submission should be published. Setting this to any value other than Default will override the usage of -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility.

    • Default - Uses the same setting as the previous submission. This is the default.
    • Manual - Requires you to click a button in the Dev Portal after certification completes.
    • Immediate - Publishes immediately after certification.
    • SpecificDate - Choose a date when you want it to be published. Specify with TargetPublishDate
  • TargetPublishDate - The specific date/time that the submission should be published. To use this, you must specify TargetPublishMode as SpecificDate. Using this value will override any value that might have been set by -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility. Users should provide this in local time and it will be converted automatically to UTC.

  • Visibility - Indicates the store visibility of the app once the submission has been published. Setting this to any value other than Default will override the usage of -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility.

    • Default - Uses the same setting as the previous submission. This is the default.
    • Public - Anyone can find your app in the Store.
    • Private - Hide this app in the Store. Customers with a direct link to the app's listing can still download it, except on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
    • Hidden - Hide this app and prevent acquisition. Customers with a promotional code can still download it on Windows 10 devices.

You can control mandatory updates with the following parameters

  • -IsMandatoryUpdate - Indicates whether you want to treat the packages in the submission as mandatory packages for self-installing app updates. For more information, refer to the Store documentation.

  • MandatoryUpdateEffectiveDate - The date/time when the packges in this submission become mandatory. This value will be ignored if -IsMandatoryUpdate is not also provided. Users should provide this in local time and it will be converted automatically to UTC.

You can also leverage gradual rollouts to limit the percentage of users who will be given the packages within this submission.

  • PackageRolloutPercentage - [0 - 100]. If specified, the packages in this submission will only be rolled out to this percentage of your users. You can later update this percentage by calling Update-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout, and can complete the gradual rollout by either finalizing it with Complete-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout (which will make the packages available to all of your users) or Stop-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout (which will halt any new users from getting the packages in this submission).

    Changing the percentage to 100 is not the same as Finalizing the package rollout. For more information on this topic, refer to the Store documentation.

  • ExistingPackageRolloutAction [NoAction, Halt, Finalize] You can't create a new submission if the current pending submission is currently using package rollout. In that scenario, prior to calling this command, you can manually call Complete-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout or Stop-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout, or you can just specify this parameter and the action it should take, and it will do that for you automatically prior to cloning the submission.

Due to the nature of how the Store API works, you won't see any of your changes in the dev portal until your submission has entered into certification. It doesn't have to complete certification for you to see your changes, but it does have to enter certification first. If it's important for you to verify your changes in the dev portal prior to publishing, consider publishing with the "Manual" targetPublishMode by setting that value in your config file and then additionally specifying the -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility switch when calling Update-ApplicationSubmission, or by specifying -TargetPublishMode Manual. By using the "Manual" submission mode, you will be forced to use the UI to complete the publication of your submission once it has passed certification.

Return Values: Update-ApplicationSubmission returns back two values to you at its completion: the new submission id, and the UploadURL. You can use that UploadUrl to upload your submission's .zip with Upload-SubmissionPackage, in the event that you didn't specify the PackagePath or want to upload it again.

Manual Submissions

As indicated above, everything that you need to do to update a submission can be accomplished with a single command. However, should one choose to do so, you can perform all of those steps manually.

  • Clone the existing published submission so that you can generate an update.

       $sub = New-ApplicationSubmission -AppId <appId> [-Force]
    • By using the -Force switch, it will call Remove-ApplicationSubmission behind the scenes if it finds that there's an existing pending submission for your app.
  • Read in the content of the json file from your New-SubmissionPackage payload:

       $json = (Get-Content .\submission.json -Encoding UTF8) | ConvertFrom-Json
  • If you need to update any content for the cloned submission, here is where you'd "patch in" applicable values from $json into $sub.

    • For example, here's how you can change a simple content that has a single value:

         $sub.hardwarePreferences = $json.hardwarePreferences
    • For nested content, you will need to ensure that all nested values are applied. The easiest way to do this is to inspect the json and then manually assign the nested values. For a more generic way, you can implement a function similar to DeepCopy-Object in Helpers.ps1.

         $sub.allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies.Xbox = $json.allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies.Xbox
         $sub.allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies.Team = $json.allowTargetFutureDeviceFamilies.Team
         ... repeat for all nested values ...
  • Send the updated submission content so that the API knows what should be updated:

       Set-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $appId -UpdatedSubmission $sub
  • If you're updating screenshots or packages, you'll need to upload the supporting .zip file:

       Set-SubmissionPackage -PackagePath <pathToYourZip> -UploadUrl ($sub.fileUploadUrl)
  • Tell the API that you're done with the submission and to start validation / certification:

       Complete-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $appId -SubmissionId ($

The -AutoCommit switch should not be confused with publishing of the submission. A submission won't enter into certification until it has been "committed", and a submission can only be committed once. In general, you probably always want to -AutoCommit. If you choose to leave out the -AutoCommit switch, you will need to manually call Complete-ApplicationSubmission in order for your submission to enter into the Store certification process.

All of the commands referenced above will work for app and flight submissions equally. If using them for flight submissions, just be sure to also include the FlightId parameter.

Related Commands

In addition to the commands above, there are some other commands that you may find useful along the way.

Gradual Rollout Commands

If you're not familiar with package rollout, it might be helpful to read more about it in the Store documentation.

To view the current package rollout status:

Get-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To update the current package rollout percentage:

Update-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> -Percentage <percentage>

To halt the current package rollout:

Stop-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To finalize the current package rollout:

Complete-ApplicationSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

Monitoring A Submission

Once you've committed a new submission, an unknown amount of time must pass for it to go through initial validation and eventually through certification. Any time along the way, the Store may have warnings and/or errors that you may need to act on, but you wouldn't know it unless you actively check the submission.

To ease this pain, you can use Start-SubmissionMonitor to automatically check for status changes on your behalf. You can even have it email you whenever the status changes, just in case you're away from the computer when the status changes.

The basic syntax looks like this:

Start-SubmissionMonitor -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

This will just start a loop that checks every 60 seconds to see if the status has changed for this submission. All changes will be printed to the console window. The monitoring will automatically end when the submission enters a failed state or enters the final state that the current targetPublishMode allows for.

There are other parameters that can be passed-in as well if you want to use this to monitor a Flight (-FlightId) or IAP (In-App Purchase) (-IapId) submission.

If you want to have it also email you, you must first configure StoreBroker for your email system:

  • $global:SBNotifyDefaultDomain - [string] The default domain name to append to any incomplete email address.
  • $global:SBNotifyDefaultFrom - [string] Default sender email address. If note specified, defaults to the logged-in user's username.
  • $global:SBNotifySmtpServer - [string] The SMTP Server to be used.
  • $global:SBNotifyCredential - [PSCredential] The credentials needed to send mail through that SMTP Server. Defaults to $null (to use domain credentials)

PowerShell Tip

If you plan on using the email functionality of Start-SubmissionMonitor, it will likely be more convenient for you to set the these values in your PowerShell profile so that they're always correctly configured By default, the full path to your profile is automatically stored by PowerShell in $profile. From a PowerShell console run notepad $profile. If Notepad informs you that the file doesn't exist, let Notepad create the profile for you. Then, just add your updated assignments to it.

Then you can add a list of one or more email addresses for it to notify

Start-SubmissionMonitor -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> -EmailNotifyTo <emailAddress>

Multiple email addresses are separated by a comma

Start-SubmissionMonitor -AppId <appId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> -EmailNotifyTo <emailAddress1>,<emailAddress2>

By default, Start-SubmissionMonitor does not return any result. You can provide the -PassThru switch if you'd like it to return back the final submission object that caused it to end its monitoring loop. You can then capture that result and do additional processing on it if so desired.

Status Progression

The following explains the common progression of a submission by status:

  • PendingCommit - Submission created but not yet "Committed"
  • CommitStarted - Either -AutoCommit was used on the submission, or you manually called Commit-ApplicationSubmission
  • PreProcessing - Getting ready to enter certification.
  • Certification - Certification has started. Once it hits this stage, you will be able to see the changes your submission has made in the DevPortal. Prior to this stage, the Dev Portal is out-of-sync with the API.
  • Release - It passed certification and can now be published. If you are using the Manual or SpecificDate publish modes, this is where it will stay until you either click the button in the Dev Portal, or the date specified arrives.
  • PendingPublication - Preparing to publish the update to the store.
  • Publishing - Getting the update published to all content servers.
  • Published - All actions have completed. The update is now live.


Flighting Overview

There are three main concepts to understand with flighting:

  • Flight Group
  • Flight Submission
  • Flight

A Flight Group is just a name given to a collection of MSA's.

A Flight Submission is similar to an application submission, but it has much less metadata. The only data currently associated with it is its set of packages and its publish mode and date.

A Flight is a specially named grouping that associates zero or more Flight Groups with a specific Flight Submission. An application can have multiple Flights, and these are given a priority ordering (so that it's deterministic what Flight Submission package an end-user will get if they are in one or more Flight Groups that are associated with more than one Flight.

Flighting Commands

The most common thing a user will do around flighting with StoreBroker is to release an update to a Flight that already exists. Doing so mirrors how you do so with a normal app submission update.

The basic syntax looks of the command looks like this:

Update-ApplicationFlightSubmission -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionDataPath ".\submission.json" -PackagePath ".\" -AutoCommit -Force

While most of those parameters are straight-forward, the last two deserve explanation:

  • -Force - You can only have one "pending" (e.g. in-progress) submission at any given time. Using -Force tells the command to delete any pending submission before continuing. If you want to continue working with an existing pending submission, you can instead provide the existing pending submission with the -SubmissionId paramter, as noted below.

  • -AutoCommit - The submission will not start the certification process until you "commit" it. This switch says that the submission should automatically be committed once it has finished replacing the submission content and uploading the package. If you don't specify this, you'll have to manually call the Complete-ApplicationFlightSubmission command later on.

An important thing to note though, is that if you run that exact command above, the resulting submission will be identical to the currently published submission, because you didn't tell Update-ApplicationFlightSubmission what you specifically wanted to modify.

If for some reason you have an existing pending submission that you want to update (as opposed to cloning the existing published submission), use -SubmissionId to specify it, and that will be used instead of creating a new cloned submission. That parameter

The following key switches can be added in any order or combination, and they will indicate what content from the .json that you are providing needs to be added to or replaced within the cloned submission:

  • -AddPackages - This will add any packages from your json to the cloned submission. This switch is mutually exclusive with ReplacePackages.

    Please note: The result of this action is that you may end up with "redundant" packages (packages for older versions of your app that will never be sent to users since a newer one now exists.) To clean these up at a later time, refer to the FAQ.

  • -ReplacePackages - Causes any existing packages in the submission to be removed, and only the packages that are listed in SubmissionDataPath will be in the final, patched submission. This switch is mutually exclusive with AddPackages.

    WARNING: Use this switch with care. If you use this switch and your StoreBroker payload doesn't have all the packages for all the OS versions & platforms that you currently support (and want to continue to support), then those users will end up getting your app from a different Flight or the public submission.

  • -ReplacePackages - Causes any existing packages in the submission to be removed, and only the packages that are listed in SubmissionDataPath will be in the final, patched submission. This switch is mutually exclusive with -AddPackages.

  • -UpdatePublishMode - This will change the targetPublishMode and targetPublishDate of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json. Without doing this, keep in mind that your new submission will publish the same way as your previous submission (be that immediately, manual or time based).

  • -UpdateNotesForCertification - This will change the notesForCertification field of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json.

In addition to those switches, there are additional optional parameters that you can provide to fully override the publication of your app's flight submission.

  • TargetPublishMode - Indicates how the submission should be published. Setting this to any value other than Default will override the usage of -UpdatePublishMode.

    • Default - Uses the same setting as the previous submission. This is the default.
    • Manual - Requires you to click a button in the Dev Portal after certification completes.
    • Immediate - Publishes immediately after certification.
    • SpecificDate - Choose a date when you want it to be published. Specify with TargetPublishDate
  • TargetPublishDate - The specific date/time that the submission should be published. To use this, you must specify TargetPublishMode as SpecificDate. Using this value will override any value that might have been set by -UpdatePublishMode. Users should provide this in local time and it will be converted automatically to UTC.

You can control mandatory updates with the following parameters

  • -IsMandatoryUpdate - Indicates whether you want to treat the packages in the submission as mandatory packages for self-installing app updates. For more information, refer to the Store documentation.

  • MandatoryUpdateEffectiveDate - The date/time when the packges in this submission become mandatory. This value will be ignored if -IsMandatoryUpdate is not also provided. Users should provide this in local time and it will be converted automatically to UTC.

You can also leverage gradual rollouts to limit the percentage of users who will be given the packages within this submission.

  • PackageRolloutPercentage - [0 - 100]. If specified, the packages in this submission will only be rolled out to this percentage of your users. You can later update this percentage by calling Update-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout, and can complete the gradual rollout by either finalizing it with Complete-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout (which will make the packages available to all of your users) or Stop-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout (which will halt any new users from getting the packages in this submission).

    Changing the percentage to 100 is not the same as Finalizing the package rollout. For more information on this topic, refer to the Store documentation.

  • ExistingPackageRolloutAction [NoAction, Halt, Finalize] You can't create a new submission if the current pending submission is currently using package rollout. In that scenario, prior to calling this command, you can manually call Complete-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout or Stop-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout, or you can just sepecify this paramter and the action it should take, and it will do that for you automatically prior to cloning the submission.

Due to the nature of how the Store API works, you won't see any of your changes in the dev portal until your submission has entered into certification. It doesn't have to complete certification for you to see your changes, but it does have to enter certification first. If it's important for you to verify your changes in the dev portal prior to publishing, consider publishing with the "Manual" targetPublishMode by setting that value in your config file and then additionally specifying the -UpdatePublishMode switch when calling Update-ApplicationFlightSubmission, or by specifying -TargetPublishMode Manual. By using the "Manual" submission mode, you will be forced to use the UI to complete the publication of your submission once it has passed certification.

Update-ApplicationFlightSubmission is a convenience method that wraps a number of individual commands into a single command. If you want to understand exactly what it does, refer to the previous section on "manual submissions." (similar methods exist for Flight submissions).

Return Values: Update-ApplicationFlightSubmission returns back two values to you at its completion: the new submission id, and the UploadURL. You can use that UploadUrl to upload your submission's .zip with Upload-SubmissionPackage in the event that you didn't specify the PackagePath or want to upload it again.

Other Common Flight-related Tasks:

Viewing Application Flights

View all the flights assigned to a given app:

Get-ApplicationFlights -AppId <appId> | Format-ApplicationFlights

View the details of a specific flight

Get-ApplicationFlight -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> | Format-ApplicationFlight
Creating and/or Removing Flights

At this time, there is no way to interact with Flight Groups via the Submission API (and thus not via StoreBroker). If you need to reference a FlightGroupId, you'll need to get it from the URL when viewing it in the dev portal. You can currently use Get-FlightGroups to directly navigate to that page in the dev portal UI.

To create a new flight:

New-ApplicationFlight -AppId <appId> -FriendlyName <name> [-RankHigherThan <name>] [-Groupids <id>]

If you don't specify the friendly name of an existing flight to rank this higher than, it will be ranked highest of all current flights.

You cannot edit existing Flights (names, ranking, flight groups) via the API (and thus not via StoreBroker). To do so, use Open-DevPortal to quickly navigate to the Flight edit page.

To delete a flight:

Remove-ApplicationFlight -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId>
Flight Submissions

To view an existing flight submission:

Get-ApplicationFlightSubmission -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> | Format-ApplicationFlightSubmission

To delete a flight submission:

Remove-ApplicationFlightSubmission -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To monitor a flight submission: Follow the same steps for monitoring an application submission, but just be sure to also include the -FlightId in the cmdlet parameters.

Gradual Rollout

If you're not familiar with package rollout, it might be helpful to read more about it in the Store documentatin.

To view the current package rollout status:

Get-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To update the current package rollout percentage:

Update-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> -Percentage <percentage>

To halt the current package rollout:

Stop-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To finalize the current package rollout:

Complete-ApplicationFlightSubmissionPackageRollout -AppId <appId> -FlightId <flightId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

In App Products

IAP Overview

In-App Products (IAP's) are additional features that are offered to users of your apps. In the Store, IAP's are considered siblings to Applications, as opposed to children, because the same IAP can be associated with more than one Application.

Creating Your IAP Payload

These instructions very closely mirror those for Creating Your Application Payload, by design.

In StoreBroker, a "payload" is a combination of a json file and a zip file. The json file has the entire content of a Windows Store Submission. This content could be submitted as-is, but usually only selected portions of it are "patched" into a new submission. The zip file usually has the icons for the localized listings, although depending on how you create your payload, those might be missing.

To create your payload, you need to have the following (which you should already have from following the instructions in

In order to use New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage, it is highly recommended that you read the documentation (Get-Help New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -Full) and read the documentation in the configuration file.

Generating the submission request JSON/zip package is done with

New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -ConfigPath <config-path> -PDPRootPath <path> [[-Release] <string>] -PDPInclude <filename> [-PDPExclude <filename>] -ImagesRootPath <path> -OutPath <output-dir> -OutName <output-name>

Items in brackets ('[]') are optional.

The -Release parameter is technically optional, depending on how you choose to store your PDP files. For more info, run:

Get-Help New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -Parameter PdpRootPath
Get-Help New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage -Parameter Release

If one of your parameters does not change often, you can specify a value in the config file and leave out this parameter at runtime. In this case, you should specify the remaining parameters to New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage with their parameter names. As an example, it is possible to leave out OutPath but if you don't specify the remaining parameters by name, then the value of the next parameter, OutName, will be mapped to the OutPath parameter, causing a failure.

As part of its input, New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage expects a configuration file, which you should have already created.

IAP Commands

You'll find the layout of these commands to mimic those for Applications and Flights. For every Get-* command there is a corresponding Format-* command that you can leverage.

All IAP commands use the fully-spelled-out "InAppProduct". Even though PowerShell supports tab completion at the commandline, aliases also exist for all of these commands as well. Any time you see a command that has the phrase "InAppProduct", there exists an alias for that same command that replaces that phrase with "Iap" (e.g. Get-InAppProducts -> Get-Iaps).

The basic syntax looks of the update command looks like this:

Update-InAppProductSubmission -IapId <iapId> -SubmissionDataPath ".\submission.json" -PackagePath ".\" -AutoCommit -Force

An important thing to note though, is that if you run that exact command above, the resulting submission will be identical to the currently published submission, because you didn't tell Update-InAppProductSubmission what you specifically wanted to modify.

If for some reason you have an existing pending submission that you want to update (as opposed to cloning the existing published submission), use -SubmissionId to specify it, and that will be used instead of creating a new cloned submission. That parameter

The following key switches can be added in any order or combination, and they will indicate what content from the .json that you are providing needs to be added to or replaced within the cloned submission:

  • -UpdateListings - This will update the Title and Description for each language listing, as well as update the icon if specified.

  • -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility - This will change the targetPublishMode, targetPublishDate and visibility of the cloned submission to that which is specified in your json. Without doing this, keep in mind that your new submission will publish the same way as your previous submission (be that immediately, manual or time based).

  • -UpdatePricingAndAvaibility - This will change your base pricing, market-specific pricing, and sales pricing info.

  • -UpdateProperties - This will update the product lifetime, content type, keywords, and tag.

It is only ever necessary to supply the PackagePath if you are using -UpdateListings and those listings have icons.

In addition to those switches, there are additional optional parameters that you can provide to fully override the publication and visibility of your IAP submission.

  • TargetPublishMode - Indicates how the submission should be published. Setting this to any value other than Default will override the usage of -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility.

    • Default - Uses the same setting as the previous submission. This is the default.
    • Manual - Requires you to click a button in the Dev Portal after certification completes.
    • Immediate - Publishes immediately after certification.
    • SpecificDate - Choose a date when you want it to be published. Specify with TargetPublishDate
  • TargetPublishDate - The specific date/time that the submission should be published. To use this, you must specify TargetPublishMode as SpecificDate. Using this value will override any value that might have been set by -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility. Users should provide this in local time and it will be converted automatically to UTC.

  • Visibility - Indicates the store visibility of the app once the submission has been published. Setting this to any value other than Default will override the usage of -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility.

    • Default - Uses the same setting as the previous submission. This is the default.
    • Public - Anyone can find your app in the Store.
    • Private - Hide this app in the Store. Customers with a direct link to the app's listing can still download it, except on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.
    • Hidden - Hide this app and prevent acquisition. Customers with a promotional code can still download it on Windows 10 devices.

Due to the nature of how the Store API works, you won't see any of your changes in the dev portal until your submission has entered into certification. It doesn't have to complete certification for you to see your changes, but it does have to enter certification first. If it's important for you to verify your changes in the dev portal prior to publishing, consider publishing with the "Manual" targetPublishMode by setting that value in your config file and then additionally specifying the -UpdatePublishModeAndVisibility switch when calling Update-InAppProductSubmissionm, or by specifying -TargetPublishMode Manual. By using the "Manual" submission mode, you will be forced to use the UI to complete the publication of your submission once it has passed certification.

Update-InAppProductSubmission is a convenience method that wraps a number of individual commands into a single command. If you want to understand exactly what it does, refer to the previous section on "manual submissions" for applications (similarly-named methods exist for IAP submissions).

Return Values: Update-InAppProductSubmission returns back two values to you at its completion: the new submission id, and the UploadURL. You can use that UploadUrl to upload your submission's .zip with Upload-SubmissionPackage in the event that you didn't specify the PackagePath or want to upload it again.

Other Common IAP-related Tasks:

Viewing IAP's

View all the IAP's available in the dev account:

Get-InAppProducts | Format-InAppProducts

View all the IAP's that a specific app offers:

Get-ApplicationInAppProducts -AppId <appId> | Format-ApplicationInAppProducts
Creating and/or Removing IAP's

To create a new IAP:

New-InAppProduct -ProductId <productId> -ProductType <productType> -ApplicationIds <applicationIds>


  • <productId> is a unique name that you provide to refer to this IAP in this API and in your actual application sourcecode.
  • <productType> is either Consumable for a "Developer managed consumable", or Durable for a "durable managed consumable". Please note that at this time, although the Developer Web Portal supports the creation of "Store Managed Consumables", the Store Submission API does not. For more information on these types, see the online documentation.
  • <applicationIds> is a comma-separated list of ApplicationIds that should be able to offer this IAP.

To delete an IAP:

Remove-InAppProduct -IapId <iapId>
IAP Submissions

To view an existing IAP submission:

Get-InAppProductSubmission -IapId <iapId> -SubmissionId <submissionId> | Format-InAppProductSubmission

To delete an IAP submission:

Remove-InAppProductSubmission -IapId <iapId> -SubmissionId <submissionId>

To monitor an IAP submission: Follow the steps in monitoring a submission, and be sure to include -IapId in the function parameters instead of -AppId.

Schema Versions

StoreBroker's packaging commands (New-SubmissionPackage and New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage) add properties to the generated .json file that are not part of the official Submission API JSON schema. These additional properties are added in order to enable additional StoreBroker scenarios (like validating the AppId or IapId being used with a submission package, and determining which packages are redundant when using the -UpdatePackages switch).

It is our intention to never change how these custom properties work once we've published out that version of StoreBroker, however it is possible that bugs or additional circumstances may simply make it necessary.

To that end, starting with version 1.11.1 of StoreBroker, we will always add a sbSchema property to the generated json file, with a simple integer value that will be incremented whenever we make any change to those additional properties. We'll document what those differences are below so that you'll be able to make corresponding changes to your own code if you depend on these properties.

App Submission Packages

Version 1

We never used the value 1 for a published schema. Any App JSON package file that doesn't have an sbSchema property is effectively version 1.

Properties Added

  • appId - Stores the appId of the In-App Product that the submission package is for.
  • applicationPackages.minOSVersion - An array of all Min Versions referenced in the app packages.
  • applicationPackages.targetFamiliesEx - An array of all device families that the package targets.
  • applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].minOSVersion - An array of all Min OS Versions referenced in the specific architecture app package.
  • applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].targetFamiliesEx - An array of all device families targeted in this specific architecture app package.

Properties Removed

  • None

Properties Changed

  • None

Version 2

Properties Added

  • sbSchema - Tracks the version number of the schema to identify what additional StoreBroker properties should be expected within.

Properties Removed

  • applicationPackages.minOSVersion - This information can now be found in better context in applicationPackages.targetFamiliesEx.minOSVersion
  • applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].minOSVersion - This information can now be found in better context in applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].targetFamiliesEx.minOSVersion

Properties Changed

  • applicationPackages.targetDeviceFamiliesEx - This used to be an array of strings of each device family. This is now an array of dictionaries where each dictionary is a name/minOSVersion pair, since a single appx can have different Min OS Versions depending on which platform is being looked at.
  • applicationPackages.targetDeviceFamilies - There was a bug here that if there was more than one Min OS Version within a package, the string would look like this: Windows.Desktop min version System.Object[]. This is now fixed.
  • applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].targetDeviceFamiliesEx - This used to be an array of strings of each device family. This is now an array of dictionaries where each dictionary is a name/minOSVersion pair, since a single appx can have different Min OS Versions depending on which platform is being looked at.
  • applicationPackages.innerPackages.[architecture].targetDeviceFamilies - There was a bug here that if there was more than one Min OS Version within a package, the string would look like this: Windows.Desktop min version System.Object[]. This is now fixed.

In-App Product (IAP) Submission Packages


We never used the value 1 for a published schema. Any IAP JSON package file that doesn't have an sbSchema property is effectively version 1.

Properties Added

  • iapId - Stores the iapId of the In-App Product that the submission package is for.

Properties Removed

  • None

Properties Changed

  • None


This schema is equivalent to v1, but now with the addition of sbSchema tracking the schema version.

Properties Added

  • sbSchema - Tracks the version number of the schema to identify what additional StoreBroker properties should be expected within.

Properties Removed

  • None

Properties Changed

  • None

Using INT vs PROD

This option is only available for Microsoft employees using the official Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD).

By default, any operation that you perform will be working against the PROD (production / public) store server (meaning, anything that you do will affect the real world store deployment).

If you want to try using this module in the INT (internal / testing) environment (meaning that the changes you make will never be seen by the outside world), then simply set this global session variable before performing any operation:

$global:SBUseInt = $true

The effect of that value will last for the duration of your session (until you close your console window) or until you change its value to $false.

Just so that it's absolutely clear that operations you're performing are against INT, every API call will output a reminder to that effect, along with a reminder on how to return to using PROD.


In order to track usage, gauge performance and identify areas for improvement, telemetry is employed during execution of commands within this module (via Application Insights). For more information, refer to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

You may notice some needed assemblies for communicating with Application Insights being downloaded on first run of a StoreBroker command within each PowerShell session. The automatic dependency downloads section of the setup documentation describes how you can avoid having to always re-download the telemetry assemblies in the future.

We recommend that you always leave the telemetry feature enabled, but a situation may arise where it must be disabled for some reason. In this scenario, you can disable telemetry by setting the following global variable:

$global:SBDisableTelemetry = $true

The effect of that value will last for the duration of your session (until you close your console window), or until you change its value back to its default of $false.

The following type of information is collected:

  • Date and timestamp
  • Every major command executed (to gauge usefulness of the various commands)
  • Switches used for submission updates
  • AppId / FlightId / IapId / SubmissionId / ProductId / App Name / Appx version
  • Error codes / information

The following information is also collected, but the reported information is only reported in the form of an SHA512 Hash (to protect PII (personal identifiable information):

  • Username
  • PackagePath
  • Invalid appx file paths

The hashing of the above items can be disabled (meaning that the plaint-text data will be reported instead of the hash of the data) by setting

$global:SBDisablePiiProtection = $true

Similar to SBDisableTelemetry, the effect of this value will only last for the duration of your session (until you close your console window), or until you change its value back to its default of $false.

Finally, the Application Insights Key that the telemetry is reported to is exposed as


It is requested that you do not change this value, otherwise the telemetry will not be reported to us for analysis. We expose it here for complete transparency.

PowerShell Tip

To save any of your configuration preferences so that they are always applied with every new PowerShell console window, you can add them to your PowerShell profile. By default, the full path to your profile is automatically stored by PowerShell in $profile. From a PowerShell console run notepad $profile. If Notepad informs you that the file doesn't exist, let Notepad create the profile for you. Then, just add the relevant settings to your profile.


  • How do you remove packages from your app's current submission since StoreBroker doesn't do this automatically?

    The Submission API does not provide enough information for StoreBroker to safely replace existing packages with your new ones, so it always adds the packages to your submission (hence, the name of the switch: -AddPackages). If you want to clean these up from the commandline, jsut do the following:

     $appId = <yourAppId>
     $sub = New-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $appId  -Force
     for ($i = 0; $i -lt $sub.applicationPackages.Count; $i++) { Write-Host "`$sub.applicationPackages[$i] :" -ForegroundColor Yellow; $sub.applicationPackages[$i] }

    At that point, you'll see all the packages in your current submisssion, and the index that they're at. For any package that you want to delete, just do the following:

     $sub.applicationPackages[<index>].FileStatus = 'PendingDelete'

    After you've updated all the packages that you want, just run the following commands:

     Set-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $appId -UpdatedSubmission $sub
     Commit-ApplicationSubmission -AppId $appId -SubmissionId ($
  • Does StoreBroker support adding region-specific listings for languages that the app itself doesn't directly support? (e.g. Can I specify a listing in French, even if my app is English-only)?

    • Yes. All you need to do is supply a PDP (and screenshots) for that language, and New-SubmissionPackage will take care of the rest. One thing to be aware of though is the name of the app for the Store listing. The "title" for an app typically comes from the DisplayName property in the package's AppxManifest file. This title has to be "reserved" in the Store for your app (via App Management -> Manage App Names). The PDP XML file has an AppStoreName property that you can set a value for if you wish to override that default value from the package, or if your package doesn't have a localized DisplayName property in the required language.
  • I don't have the same set of screenshots for every region. What should I do?

    • Since the PDP is all about localization, it specifies captions, and captions then have attributes for the screenshots that they go to. You define this set of captions (along with the rest of the PDP) in English, and then it gets localized to all the languages that you want it localized for. If different languages need a different set of captions (e.g. screenshots), then that means that you simply need to have multiple English PDP files, and localize the different English PDP's into the right set of languages appropriate for that content.
  • What I submit to the Store is the result of multiple builds. How can I submit the results in a single submission?

    • Keep in mind that the listing metadata (the PDP content) can't differ between Windows 10 releases -- you only have one Windows 10 PDP listing, but then you can have multiple packages for the app, each one targeting a different min-version of the OS. With this as a base understanding, the suggested approach is that you configure all of your builds to run New-SubmissionPackage with the right setup to handle the PDP. That means that any individual build's payload could potentially be released to the Store.

      We offer an additional command that can be used to combine two payload into a single payload (and if you have more than two, just daisy chain the output from one as the input to the next).

         Join-SubmissionPackage -MasterJsonPath <path> -AdditionalJsonPath <path> -OutJsonPath <path> -AddPackages

      As you'll recall, a payload is a json/zip pair. The specified in each of these parameters is the path to the json file, and the .zip file is determined from that same base name. The resulting output will be identitical to the json/zip pair provided for MasterJsonPath, except that it will also include the packages that were defined in AdditionalJsonPath and its zip. This payload can then be provided to StoreBroker for submission to the Store as a single submission.

  • Can I have different screenshots for different platforms?

    • Yes. Since the PDP is localization-centric, it tracks captions, and each caption must be associated with one or more platfrom-specific screenshots in order to be used at all. A caption will only be used for a specific platform if there is an attribute for that platform on the caption (DesktopImage, MobileImage, XboxImage, SurfaceHubImage, HoloLensImage) and the screenshot it references can be found. You can use the same caption for multiple platforms (useful if your app has the same "view" on multiple platforms), and you can specify a caption that only references a subset of your app's platforms (useful if a "view" is only available on a specific subset of platforms). Therefore, it's possible that you can have a different number of screenshots in the store for your app, depending on the platform accessing the Store. If you need to have a different set of screenshots based on language/locale, see the earlier FAQ on that very question.
  • Can I use the same screenshots/icons/media file for different languages?

    • Yes. Both New-SubmissionPackage and New-InAppProductSubmissionPackage support a MediaFallbackLanguage commandline parameter (and similarly named config file option). If specified, and a language-specific version of the media can't be found during packaging, then StoreBroker will look in that fallback language's images/media sub-folder for the same-named media file.

      You can also be even more specific and specify a FallbackLanguage attribute on a media element (ScreenshotCaptions, Caption or Icon) in a language's PDP file if you want more fine-tuned control over which files fallback and which ones don't (and specify different languages in each instance). You can find out more about that in