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Releases: daniel-ac-martin/NotGovUK

Sub-items in NavigationMenu

15 Feb 22:07
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Allows hierarchical sets of links to be provided to the NavigationMenu component.

Also updates govuk-frontend to v5.8 and cypress to v14.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.6...v0.15.7

Custom logo support

02 Feb 20:06
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Adds support for a custom logo to be used with the Header component.

Thanks to @wildtangent for his work on this feature. - #1281

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.5...v0.15.6

ServiceNavigation component

05 Jan 23:04
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.2...v0.15.3

SearchBox component

12 Dec 14:59
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.15.2

Remix support

30 Nov 15:00
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Adds support for the Remix framework. See the example application here:

Also updates the interface from Next.js to align with the Remix interface, and deprecates the older one.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.15.1

Basic Next.js support

26 Nov 19:18
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Adds rudimentary support for Next.js to the components. Next.js users can import the supported components via the new @not-govuk/simple-components NPM package. There is also an example Next.js application that can be viewed.


The <Form> component/framework is not currently available for Next.js, but the other components should work, and links should automatically make use of the Next.js router, although only the newer 'App router' is supported'.


See BREAKING changes below.

It is also possible to view a commit that updates to this version, but it updates all the way from from v0.8.6 to this v0.15.0: UKHomeOffice/design-system@f30d817


  • Some components will now override global styles. Most people will want this, however in the future it would be nice to make this optional. We probably need govuk-frontend to provide modules in order to do that. c6b970d
  • The route-utils package has been discontinued.
    • Router hooks can now be obtained from @not-govuk/router but we no longer provide useMatch.
    • useActive has been renamed useIsActive and is also in '@not-govuk/router'.
    • useIsMounted is now obtained from the new @not-govuk/client-component-helpers package.
    • urlParse is now URI.parse and is in @not-govuk/uri and returns a slightly different object. b344ed3
    • queryString has been moved to @not-govuk/uri
  • Strict mode has been enabled in our base tsconfig which may break things for users that update to it. You will need to either fix each error in your code or disable strict mode. a1553dc

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.14.0...v0.15.0

govuk-frontend v5

22 Sep 19:36
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Updates govuk-frontend to v5.

New components should follow in subsequent releases.


  • If you are using govuk-frontend in your own components you should probably update to the same version to avoid duplicate CSS
  • WarningText: The assistiveText prop has been renamed to iconFallbackText
  • Button: Anchor buttons no longer accept a disabled prop
  • Header: The useTudorCrown prop has been removed; as it is now the default
  • Page: The useTudorCrown prop has been removed; as it is now the default

See also: govuk-frontend v5 release notes

React v18

21 Sep 13:12
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Updates the framework to React v18.


  • You will need to update 'react' and 'react-dom' in the base of your repository:
    pnpm update 'react@^18' 'react-dom@^18'  '@types/react@^18' '@types/react-dom@^18'

Markdown pages

09 Sep 20:08
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Adds support for Markdown (and MDX) pages as first-class citizens.

Note: You will need to update your page loader in our apps (apps/YOUR_APP/src/common/page-loader.ts) in order to take advantage of this functionality. i.e:

export const pageLoader = require.context('./pages', true, /\.([jt]sx?|mdx?|html)$/i, 'sync');

(.md and .mdx are now covered by the regular expression.)

Also, SCSS builds should now be a bit faster, thanks to the use of sass-embedded.


  • Node.js v16 is no longer officially supported and may break now or at some point in the future


  • sass-loader updated to v16 (should not be breaking)
  • css-loader updated to v7 (should not be breaking)
  • sass replaced by sass-embedded (should not be breaking)

react-router v6

01 Sep 21:02
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Upgrades react-router to v6.

Also updates react-helmet-async to v2.


  • You will need to upgrade react-router and react-router-dom to v6.
  • You may need to upgrade react-helmet-async to v2.
  • Pages will no longer receive the router props (match, location, history), to access these you will need to use the hooks provided by @not-govuk/route-utils (or directly from react-router). For an example see: 61022dd