You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 0
--role: Let a user join a role (see Permission role in the standard permissions) Syntax: --role <group> [<user>]
--unnick: Unnicks Players if there are no players given the Author will be unnicked (see Permission unnick(.others) in the standard permissions) Syntax: --unnick (<Player names>)
--kick: kicks a user (see Permission kick in the standard permissions) Syntax: --kick <victim>
--clear: Clears minimal 2 and maximum 100 Messages in the current text Channel(the messages should not be older then 2 weeks (see Permission clearChat in the standard permissions) Syntax: --clear <number of messages>
--cls: Clears minimal 2 and maximum 100 Messages in the current text Channel(the messages should not be older then 2 weeks (see Permission clearChat in the standard permissions) Syntax: --clear <number of messages>
--autorole: Sets, removes or lists autoroles(An autorole is a role which is given to a user when joining the Guild (Discord Server) (see Permission autorole in the standard permissions) Syntax: --autorole add/remove <name of the role>, list
--voicekick: kicks a user out of a voice Channel (see Permission vkick in the standard permissions) Syntax: --voicekick<user>
--vkick: kicks a user out of a voice Channel (see Permission vkick in the standard permissions) Syntax: --vkick <user>
--timeban: bans a user (see Permission ban in the standard permissions) the time should be in the format days, days:hours or days:hours:minutes without whitespaces(only numbers and colons). Syntax: --tban <time> <victim> (<reason>)
--tban: bans a user (see Permission ban in the standard permissions) the time should be in the format days, days:hours or days:hours:minutes without whitespaces(only numbers and colons). Syntax: --tban <time> <victim> (<reason>)
--ban: bans a user (see Permission ban in the standard permissions) Syntax: --ban <victim> (<reason>)
--vkick kicks a user out of a voice Channel Syntax: --vkick <user>
--motd: displays or sets the message of the day! (see Permission motd(.show/.set) in the standard permissions) Syntax: --motd ((set )<new motd>)
--help: Show this help Syntax: --help (<Command/Command Type>)
--music: Play one or more youTube video in the audio channel you are OR go to the next music in the Queue OR stop the music OR shuffle the music OR get info about the track you are listening OR list the queue (see Permission playMusic in the standard permissions) Syntax: --music play/p (<number of Tracks you want to Play>) <URL of the video>/<search term>, skip/s, stop, shuffle, now/info, queue
--ping: Pong! output Bot ping (see Permission ping in the standard permissions) Syntax: --ping
--v: Creates a poll OR vote for the poll OR show the stats of the poll OR close the poll (see vote Permissions in the standard permissions) Syntax: --vote create <Poll: Question|answer 1|answer 2|...>, v/vote <number of answer you want to vote>, stats/s, close
--dice: Rolls the dice one time or often. (see Permission dice in the standard permissions) Syntax: --dice (<number>)
--say: Write a message in the chat(see Permission say in the standard permissions) Syntax: --say <message>
--clearpm: Clears minimal 2 and maximum 100 Messages in private Channel with the Bot Syntax: --clearPM <number of messages>
--spam: Spams a number of messages (ATTENTION: takes a while because of Discord Spam Protection) the spam can be stopped with --spam 0 (see Permission spam in the standard permissions) Syntax: --spam <number of messages> <message>
--vote: Creates a poll OR vote for the poll OR show the stats of the poll OR close the poll (see vote Permissions in the standard permissions) Syntax: --vote create <Poll: Question|answer 1|answer 2|...>, v/vote <number of answer you want to vote>, stats/s, close
--m: Play one or more youTube video in the audio channel you are OR go to the next music in the Queue OR stop the music OR shuffle the music OR get info about the track you are listening OR list the queue (see Permission playMusic in the standard permissions) Syntax: --music play/p (<number of Tracks you want to Play>) <URL of the video>/<search term>, skip/s, stop, shuffle, now/info, queue
--user: Writes information about a member of the guild (see Permission userinfo in the standard permissions) Syntax: --user <username, nickname or id>
--userphone opens/closes an userphone connection (see Permission userphone in Command perm get) Syntax: "+prefix+"userphone open/close"
--vbridge opens/closes an userphone connection (see Permission userphone in Command perm get) Syntax: "+prefix+"userphone open/close"
--perm: get, set, remove, reset, reload or change a DanBot1-Permission Role Permissions (see perm Permissions in the standard permissions) Syntax: --perm get/show, reload, reset, set <Permission name> <Permission groups>,remove/rem <Permission name> (<Permission groups), changeRole <old Role> <new Role>
--cmdlogger: set or show the Logger Channel (see Permission logger(.set/show) in the standard permissions) Syntax: --cmdLogger show, set <new cmdLogger>
--prefix: set or show the preifx (see Permissions perfix(.show/set) in the standard permissions) Syntax: --prefix show, set <new Prefix>
--autoc: Set or unset or list channels which are duplicated when somebody joins (see Permission autochannel in the standard permissions) Syntax: --autochannel set/add <ID of the AutoChannel>, remove/unset/rem/delete/del <ID of the AutoChannel>, list
--autochannel: Set or unset or list channels which are duplicated when somebody joins (see Permission autochannel in the standard permissions) Syntax: --autochannel set/add <ID of the AutoChannel>, remove/unset/rem/delete/del <ID of the AutoChannel>, list
--lang: Sets or shows the language for the Discord Server
should be valid shortcuts (e.g.en
) (see Permission changeLanguage in the standard permissions) Syntax: --lang get, set <Language> (<country> (<Variant>)) -
--chlang: Sets or shows the language for the Discord Server
should be valid shortcuts (e.g.en
) (see Permission changeLanguage in the standard permissions) Syntax: --lang get, set <Language> (<country> (<Variant>)) -
--changelanguage: Sets or shows the language for the Discord Server
should be valid shortcuts (e.g.en
) (see Permission changeLanguage in the standard permissions) Syntax: --lang get, set <Language> (<country> (<Variant>))
--reload: reloads Guild Files
--eval: Command to evaluate Code
--blacklist: Command to prevent users from using the bot globally
--sudo: executes Commands as another User
--stop: Emergancy-stopps the Bot
--restart: restarts the bot
DanBot1 uses Discord Roles for its Permission System.
If a role doesn't exist it will be ignored.
The permissions are set up automatically
- role: Admin
- perm: *
- ping: *
- prefix: *
- logger: *
- dice: *
- logger.show: *
- playMusic: *
- prefix.set: Owner | Admin
- vkick: Owner | Admin
- ban: Admin
- unnick: *
- vote: *
- logger.set: Owner | Admin
- userinfo: *
- unnick.others: Owner | Admin
- vote.create: *
- motd: *
- motd.change: *
- say: *
- autorole: Owner | Admin
- perm.get: *
- clearChat: Owner | Admin
- kick: Owner
- prefix.show: *
- autoChannel: Owner | Admin
- vote.stats: *
- vote.vote: *
- perm.change: Owner
- multicolor.set: Owner | Admin
- vote.close: *
- spam: Owner
- vkick: Owner | Admin
- changeLanguage: Owner | Admin
- when running the Bot for the first time it will create a Directory plugins in a Directory named SERVER_SETTINGS.
- You can install plugins by copying the .jar File of the Plugin in this Directory
- You may only install Plugins made specifically for DanBot1.
- Create a new Maven Project
- Make sure that you are using Java 1.8
- add DanBot1 to the Dependencies (replace VERSION with ):
- Commands for the Bot have to be annotated with
- Commands should have a no-args-Constructor
- the field aliases in
mean the Command aliases (should be at least one) - Commands should implement the Interface
- Listeners should be annotated with
- Listeners should have a no-args-Constructor
- Listeners should extend
- You can run the Bot by executing io.github.danthe1st.danbot1.core.Main.main(String[] args);
- you can export the plugin as a normal JAR File or use a maven export(mvn package), but the Commands and Listeners should be accessible and should hava a no-args-Constructor.
DanBot1 by danthe1st