Icinga 2 is an open source monitoring system which checks the availability of your network resources, notifies users of outages, and generates performance data for reporting.
Scalable and extensible, Icinga 2 can monitor large, complex environments across multiple locations.
Icinga 2 and the Icinga 2 documentation are licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package.
Support for Icinga 2 is available in a number of ways. Please have a look at the support overview page.
There are many ways to contribute to Icinga - whether it be sending patches, testing, reporting bugs, or reviewing and updating the documentation. Every contribution is appreciated!
Please get in touch with the Icinga team at https://www.icinga.org/community/.
If you want to help update this documentation please read this howto.
You can follow Icinga 2's development closely by checking out these resources:
- Development Bug Tracker: How to report a bug?
- Git Repositories: main mirror on icinga.org release mirror at github.com
- Git Checkins Mailinglist
- Development and Users Mailinglists
- #icinga-devel on irc.freenode.net including a Git Commit Bot
For general support questions, please refer to the community support channels.
More details in the Icinga FAQ.
- Register an Icinga account.
- Create a new issue at the Icinga 2 Development Tracker.
- When reporting a bug, please include the details described in the Troubleshooting chapter (version, configs, logs, etc).
- Add running_kernel_use_sudo option for the running_kernel check
- Configuration
- Add global constants:
- Add global constants:
- Use NodeName and ZoneName constants for 'node setup' and 'node wizard'
- Feature 10622: Add by_ssh_options argument for the check_by_ssh plugin
- Feature 10693: Add running_kernel_use_sudo option for the running_kernel check
- Feature 10716: Use NodeName and ZoneName constants for 'node setup' and 'node wizard'
- Bug 10528: Documentation example in "Access Object Attributes at Runtime" doesn't work correctly
- Bug 10615: Build fails on SLES 11 SP3 with GCC 4.8
- Bug 10632: "node wizard" does not ask user to verify SSL certificate
- Bug 10641: API setup command incorrectly overwrites existing certificates
- Bug 10643: Icinga 2 crashes when ScheduledDowntime objects are used
- Bug 10645: Documentation for schedule-downtime is missing required paremeters
- Bug 10648: lib/base/process.cpp SIGSEGV on Debian squeeze / RHEL 6
- Bug 10661: Incorrect web inject URL in documentation
- Bug 10663: Incorrect redirect for stderr in /usr/lib/icinga2/prepare-dirs
- Bug 10667: Indentation in command-plugins.conf
- Bug 10677: node wizard checks for /var/lib/icinga2/ca directory but not the files
- Bug 10690: CLI command 'repository add' doesn't work
- Bug 10692: Fix typos in the documentation
- Bug 10708: Windows setup wizard crashes when InstallDir registry key is not set
- Bug 10710: Incorrect path for icinga2 binary in development documentation
- Bug 10720: Remove --master_zone from --help because it is currently not implemented
- RESTful API with basic auth or client certificates
- Filters, types, permissions
- configuration package management
- query/create/modify/delete config objects at runtime
- status queries for global stats
- actions (e.g. acknowledge all service problems)
- event streams
- ITL and Plugin Check Command definitions
- The 'running_kernel' check command was moved to the plugins-contrib section. You have to update your config to include 'plugins-contrib'
- Configuration
- The global constants Enable* and Vars have been removed. Use the IcingaApplication object attributes instead.
- Features
- New Graphite tree. Please check the documentation how enable the legacy schema.
- IcingaStatusWriter feature has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
- Modified attributes are not exposed as bit mask to external interfaces anymore (api related changes). External commands like CHANGE_*_MODATTR have been removed.
- Feature 7709: Validators should be implemented in (auto-generated) native code
- Feature 8093: Add icinga, cluster, cluster-zone check information to the ApiListener status handler
- Feature 8149: graphite writer should pass "-" in host names and "." in perf data
- Feature 8666: Allow some of the Array and Dictionary methods to be inlined by the compiler
- Feature 8688: Add embedded DB IDO version health check
- Feature 8689: Add support for current and current-1 db ido schema version
- Feature 8690: 'icinga2 console' should serialize temporary attributes (rather than just config + state)
- Feature 8738: Implement support for CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS
- Feature 8741: Deprecate IcingaStatusWriter feature
- Feature 8775: Move the base command templates into libmethods
- Feature 8776: Implement support for libedit
- Feature 8791: Refactor the startup process
- Feature 8832: Implement constructor-style casts
- Feature 8842: Add support for the C++11 keyword 'override'
- Feature 8867: Use DebugHint information when reporting validation errors
- Feature 8890: Move implementation code from thpp files into separate files
- Feature 8922: Avoid unnecessary dictionary lookups
- Feature 9044: Remove the ScopeCurrent constant
- Feature 9068: Implement sandbox mode for the config parser
- Feature 9074: Basic API framework
- Feature 9076: Reflection support for the API
- Feature 9077: Implement filters for the API
- Feature 9078: Event stream support for the API
- Feature 9079: Implement status queries for the API
- Feature 9080: Add commands (actions) for the API
- Feature 9081: Add modified attribute support for the API
- Feature 9082: Runtime configuration for the API
- Feature 9083: Configuration file management for the API
- Feature 9084: Enable the ApiListener by default
- Feature 9085: Certificate-based authentication for the API
- Feature 9086: Password-based authentication for the API
- Feature 9087: Create default administrative user
- Feature 9088: API permissions
- Feature 9091: API status queries
- Feature 9093: Changelog for modified attributes
- Feature 9095: Disallow changes for certain config attributes at runtime
- Feature 9096: Dependency tracking for objects
- Feature 9098: Update modules to support adding and removing objects at runtime
- Feature 9099: Implement support for writing configuration files
- Feature 9100: Multiple sources for zone configuration tree
- Feature 9101: Commands for adding and removing objects
- Feature 9102: Support validating configuration changes
- Feature 9103: Staging for configuration validation
- Feature 9104: Implement config file management commands
- Feature 9105: API Documentation
- Feature 9175: Move 'running_kernel' check command to plugins-contrib 'operating system' section
- Feature 9286: DB IDO/Livestatus: Add zone object table w/ endpoint members
- Feature 9414: "-Wno-deprecated-register" compiler option breaks builds on SLES 11
- Feature 9447: Implement support for HTTP
- Feature 9448: Define RESTful url schema
- Feature 9461: New Graphite schema
- Feature 9470: Implement URL parser
- Feature 9471: Implement ApiUser type
- Feature 9594: Implement base64 de- and encoder
- Feature 9614: Register ServiceOK, ServiceWarning, HostUp, etc. as constants
- Feature 9647: Move url to /lib/remote from /lib/base
- Feature 9689: Add exceptions for Utility::MkDir{,P}
- Feature 9693: Add Array::FromVector() method
- Feature 9698: Implement support for X-HTTP-Method-Override
- Feature 9704: String::Trim() should return a new string rather than modifying the current string
- Feature 9705: Add real path sanity checks to provided file paths
- Feature 9723: Documentation for config management API
- Feature 9768: Update the url parsers behaviour
- Feature 9777: Make Comments and Downtime types available as ConfigObject type in the API
- Feature 9794: Setting global variables with i2tcl doesn't work
- Feature 9849: Validation for modified attributes
- Feature 9850: Re-implement events for attribute changes
- Feature 9851: Remove GetModifiedAttributes/SetModifiedAttributes
- Feature 9852: Implement support for . in modify_attribute
- Feature 9859: Implement global modified attributes
- Feature 9866: Implement support for attaching GDB to the Icinga process on crash
- Feature 9914: Rename DynamicObject/DynamicType to ConfigObject/ConfigType
- Feature 9919: Allow comments when parsing JSON
- Feature 9921: Implement the 'base' field for the Type class
- Feature 9926: Ensure that runtime config objects are persisted on disk
- Feature 9927: Figure out how to sync dynamically created objects inside the cluster
- Feature 9929: Add override keyword for all relevant methods
- Feature 9930: Document Object#clone
- Feature 9931: Implement Object#clone and rename Array/Dictionary#clone to shallow_clone
- Feature 9933: Implement support for indexers in ConfigObject::RestoreAttribute
- Feature 9935: Implement support for restoring modified attributes
- Feature 9937: Add package attribute for ConfigObject and set its origin
- Feature 9940: Implement support for filter_vars
- Feature 9944: Add String::ToLower/ToUpper
- Feature 9946: Remove debug messages in HttpRequest class
- Feature 9953: Rename config/modules to config/packages
- Feature 9960: Implement ignore_on_error keyword
- Feature 10017: Use an AST node for the 'library' keyword
- Feature 10038: Add plural_name field to /v1/types
- Feature 10039: URL class improvements
- Feature 10042: Implement a demo API client: Icinga Studio
- Feature 10060: Implement joins for status queries
- Feature 10116: Add global status handler for the API
- Feature 10186: Make ConfigObject::{G,S}etField() method public
- Feature 10194: Sanitize error status codes and messages
- Feature 10202: Add documentation for api-users.conf and app.conf
- Feature 10209: Rename statusqueryhandler to objectqueryhandler
- Feature 10212: Move /v1/ to /v1/objects/
- Feature 10243: Provide keywords to retrieve the current file name at parse time
- Feature 10257: Change object version to timestamps for diff updates on config sync
- Feature 10329: Pretty-print arrays and dictionaries when converting them to strings
- Feature 10368: Document that modified attributes require accept_config for cluster/clients
- Feature 10374: Add check command nginx_status
- Feature 10383: DB IDO should provide its connected state via /v1/status
- Feature 10385: Add 'support' tracker to changelog.py
- Feature 10387: Use the API for "icinga2 console"
- Feature 10388: Log a warning message on unauthorized http request
- Feature 10392: Original attributes list in IDO
- Feature 10393: Hide internal attributes
- Feature 10394: Add getter for endpoint 'connected' attribute
- Feature 10407: Remove api.cpp, api.hpp
- Feature 10409: Add documentation for apply+for in the language reference chapter
- Feature 10423: Ability to set port on SNMP Checks
- Feature 10431: Add the name for comments/downtimes next to legacy_id to DB IDO
- Feature 10441: Rewrite man page
- Feature 10479: Use ZoneName variable for parent_zone in node update-config
- Feature 10482: Documentation: Reorganize Livestatus and alternative frontends
- Feature 10503: Missing parameters for check jmx4perl
- Feature 10507: Add check command negate
- Feature 10509: Change GetLastStateUp/Down to host attributes
- Feature 10511: Add check command mysql
- Feature 10513: Add ipv4/ipv6 only to tcp and http CheckCommand
- Feature 10522: Change output format for 'icinga2 console'
- Feature 10547: Icinga 2 script debugger
- Feature 10548: Implement CSRF protection for the API
- Feature 10549: Change 'api setup' into a manual step while configuring the API
- Feature 10551: Change object query result set
- Feature 10566: Enhance programmatic examples for the API docs
- Feature 10574: Mention wxWidget (optional) requirement in INSTALL.md
- Feature 10575: Documentation for /v1/console
- Feature 10576: Explain variable names for joined objects in filter expressions
- Feature 10577: Documentation for the script debugger
- Feature 10591: Explain DELETE for config stages/packages
- Feature 10630: Update wxWidgets documentation for Icinga Studio
- Bug 8822: Update OpenSSL for the Windows builds
- Bug 8823: Don't allow users to instantiate the StreamLogger class
- Bug 8830: Make default notifications include users from host.vars.notification.mail.users
- Bug 8865: Failed assertion in IdoMysqlConnection::FieldToEscapedString
- Bug 8907: Validation fails even though field is not required
- Bug 8924: Specify pidfile for status_of_proc in the init script
- Bug 8952: Crash in VMOps::FunctionCall
- Bug 8989: pgsql driver does not have latest mysql changes synced
- Bug 9015: Compiler warnings with latest HEAD 5ac5f98
- Bug 9027: PostgreSQL schema sets default timestamps w/o time zone
- Bug 9053: icinga demo module can not be built
- Bug 9188: Remove incorrect 'ignore where' expression from 'ssh' apply example
- Bug 9455: Fix incorrect datatype for the check_source column in icinga_statehistory table
- Bug 9547: Wrong vars changed handler in api events
- Bug 9576: Overflow in freshness_threshold column (smallint) w/ DB IDO MySQL
- Bug 9590: 'node wizard/setup' should always generate new CN certificates
- Bug 9703: Problem with child nodes in http url registry
- Bug 9735: Broken cluster config sync w/o include_zones
- Bug 9778: Accessing field ID 0 ("prototype") fails
- Bug 9793: Operator - should not work with "" and numbers
- Bug 9795: ScriptFrame's 'Self' attribute gets corrupted when an expression throws an exception
- Bug 9813: win32 build: S_ISDIR is undefined
- Bug 9843: console autocompletion should take into account parent classes' prototypes
- Bug 9868: Crash in ScriptFrame::~ScriptFrame
- Bug 9872: Color codes in console prompt break line editing
- Bug 9876: Crash during cluster log replay
- Bug 9879: Missing conf.d or zones.d cause parse failure
- Bug 9911: Do not let API users create objects with invalid names
- Bug 9966: Fix formatting in mkclass
- Bug 9968: Implement support for '.' when persisting modified attributes
- Bug 9987: Crash in ConfigCompiler::RegisterZoneDir
- Bug 10008: Don't parse config files for branches not taken
- Bug 10012: Unused variable 'dobj' in configobject.tcpp
- Bug 10024: HTTP keep-alive does not work with .NET WebClient
- Bug 10027: Filtering by name doesn't work
- Bug 10034: Unused variable console_type in consolecommand.cpp
- Bug 10041: build failure: demo module
- Bug 10048: Error handling in HttpClient/icinga-studio
- Bug 10110: Add object_id where clause for icinga_downtimehistory
- Bug 10180: API actions do not follow REST guidelines
- Bug 10198: Detect infinite recursion in user scripts
- Bug 10210: Move the Collection status handler to /v1/status
- Bug 10211: PerfdataValue is not properly serialised in status queries
- Bug 10224: URL parser is cutting off last character
- Bug 10234: ASCII NULs don't work in string values
- Bug 10238: Use a temporary file for modified-attributes.conf updates
- Bug 10241: Properly encode URLs in Icinga Studio
- Bug 10249: Config Sync shouldn't send updates for objects the client doesn't have access to
- Bug 10253: /v1/objects/ returns an HTTP error when there are no objects of that type
- Bug 10255: Config sync does not set endpoint syncing and plays disconnect-sync ping-pong
- Bug 10256: ConfigWriter::EmitValue should format floating point values properly
- Bug 10326: icinga2 repository host add does not work
- Bug 10350: Remove duplicated text in section "Apply Notifications to Hosts and Services"
- Bug 10355: Version updates are not working properly
- Bug 10360: Icinga2 API performance regression
- Bug 10371: Ensure that modified attributes work with clients with local config and no zone attribute
- Bug 10386: restore_attribute does not work in clusters
- Bug 10403: Escaping $ not documented
- Bug 10406: Misleading wording in generated zones.conf
- Bug 10410: OpenBSD: hang during ConfigItem::ActivateItems() in daemon startup
- Bug 10417: 'which' isn't available in a minimal CentOS container
- Bug 10422: Changing a group's attributes causes duplicate rows in the icinga_*group_members table
- Bug 10433: 'dig_lookup' custom attribute for the 'dig' check command isn't optional
- Bug 10436: Custom variables aren't removed from the IDO database
- Bug 10439: "Command options" is empty when executing icinga2 without any argument.
- Bug 10440: Improve --help output for the --log-level option
- Bug 10455: Improve error handling during log replay
- Bug 10456: Incorrect attribute name in the documentation
- Bug 10457: Don't allow scripts to access FANoUserView attributes in sandbox mode
- Bug 10461: Line continuation is broken in 'icinga2 console'
- Bug 10466: Crash in IndexerExpression::GetReference when attempting to set an attribute on an object other than the current one
- Bug 10473: IDO tries to execute empty UPDATE queries
- Bug 10491: Unique constraint violation with multiple comment inserts in DB IDO
- Bug 10495: Incorrect JSON-RPC message causes Icinga 2 to crash
- Bug 10498: IcingaStudio: Accessing non-ConfigObjects causes ugly exception
- Bug 10501: Plural name rule not treating edge case correcly
- Bug 10504: Increase the default timeout for OS checks
- Bug 10508: Figure out whether we need the Checkable attributes state_raw, last_state_raw, hard_state_raw
- Bug 10510: CreatePipeOverlapped is not thread-safe
- Bug 10512: Mismatch on {comment,downtime}_id vs internal name in the API
- Bug 10517: Circular reference between *Connection and TlsStream objects
- Bug 10518: Crash in ConfigWriter::GetKeywords
- Bug 10527: Fix indentation for Dictionary::ToString
- Bug 10529: Change session_token to integer timestamp
- Bug 10535: Spaces do not work in command arguments
- Bug 10538: Crash in ConfigWriter::EmitIdentifier
- Bug 10539: Don't validate custom attributes that aren't strings
- Bug 10540: Async mysql queries aren't logged in the debug log
- Bug 10545: Broken build - unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall icinga::ApiClient::ExecuteScript...
- Bug 10555: Don't try to use --gc-sections on Solaris
- Bug 10556: Update OpenSSL for the Windows builds
- Bug 10558: There's a variable called 'string' in filter expressions
- Bug 10559: Autocompletion doesn't work in the debugger
- Bug 10560: 'api setup' should create a user even when api feature is already enabled
- Bug 10561: 'remove-comment' action does not support filters
- Bug 10562: Documentation should not reference real host names
- Bug 10563: /v1/console should only use a single permission
- Bug 10568: Improve location information for errors in API filters
- Bug 10569: Icinga 2 API Docs
- Bug 10578: API call doesn't fail when trying to use a template that doesn't exist
- Bug 10580: Detailed error message is missing when object creation via API fails
- Bug 10583: modify_attribute: object cannot be cloned
- Bug 10588: Documentation for /v1/types
- Bug 10596: Deadlock in MacroProcessor::EvaluateFunction
- Bug 10601: Don't allow users to set state attributes via PUT
- Bug 10602: API overwrites (and then deletes) config file when trying to create an object that already exists
- Bug 10604: Group memberships are not updated for runtime created objects
- Bug 10629: Download URL for NSClient++ is incorrect
- Bug 10637: Utility::FormatErrorNumber fails when error message uses arguments