Bitwuzla: Run patchelf twice on libbitwuzlaJNI to resolve the depende…
Bitwuzla: Run patchelf twice on libbitwuzlaJNI to resolve the depende…
Switch to correctly compiled version of Bitwuzla 0.4.0 commit 954bcfb…
Switch to correctly compiled version of Bitwuzla 0.4.0 commit 954bcfb…
Change Bitwuzla build script so that the JNI lib is patchelfed before…
Change Bitwuzla build script so that the JNI lib is patchelfed before…
Bitwuzla: Removed unnecessary dependency on libgmp while building lib…
Bitwuzla: Removed unnecessary dependency on libgmp while building lib…
Bitwuzla: Fixed test parseDeclareRedundantBv for MathSAT5 by using a …
Bitwuzla: Fixed test parseDeclareRedundantBv for MathSAT5 by using a …
Bitwuzla: Added auto-generated wrapper files to the repository.
Bitwuzla: Added auto-generated wrapper files to the repository.
Improve ressource handling of Bitwuzla model
Improve ressource handling of Bitwuzla model
Add SMTLIB2 comments to our parse handling for Bitwuzla
Add SMTLIB2 comments to our parse handling for Bitwuzla
Throw more expressionate exceptions for the current parse() in Bitwuzla
Throw more expressionate exceptions for the current parse() in Bitwuzla
Fix Java version when building bitwuzla script based jar
Fix Java version when building bitwuzla script based jar
Handle Model ressources better and clean them up in all cases
Handle Model ressources better and clean them up in all cases
Bitwuzla: Fixed some checkstyle issues.
Bitwuzla: Fixed some checkstyle issues.
Bitwuzla: Cleaned up some unnecessary changes.
Bitwuzla: Cleaned up some unnecessary changes.
Bitwuzla: Restored checkVariableIsDeclared in SolverFormulaIOTest. Bi…
Bitwuzla: Restored checkVariableIsDeclared in SolverFormulaIOTest. Bi…
Bitwuzla: Added new method for constant array creation to BitwuzlaArr…
Bitwuzla: Added new method for constant array creation to BitwuzlaArr…
Bitwuzla: Removed unused file and cleaned up some of the changes from…
Bitwuzla: Removed unused file and cleaned up some of the changes from…
Revert incorrect merge"
Revert incorrect merge"
Merge branch 'sosy-lab:master' into add_bitwuzla_swig_cpp
Merge branch 'sosy-lab:master' into add_bitwuzla_swig_cpp
Bitwuzla: Fixed merge.
Bitwuzla: Fixed merge.
Bitwuzla: Fixed two tests from SolverVisitorTest by inclusing BITWUZL…
Bitwuzla: Fixed two tests from SolverVisitorTest by inclusing BITWUZL…
Force push
Bitwuzla: Added support for the new FloatingPointNumber class in Bitw…
Bitwuzla: Added support for the new FloatingPointNumber class in Bitw…
Princess: update Princess to latest version 2024-01-12.
Princess: update Princess to latest version 2024-01-12.
Bitwuzla: Removed unused file and cleaned up some of the changes from…
Bitwuzla: Removed unused file and cleaned up some of the changes from…
Bitwuzla: Add native Bitwuzla support for rotate by constant in Bitwu…
Bitwuzla: Add native Bitwuzla support for rotate by constant in Bitwu…
Bitwuzla: Added missing methods to BitwuzlaFloatingPointManager.
Bitwuzla: Added missing methods to BitwuzlaFloatingPointManager.
Boolector: implement direct BV rotation by constant.
Boolector: implement direct BV rotation by constant.
Bitwuzla: Fixed formating.
Bitwuzla: Fixed formating.
Bitwuzla: Remove old build files before recompiling bitwuzla source.
Bitwuzla: Remove old build files before recompiling bitwuzla source.
Bitwuzla: Removed method parse_fp_value from the Swig script. We're n…
Bitwuzla: Removed method parse_fp_value from the Swig script. We're n…
Bitwuzla: Re-enabled concurrency tests for Bitwuzla.
Bitwuzla: Re-enabled concurrency tests for Bitwuzla.