stub kotlin application (with MODIFY_PHONE_STATE perm) to relay AT commands received over TCP/9999 to TelephonyManager.iccTransmitApduBasicChannel
In order to have MODIFY_PHONE_STATE perm, the app is packaged as a Magisk module that puts the APK (and appropriate permission metadata file) in /system/priv-app. Note that the app is not considered a carrierapp nevertheless privileged TelephonyManager calls are authorized with this perm.
TelephonyManager.iccTransmitApduBasicChannel does not have filtering over AT+CSIM contrary to QC serial AT iface
socat bridge : socat -x pty,link=/dev/virtualcom0,rawer,b115200,crnl tcp:,crnl
(chmod 666 /dev/virtualcom0)
adb forward : adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:9999
pysim must be patched bc mainline pysim does not work well with AT modem transport, this is sufficient to get a pysim shell
./ -a 55555555 --modem-device /dev/virtualcom0
Using modem for Generic SIM Access (3GPP TS 27.007) at port /dev/virtualcom0
Waiting for card...
Warning: Could not detect card type - assuming a generic card type...
Info: Card is of type: UICC
AIDs on card:
USIM: a0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (EF.DIR)
ISIM: a0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (EF.DIR)
unknown: a000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (EF.DIR)
Welcome to pySim-shell!
pySIM-shell (00:MF)> select ADF.USIM
{ "file_descriptor": { "file_descriptor_byte": { "shareable": true, "file_type": "df", "structure": "no_info_given" }, "record_len": null, "num_of_rec": null }, "df_name": "a0000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "life_cycle_status_integer": "operational_activated", "security_attrib_referenced": { "ef_arr_file_id": "2f06", "ef_arr_record_nr": 1 }, "pin_status_template_do": { "ps_do": "a0", "key_reference": 10 } } pySIM-shell (00:MF/ADF.USIM)> select . 6f4b 6fc9 ADF.USIM EF.EXT3 EF.NETPAR .. 6f4c 6fca DF.5G_ProSe EF.EXT4 EF.NIA 3f00 6f4d 6fcb DF.5GS EF.EXT5 EF.OCI 5f3a 6f4e 6fcc DF.GSM-ACCESS EF.EXT6 EF.OCT 5f3b 6f4f 6fcd DF.HNB EF.EXT7 EF.OPL 5f40 6f50 6fce DF.PHONEBOOK EF.EXT8 EF.OPLMNwAcT 5f50 6f55 6fcf DF.ProSe EF.FDN EF.PLMNwAcT 5f90 6f56 6fd0 DF.SAIP EF.FDNURI EF.PNN 5fc0 6f57 6fd1 DF.SNPN EF.FPLMN EF.PNNI 5fd0 6f58 6fd2 DF.WLAN EF.FromPreferred EF.PSLOCI 5fe0 6f5b 6fd3 EF.AAeM EF.GBABP EF.PUCT 5ff0 6f5c 6fd4 EF.ACC EF.GBANL EF.PWS 6f01 6f60 6fd5 EF.ACL EF.GID1 EF.RPLMNAcTD 6f05 6f61 6fd6 EF.ACM EF.GID2 EF.SDN 6f06 6f62 6fd7 EF.ACMmax EF.HPLMNwAcT EF.SDNURI 6f07 6f65 6fd8 EF.AD EF.HPPLMN EF.SMS 6f08 6f73 6fd9 EF.ARR EF.ICI EF.SMSP 6f09 6f78 6fda EF.BDN EF.ICT EF.SMSR 6f2c 6f7b 6fdb EF.BDNURI EF.IMSI EF.SMSS 6f31 6f7e 6fdd EF.CBMI EF.IPS EF.SPDI 6f32 6f80 6fde EF.CBMID EF.Keys EF.SPN 6f37 6f81 6fdf EF.CBMIR EF.KeysPS EF.SPNI 6f38 6f82 6fe2 EF.CCP2 EF.LI EF.START-HFN 6f39 6f83 6fe3 EF.CFIS EF.LOCI EF.THRESHOLD 6f3b 6fad 6fe4 EF.CMI EF.MBDN EF.UFC 6f3c 6fb1 6fe6 EF.CNL EF.MBI EF.UST 6f3e 6fb2 6fe8 EF.DCK EF.MMSICP EF.VBCSCA 6f3f 6fb3 6fec EF.eAKA EF.MMSN EF.VBS 6f40 6fb4 6fed EF.ECC EF.MMSUCP EF.VBSS 6f41 6fb5 6fee EF.eDPDGId EF.MMSUP EF.VGCS 6f42 6fb6 6fef EF.EHPLMN EF.MSISDN EF.VGCSCA 6f43 6fb7 6ff1 EF.EHPLMNPI EF.MSK EF.VGCSS 6f45 6fc4 6ff3 EF.eMLPP EF.MUK MF 6f46 6fc5 6ff7 EF.EPSLOCI EF.MWIS 6f47 6fc6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EF.EPSNSC EF.NAFKCA 6f48 6fc7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx EF.EST EF.NASCONFIG 6f49 6fc8 ADF.ISIM EF.EXT2 EF.NCP-IP pySIM-shell (00:MF/ADF.USIM)> select EF.IMSI { "file_descriptor": { "file_descriptor_byte": { "shareable": true, "file_type": "working_ef", "structure": "transparent" }, "record_len": null, "num_of_rec": null }, "file_identifier": "6f07", "life_cycle_status_integer": "operational_activated", "security_attrib_referenced": { "ef_arr_file_id": "6f06", "ef_arr_record_nr": 10 }, "file_size": 9, "short_file_identifier": 7 }