Started on 13 July,2020
Tagline - Your answers just a click away Tagline introduction date - 28 April,2021
Solves various Math Problems along with Steps
- Speed
- No Server-side Interactions
- Complex Calculations within a few ms(milliseconds)
Other Tech/Libraries
- nerdamer for solving various Calculations
- plotly.js by Math.js for plotting Graphs
- KaTeX for typesetting Math
- Bootstrap for UI
- jQuery for UI Toggling actions
- SideNav from MaterializeCSS for touch friendly SideNav only
- Flaticons for Icons
- eMathHelp for Calculus Steps
Inbuilt Calculator
- Regular Calculations
- Scientific Calculations
- Fraction/Decimal Answer
Linear Algebra
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Euclid Geometry (Axioms and Postulates)
- Operations on Sets
- Sets,Relations and Functions
- Types of Relations
- Sets Formulas List
- Sigma Notation
- Matrix (with Steps)
- Transpose
- Minors and Co-Factors
- Determinant with Laplace(Upto 5×5)
- Rank
- Inverse
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Properties of Matrices and Determinants
- Cramer's Rule Calculator
- Solve for X
- Cayley Hamilton Theorem and Diagonalization
- Mean Calculator(AM GM & HM)
- Sequence & Series
- Sum of Nterms of an Arithmetic Progression
- Sum of Nterms of a Geometric Progression
- Sum of Nterms of a Harmonic Progression
- Important Series and Sequences
- Aliquot Sums
Conic Section
- Circle
- Parabola
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Paraboloid
- Inverse and Periodicity of Functions
- Transformation of Functions
- Integration
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Integration Formulas
- Definite Integration Formulae
- Methods of Integration
- Improper to Proper Integral
- Differentiation + Higher Order
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Differentiation Formulas
- Partial Differentiation
- Solution/Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Differential Equations
- Partial Differential Equations
- Power Series
- Theorems on Differentiation
- Application of Derivative
- Maxima and Minima of functions
- Beta Gamma Functions
- Gamma Function Calculator
- Beta Function Calculator
- Laplace + Inverse Laplace
- Solution from Nerdamer
- Steps from eMathHelp
- Graph
- Laplace Transforms and Properties
- Limits
- Tangent and Normal
- Vector Calculus
- Vector Calculator
- Vector Algebra
- Convergence and Divergence of Series
- Fourier Series
- P/B/H Trigo
- Hyperbolic trignometrics ratios calculator
- Trigonometric Values
- Trigonometric Identities
- Tigonometric Functions
- Inverse Trigonometric Identities
- Hyperbolic Trigonometric Identities
- Inverse Hyperbolic Trigonometric Identities
- Unit Circle
- General Solution of Trigonometric Equations
- Height and Distance
- Expansion of Functions
- Solution of Triangles
- Law of Sines Calculator
- Law of Cosines Calculator
- Sum and Difference Of Trignometric Function
General Maths (with Steps)
Ackermann Function
- Upto 20 numbers
- Calculating Factors of each number and picking common out of them
- Prime Factorization ( with steps for single number)
Euclid GCD
Antilog calculator
Change Log base
Doubling Time
Percentage change
Percentage off
Modulo calculator
Sieve of Eratosthenes
Adam Numbers
Greatest Integer Function and Fractional Part
Exponential Growth Calculator
Percentile Rank Calculator
Half Life Calculator
Direct And Indirect Proportion
Cross Multiplication Calculator
Diamond Problem Calculator
Additive Inverse
Multiplicative Inverse
Square root calculator
Unit Rate Calculator
Order of Magnitude Calculator
Work And Time Calculator
Abundant Number
Solve for Exponents
Sum of Square of Given number
Natural Numbers
Clock Angle Calculator
Root Mean Square
Squares and Cubes Calculator
Relative Risk Calculator
Negative Binomial Distribution Calculator
n-th base root calculator
Perfect Squares & Cubes in a range
Percentage Calculator
Error Percentage Calculator
Cost and Selling Prices
Effective Interest Rate
Profit Loss Calculations
Set Calculator
Pythagorean Triplets
Rank Calculator
Leap Year
Hydrostatic Pressure
Logarithm Properties
Logarithm Calculator
- Calculates the log of x to the base y
Ln Calculator
Binomial Theorem Properties
Binomial Coefficient Calculator
Binomial expression multiplication
Foil Calculator
Operations on Fractions
Multiplication Table
- Prints Multiplication Table
- Division
- Divisibility Checker
Multiplication with Steps
Rounding off numbers
EMI Calculator
GST Calculator
Golden Ratio Calculator
Golden Rectangle Calculator
Polynomial Degree Finder
Permutation & Combination
Prime Numbers
- Primality Test
- Primes till entered number
Euler Totient Function
Euler Totient Calculator
Next Prime Number
Smallest Prime Factor
Sum of Divisors
Double Factorial
Catalan Numbers
Desargues Theorem
Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions
Smallest Number Divisible
Lucas series
Types of numbers
Neon Number
Disarium Number
Krishnamurthy Number
Automorphic Number
Pronic Number
Harshad Number
Cullen Number
Trimorphic Number
Eulerian Number
Carmichael Number
Delannoy Number
Basic Convertors
- Currency Convertor
- Conversion to words (eg. '243' to 'two hundred and forty three only')
- Conversion to words
- Unit Convertor
- Length
- Area
- Volume
- Mass
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Energy
- Radiation
- Time
- Angle
- Speed
- Data
- Power
- Improper to Mixed Fraction
- Percentage and Ratio Converter
- SPI/CGPA Convertor
- Ascending and Descending Order
- Date
- Roman/Arabic Numerals
- Conversion from Roman to Arabic and vice versa
- Expanding the Arabic numbers (eg. '2423' to '2000+400+20+3')
- Expanding the Roman numbers (eg. 'CIV' to 'C+IV')
- Currency Convertor
Graphs & Shapes
Plot Graph
- Plots a Graph of entered Equation having single variable 'x'
Plot Bar Graph
- Plots a Bar Graph along x and y axis by taking input from the user
Plot Angle
Supplementary Angle Calculator
Complementary Angle Calculator
Coterminal Angle Calculator
SSS Triangle's Angle Calculator
Straight Line Formulas
Properties of Parallel Lines
Coordinate Systems
Manhattan Distance Calculator
Cartesian coordinates calculator
Spherical coordinates calculator
Cylindrical coordinates calculator
Polar coordinates calculator
Bilinear Interpolation Calculator
Coordinate Geometry Calculator
Coordinate Geometry Formula and Theorem
Segment Area Calculator
Curve Tracing
Ceva's and Thale's Theorem
Important Graph Calculators
Properties of Circles
Triangle Calculator
Ineqaulities of Triangles
Properties of Quadrilaterals
Segment Area Calculator
Arc Length Calculator
Area of Crescent and Lunes
Platonic Solids
2-D Shapes Inscribed
Name Of 2D Shapes
Shapes Calculator + Written formulas
- Square
- Rectangle
- Round corner
- Rhombus
- Triangles
- Equilateral Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle
- Isosceles Right Triangle
- Right-angled Triangle
- Scalene Triangle
- Circle
- Sector of circle
- Semi-Circle
- Annulus
- Kite
- Lemniscate
- Line
- Trapezium
- Ellipse
- Stadium
- Claw
- Cycloid
- Double Cycloid
- Parallelogram
- Polygons: Pentagon, Concave Pentagon, Hexagon, Concave Hexagon, Stretched Hexagon, Heptagon, Octagon, Nonagon, Decagon, Dodecagon, Hendecagon, TriDecagon, TetraDecagon, Pentadecagon, Hexadecagon, Heptadecagon, Octadecagon, Enneadecagon, Icosagon, Polygon Calculator
- Star Polygons: Pentagram, Hexagram, Unicursal Hexagram, Octagram, Double Star Polygon, Star of Lakshmi
- T-Shape
- H-Shape
- L-Shape
- X-Shape
- Drop Shape
- Arbelos
- Helix
- Spherical Triangle
- Right Kite
Name Of 3D Shapes
3D Shapes Calculator
- Capsule
- Cube
- Cuboid
- Cupola
- Cylinder
- Cone
- Double Calotte
- Sphere
- Hollow Cylinder
- Oblique Circular Cylinder
- Hollow Sphere
- Hemisphere
- Torus
- Conical Frustum
- Ellipsoid
- Prisms
- Pyramids
- Wedge
- Octahedron
- Tetrahedron
- Dodecahedron
- Rhombic Dodecahedron
- Icosahedron
- Cuboctahedron
- Parallelepiped
- Hyperboloid
- N-dimension Sphere
- Trapezoid
- Spheroidal Cap
- Ellipsoidal Cap
- Hollow Cuboid
3-D shapes Inscribed
4-D Shapes Calculator
- Glome
- Tesseract
- Hypersphere
3-D Geometry
3-D Geometry Calculator
Volume, CSA, TSA
Volumetric Weight Calculator
Percentage change in volume of a cube
Percentage change in volume of a sphere
Percentage change in volume of a Cuboid
Congruence and Similarity of Triangles
Faulhaber Formula
- Algebraic Equations Formulas
- Roots of Quadratic Equation
- Location of Roots
- Play with Equations (without Steps)
- Simplify Equation
- Expand Equation
- Solve value of variables of multiple inputted equations
- Quadratic Equation Calculator
Binary Calculations
- Boolean Algebra
- Any Base to Any Base Converter
- Bin/Dec/Oct/Hex Converter
- Addition of any Number System
- Subtraction of any Number System
- Multiplication of any Number System
- Division Of any Number System
- Decimal/BCD Converter
- BCD Code Addition
- Excess-3 Code Converter
- Decimal/2421 Code Converter
- Grey Code Converter
- Bitwise Calculator
- (R-1)'s & R's Complement Calculator
- Hamming Code
- Hamming Distance
Complex Numbers
- Identities
- Properties
- De-Moivre's Theorem and Cauchy-Reimann Theorem
- Representation by Power Series
- Milne Thomson Method
- Contour Integration
- Residue Methods
- Cauchy Integral,Liouville and Rouche Theorem
- Operations for 1 complex number
- Magnitude
- Argument
- Conjugate
- Square Root
- Polar Representation
- Euler Representation
- Nth-Power of Complex Number
- Operations for 2 complex numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Roots of Unity calculator
- Empirical Probability
- Geometric Probability Distribution
- Conditional Probability
- Joint Probability
- Independent And Dependent Event Probability
- Probabilty Properties
- Binomial Distribution Calculator
- Poisson Distribution Calculator
- Hypergeometric Distribution Calculator
- Bayes Probability Theorem
- Poisson Distribution Statistics
- Hypergeometric Distribution Statistics
- Exponential Distribution Calculator
- Gamma Distribution Calculator
- Mean and Variance of Random variable
- Statistics Formulae
- Weighted Mean Calculator
- Mean Median Mode
- Midrange Calculator
- Sensitivity and Specificity Calculator
- Standard Deviation
- T-test
- AB-test
- F-test
- Z-test
- Z score Calculator
- Relative Risk Calculator
- Negative Binomial Distribution Calculator
- p chart Calculator
- p value Calculator
- np chart Calculator
- Confidence Interval Calculator
- PPV calculator
- NPV calculator
- Odds Calculator
- Skewness Calculator
- Coefficient of Variation
- Covariance Calculator
- Correlation Coefficient Calculator
- Linear Regression Calculator
- Margin of Error Calculator
- Chi-Square Test
Documentation Website :- Link
- To add more useful calculators to solve Math problems along with steps
- To show steps of Integration, Differentiation, Laplace, Partial Differentiation rather than showing on eMathHelp website by redirecting to it
- Improving the UI
- Adding Image/Handwriting recognition so that user can click/write a problem and converted to text for further processing
Feel free to come up with new ideas yourself.
If you think that you can add a new feature or want to fix a bug. We invite you to contribute to MakesMathEasy and make this project better. To start contributing, follow the below instructions:
Create a folder at your desire location (usually at your desktop).
Open Git Bash Here
Create a Git repository.
Run command
git init
Fork the repository.
Clone your forked repository of project.
git clone<your_username>/MakesMathEasy.git
- Navigate to the project directory.
cd MakesMathEasy
- Add a reference(remote) to the original repository.
git remote add upstream
- Check the remotes for this repository.
git remote -v
- Always take a pull from the upstream repository to your main branch to keep it updated as per the main project repository.
git pull upstream main
- Create a new branch(prefer a branch name that relates to your assigned issue).
git checkout -b <YOUR_BRANCH_NAME>
Perform your desired changes to the code base.
Check your changes.
git status
git diff
- Stage your changes.
git add . <\files_that_you_made_changes>
- Commit your changes.
git commit -m "relavant message"
- Push the committed changes in your feature branch to your remote repository.
git push -u origin <your_branch_name>
To create a pull request, click on
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Click on
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If you have any doubts please let us know in the comments.
- Rajinderpal Singh (Admin)
- Shrey Tripathi (Mentor)
- Apeksha Manchanda (Mentor)
- Nidhi (Mentor)
Thanks to these wonderful peoples ✨✨: