The code in this branch is licensed under GPLv3 (see LICENSE file) Feel free to modify or reuse the code here.
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ETH Address: 0x1BDA9C6A37ECd91940df1E7559A8403ecE9806D1
git clone
npm install
bower install
npm start
Make sure to install geth as well for the ETH explorer to be able to function. Then run:
geth --rpc --rpcaddr localhost --rpcport 8545 --rpcapi "web3,eth" --rpccorsdomain "http://localhost:8000"
Then visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser of choice after you npm start the explorer
- Regular Expressions completed for Addresses, Block #s, and Transacions IDs (aka Search works great)
- The theme is based off Bootstrap V3 for responsive design.
- You can easily change from a cosmo or light theme utilizing
- There is a basic API implemented now as well as well as a Ethereum Blockchain Information page
- Realtime ETH/USD Price Ticker
- Realtime Ethereum Hashrate
- Address Pages are integrated with Shapeshift to easily send a payment to an address.
- Responsive design
- Fontawesome Icons
- Block Time Averages
- Gas Prices/Limits
- Total/Current Difficulty
- Realtime latest blocks and recent transactions
- Other random blockchain info stats were added
If you want to disable auto refresh/auto new block show, just comment line no 13-22 at: app/scripts/controllers/mainController.js