- Fix formatting bug where a level of indentation was being lost when alignAttributes was true and a tag was formatted that didn't have any attributes.
- Add setting for collapsing elements with no content.
- Update dependency versions
- Minor bug fixes, test fixes, and refactoring
- Fix extension settings (qub-xml -> qub-xml-vscode)
- Format document will now add tabs and spaces instead of just spaces if tab is the selected indentation.
- Add telemetry for when the extension gets activated. This will only be sent once a day if telemetry is enabled.
- Fix bug where first xml document opened in a VS Code session won't be recognized as an XML document
- Restructure code into separate NPM packages
- Added link to a GitHub repository where bugs can be logged.
- Added qub-xml.formatOptions.alignAttributes configuration setting which controls whether attributes within a tag that appear on different lines will be aligned to the column index of the first attribute in the tag (alignAttributes: true) or will be aligned to one more indent than the tag itself (alignAttributes: false).
- Fix formatting when empty elements were children of elements
- Improve start tag formatting when attributes are on separate lines
- Removed auto-indent feature because my implementation was just too hacky
- Fix auto-add end tag when element is nested inside another element
- Fix auto-add comment closing sequence when comment comes before another comment
- Simplify telemetry
- Fix icon for dark themes
- Update icon to have transparent background
- Update README for 1.0.0 release
- Add extension icon
- XML document format now uses the spaces specified in the status bar
- Automatically close XML CDATA when second left square bracket ('[') is typed
- Automatically close XML comments when second dash ('-') is typed
- Fix XML document formatting where newlines would be added on each format operation
- Automatically close XML elements when start tag's closing right angle bracket '>' is typed
- Fix bug where an XML document's issues wouldn't be cleared when the document was closed
- Fix comment not closed bug when apostrophes and unclosed quoted strings appear in comment text
- Improve XML document formatting
- Add auto-completion for declaration attribute values
- Add telemetry
- Tag names and attribute names can now contain underscores (_), periods (.), colons (:), and digits (0 - 9)
- Fix declaration attribute name autocompletion when right question and/or right angle bracket don't exist
- Remove case-sensitivity for declaration attribute values (encoding and standalone)
- Improve declaration attribute name auto-completion
- Add error messages for declaration attributes and attribute values
- Add error messages for declaration and DOCTYPE elements inside of a parent element
- Add XML document formatting (Alt+Shift+F)
- Initial release