Releases: danmunn/redmine_dmsf
Releases · danmunn/redmine_dmsf
Version 3.0.7
- AlphaNode's plugins compatibility
- Approval workflow enhancement
- Global search
- New filters
Version 3.0.6
- Default query
- GitHub CI
- PosgreSQL compatibility
Version 3.0.5
- Aproval wokflows notifications fix
Version 3.0.4
Version macro extension
Version 3.0.3
- Security enhancement
- Persian localisation
- DMSF images in PDF export
Version 3.0.2
- MS SQL compatibility
- RedmineUp's plugins compatibility
Version 3.0.1
- Inline displaying of office documents
- Custom fields displayed by folders
- Compatibility with RedmineUp's plugins
- Compatibility with Issue EVM plugin
- New hooks
Version 3.0.0
- Redmine 5.0
- Watchable documents and folders
- Patch version
Version 2.4.11
- Gitlab CI
- REST API from documents and folders movement
- PostgreSQL fixed
Version 2.4.10
- German and English localisation improvement