This document specifies the "Strict raw types" mode enabled with a static
analysis option. As a static analysis option, we only intend to implement this
feature in the Dart Analyzer. Under this feature, a type with omitted type
argument(s) is defined as a "raw type." Dart fills in such type arguments with
their bounds, or dynamic
if there are no bounds.
To enable strict raw types, set the strict-raw-types
option to true
, under
the Analyzer's language
strict-raw-types: true
It is possible to write Dart code that passes all static type analysis and compile-time checks that is guaranteed to result in runtime errors. Common examples include runtime type errors, and no-such-method errors. Developers are often surprised to see such errors at runtime, which look like they should be caught at compile time.
The strict raw types mode aims to highlight such code during static analysis. We can look at some common examples:
void main() {
List a = [1, 2, 3];
Developers often think that inference fills in the type of a
from the right
side of the assignment. It may look like a
has the type List<int>
. But Dart
fills in omitted type arguments, like E
on List
, with dynamic
(or the
corresponding type parameter's bound); List a;
is purely a shorthand for
List<dynamic> a;
. Inference then flows from a
onto the expression on the
right side of the assignment. This is more obvious in another example:
void main() {
List a = [1, 2, 3]..forEach((e) => print(e.length));
var b = [4, 5, 6]..forEach((e) => print(e.length));
The first statement does not result in any static analysis errors, since the
type of the list is inferred to be List<dynamic>
. Instead, the code results
in a runtime no-such-method error, when the length
getter is called on an
The second statement, however, allows the type of the list to be inferred from
its elements, as List<int>
, which results in a static analysis type error,
which notes that the getter length
is not defined on int
Raw types can also lead to unintended dynamic dispatch:
void main() {
List a = [1, 2, 3];
a.forEach((e) => print(e.isEven));
The developer likely does not realize that the parameter e
of the callback is
, and that the call to isEven
is a dynamic dispatch.
Reporting strict raw types encourages developers to fill in omitted type
arguments, hopefully with something other than dynamic
. In cases where the
only good type is dynamic
, then including it as an explicit type argument
avoids the raw type, and makes the dynamic behavior more explicit in the code.
Any raw type results in a raw type Hint, except under the following conditions:
- the raw type is on the right side of an
or anis
expression - the raw type is defined by a class, mixin, or typedef annotated with the
annotation from the meta package.
This section is non-normative. It does not represent an exhaustive selection of conditions for a raw type Hint.
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
List l1 = [1, 2, 3]; // Hint
List<List> l2 = [1, 2, 3]; // Hint
final f1 = Future.value(7); // OK
fn1(Map map) => print(map); // Hint
Map fn2() => {}; // Hint
class C1 {
List l3 = [1, 2, 3]; // Hint
print([] is Set); // OK
m(Map map) => print(map); // Hint
class C2<T> {}
class C3 extends C2 {} // Hint
class C4 implements C2 {} // Hint
class C5 with C2 {} // Hint
typedef Callback<T> = void Function(T);
Callback = (int n) => print(n); // Hint
class C6<T> {}
C6 a; // OK
List<C6> b; // OK
C6<List> c; // Hint
class C7 extends C6 {} // OK