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191 lines (145 loc) · 4.46 KB

File metadata and controls

191 lines (145 loc) · 4.46 KB

Prepare the data

import OSM data

prepare OSM optimized indexes

baremaps execute \
 --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?&user=baremaps&password=baremaps' \
 --file 'res://osm_create_extensions.sql' \
 --file 'res://osm_drop_tables.sql' \
 --file 'res://osm_create_tables.sql' \
 --file 'res://osm_create_gist_indexes.sql' \
 --file 'res://osm_create_gin_indexes.sql'

import switzerland from geofabrik

(this takes ~30 minutes)

baremaps import \
  --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?&user=baremaps&password=baremaps' \
  --file '' \
baremaps import \
  --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?&user=baremaps&password=baremaps' \
  --file '' \

check data and style

baremaps edit --log-level DEBUG \
  --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?user=baremaps&password=baremaps' \
  --tileset osm/tileset-osmvecto.json \
  --style osm/style-osmvecto.json

materialized views for OSM

the files are run in the input order

baremaps execute --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?&user=baremaps&password=baremaps' --file 'queries/osm_create_views.sql' --file 'queries/osm_create_gist_indexes.sql'

create a custom dataset

here, we create a postgis table for points, with only the attributes "name" and "importance". use the tool of your choice to create a few points

import the custom dataset

to import the dataset, simply add a section that specifies and ID (should be unique), and the SQL statement used to retrive the data, like so:

  "id": "custom",
  "queries": [
      "minZoom": 0,
      "maxZoom": 20,
      "sql": "select id, hstore('importance', importance::text) || hstore('name', name::text), geom from custom.custom"

for labels

  "id": "customlabel",
  "type": "symbol",
  "source": "baremaps",
  "source-layer": "custom",
  "filter": ["all"],
  "layout": {
    "symbol-placement": "point",
    "symbol-spacing": 350,
    "symbol-z-order": "auto",
    "text-allow-overlap": false,
    "text-field": "{name}",
    "text-font": ["Frutiger Neue Italic"],
    "text-ignore-placement": false,
    "text-keep-upright": true,
    "text-letter-spacing": 0.05,
    "text-max-width": 1000,
    "text-pitch-alignment": "map",
    "text-rotation-alignment": "viewport",
    "text-size": 16,
    "visibility": "visible"
  "paint": {
    "text-color": "rgba(20, 136, 205, 1)",
    "text-halo-blur": 1,
    "text-halo-color": "rgba(242, 242, 242, 0.7)",
    "text-halo-width": 1

(optional) additional preparation

it might be useful to add indexes, simplified geometries for other zoom levels, etc

update the tileset JSON with custom bounds

for Lausanne:

"bounds": [6.36, 46.070, 6.53, 46.53946],

export the tiles

baremaps export --database 'jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/baremaps?user=baremaps&password=baremaps' --tileset presentation/osm/tileset-osmvecto.json --repository tiles/

copy the content of the directory tiles/ to your server so that they can be accessed, e.g. at the following URL :{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt

copy and adapt both the style and tileset

in the style.json adapt the sources so that the URL points to your server

curl localhost:9000/style.json | jq '' > /tmp/style.json
  "sources": {
    "baremaps": {
      "url": "http://localhost:9000/tiles.json",
      "type": "vector"

should become:

  "sources": {
    "baremaps": {
      "url": "",
      "type": "vector"

Do the same in the tileset.json

curl localhost:9000/tiles.json | jq '' > /tmp/tiles.json

you should modify:

  "tiles": [


  "tiles": [

setup of the server

then copy these files on your server accordingly.

It is important that when the browser retrieves the tiles, they are served with the correct headers. These are headers that work in most of the cases:

access-control-allow-origin: *
content-encoding: gzip
content-type: application/vnd.mapbox-vector-tile

Ensure that your server serves them with the correct content-type